
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

CHAPTER 16- Reading club.

CHAPTER 16- Reading club.

The maids of the Molfer family are very special, as they are selected by Sei Molfer herself, for their abilities and virtues.

Not only do they earn more than an S-class adventurer for just cleaning and housekeeping, but they are also rewarded with experience, as working for Sei Molfer guarantees them to be by her side in important battles, and for warriors like them, that's more important than money.

Kei has formed a certain friendship with two of them: Mia and Treka.

They share Kei's sense of humor and he feels quite comfortable with them, but he does not want to have them as companions, for the simple reason that one of them, Treka, has a boyfriend and Mia is one of his mother's favorite maids, he does not want to risk his mission by having as a companion a person so close to his mother.

"So, you want more?"

All three have shared near-death experiences, which has made them best friends. Kei wants to keep that friendship, that's also one of the reasons why he doesn't want them to fall in love with him. In his original world, Nia was his only female friend, he had no other female friends, mainly because of his low self-esteem, which made him think he was disgusting and disgusted them. But in this new world, power matters more than beauty, so Kei, being a powerful man, allows him to think that they don't consider him disgusting, and that thought allows him to approach women and be their friend.

"N-no, get away from me, monster!"

On one occasion, during a mission they did together, they were confronted with a scientist who experimented on her own body, turning her into an SS-class monster.

They were powerful, but they only had the power of an A-class adventurer, it was impossible for them to defeat such a powerful monster, but Kei managed to think of a plan that allowed him to defeat her.

The three, when confronted with her, were about to give up and run away, as they were running out of energy, both magical and their body energy, but...

"You hurt Treka and Mia, so don't expect pity from me."

When Treka's stomach was pierced by that monster's arm, it aroused Kei's anger and he used [Seduce Women] on her, something he avoided doing so they wouldn't suspect him.

This gave him an attack advantage. If he used his skill too long, Mia and Treka would suspect him and he didn't want that. Kei acted quickly and attacked her, so they wouldn't suspect. He just had an advantage attack, she couldn't attack him until he hurt her, so Kei not only had to attack her fast so they wouldn't notice, he had to attack her perfectly if he didn't want to waste the only advantage he would have.

Not being able to attack him, the monster got confused, leaving her vulnerable for a second, a second that Kei took advantage of.

He jumped on her and used his ice sword to pierce her chest, but she managed to step aside, preventing her heart from being destroyed, but she took quite a bit of damage, as Kei was not satisfied with that.

He released his sword and created a sword of fire. He kept attacking her using his "Swirl" attack, until he ran out of magic power and she fell to the ground on her knees, her body full of rather deep wounds. Her body became very resistant when she became a monster, but that resistance did not withstand Kei's fury.

Having no magical energy, she thought Kei could no longer fight, so she made the mistake of believing she had already won and began to create a sphere of fire, intending to kill them, but Kei kicked her hands and prevented her from doing so.

Seeing Kei's anger-filled eyes, she realized that he had no intention of giving up.

Kei's bloodlust made her realize she couldn't defeat him. She took a great deal of damage and was only still alive thanks to her new body, but she was not used to using it. Kei took advantage of that to hurt and scare her, to make her think she couldn't beat him. While he attacked her using "Swirl", she received all the attacks and used her magic power to protect her body, she never attacked Kei, causing her magic power to decrease considerably and her body to be damaged, turning an SS class monster, into a simple A class monster, even less, enough for Kei and Mia.

[Seduce women] is not only for seducing women and having them as girlfriends, if used correctly, it can change the obvious result of a fight.

Kei and Mia moved towards her, clenching their fists together, as Treka drank a healing potion and her wound closed.

"You will die."

After beating her to death, Kei tried to carry Treka with his arms, but he was only standing by his willpower, his energy was depleted.

Tired, he fell on Treka.

"I-I think... I overstepped."

Mia also fell on Treka and laughed.

"Master Kei, you looked very amazing."

"My stomach keeps regenerating. Could you lie down somewhere else?"

"I-I'm sorry..."

Kei tried to get up, but the pain overcame him and he lost consciousness, as did Mia.

"Ah... I think I can finally... rest."

And Treka also lost consciousness.

The three improved their friendship from that day, as it was the day they realized that they were able to give their lives to protect their friends, increasing the trust they had in each other. Kei never ordered them to protect him or escaped, on the contrary, he protected them, gaining more of their admiration and respect. Mia did the most body-to-body damage to the monster, giving Kei and Treka time to attack her with magic, since Mia doesn't know how to use magic to fight, only her fists. And Treka, who is an archer, managed to find the monster's weak points by damaging her with her arrows, and thanks to that information, Kei hurt her using "Swirl", mainly on her weak points.

None of them escaped without the others and gave their lives for their friends, so it's no wonder they care about him.

"I'll be his companion, I'll help him move up in class!"

"Treka, Kei and I fight mainly body to body, I must be his companion!"

"I will help him!"

"No, I'll do it!"

Upon learning that Kei was going to become an adventurer, they started to argue about who would be his companion, to teach Kei about how to be an adventurer and move up the class quickly, and since they both can't help him together because they have important jobs to fulfill with Sei Molfer, they started to argue about who would be his companion.

Unfortunately for them, Kei had no plans to ask them for help, his companion had already been chosen.

"Kya! My darling looks so handsome swimming!"- Drin thought, seeing Kei swimming.


"They are very fast!"

"And they're not using magic!"

"They really are Sei Molfer's children!"

"They're just as amazing as she is!"

"I think I fell in love with her!"

"And I fell in love with him!"

The swim club members are shocked as they watch Kei and Mei swim.

Since they were little, both have trained their bodies, and although they do not seem so strong, they are.

Thanks to the magic they have, all their strength is not reflected in their physical appearance. They both have good muscles and are lean.

They're not the typical muscle giants, but they're stronger than those giants.

"This is fun, but it's not fair ... If I join, they will feel inferior ... They will look at me with envy and they will hate me ... I don't want that."- Kei thought.

Kei knows perfectly well that no one would overcome him in swimming, discouraging the other members. He does not want students to lose interest in his favorite sport, swimming, so he made a difficult decision.

Kei and Mei come out of the pool and shake their hair, speeding up the hearts of everyone in the place.

They're wearing the school swimsuit, which is black, and that just made people more excited.

Kei's body could be considered sexy to women. Seeing Kei's wet body caused more than one orgasm in some of the girls, including Drin, who watched Kei from afar.

Kei realized that and turned red, as his skill notified him.

[Orgasm, Drin.]

"G-goddamn skill."- Kei thought.

Mei is cute, but she's still flat.

The girls and boys blushed when they saw them. Sei Molfer and Kei and Mei's father are very attractive. Mei inherited the beauty from her mother, but Kei did not inherit anything, as his appearance remains the same as in his past life. But that doesn't matter, because in his past life he was attractive, although he always considered himself ugly and never took advantage of his appearance.

"I think I won, Mei. You owe me a dessert."

"It is not fair!"

"Life isn't fair."

Club students approach them. Most are over 15 years old. In this school, students study 8 years. After studying 4 years, students choose which studies to take. Basically, it is like a high school and university.

Since they all belong to noble families, they all received private education, as their parents hire teachers to teach them.

Commoners attend primary school, as they cannot afford private teachers.

"You are amazing!"

"You totally surpassed us!"

"Please join!"

Mei is quick to answer, as Kei had told her that it was very possible for him to join, as he loves swimming.


"No, I'm sorry. I decided not to join."


Mei is shocked and Kei walks away.

"I'll go change my clothes. Mei, when you're done joining, you join me for lunch."


Mei is surrounded by the club members.

"With your help, we will win the tournaments!"

"Thank You for Joining!"

"You are very cute!"

Being surrounded and admired by others, Mei feels that she must stay.

"Damn, I can't get out anymore! Kei, I'll hit you!"- She thought disappointed.

And once again, social pressure won out.

After putting on his uniform, Kei started walking around the school, watching the clubs recruit.

"Join the music club!"

"The acting club is looking for new members!"

"You will have fun at the game club!"

"Cooking club! You can eat whatever you cook!"

Kei Molfer stood out to everyone in the place, and recruiters were hoping he would be noticed by their clubs, but he didn't want to join just any club.

Kei watches the clubs. Most of the recruiting tables are full, making Kei uncomfortable, as it makes him dizzy to hear so many voices.

"They are very popular ... But I'm not interested ... Is there not a typical old magic club? That's cliché, but it will benefit me."

As he walked a little further, he noticed the presence of an empty recruiting table and read the sign.

"Reading Club... Ancient magic and legends ... Cliché... But cool."

He approaches the table.

"Hello? Who's in charge of the club?"

He stands in front of the table.

"Who will attend?"

Two students approach him.

"Someone took an interest in our club, brother!"

"How lucky we are, sister!"

Kei turns to see them.

They are twin siblings. A boy and a girl of 15 years.

The girl has long black hair and wears black glasses.

The boy has short black hair and wears black glasses.

"Hello. Do you have magic books and legends? Are it rare books? I'm interested."

"Of course. In our spare time, we spend time searching for new books. We have a large number of books."

"Of course, only members can read it."

"I see... Wow, wow... Sounds really interesting. I want to join, please."

"But first, you must pass a simple test."

"We don't want idiot boys in our club. If you solve this, you will join."

From her pocket, she takes out a cube with rare symbols.

"The "Magik" cube ... Interesting."

"Magik" cube, it's a magic device. It's like a puzzle. The different symbols it has, represent the attributes of magic. How is it resolved? Using basic magic, the magic possessed by everyone, the symbols must be eliminated. How are it eliminated? Symbols move using magic. When it move, a question pops into mind. If you answer correctly, the symbol will move again and disappear.

Basically, you have to solve 240 questions. It are questions related to magic. Only the smartest ones could solve it. At this school, everyone is smart, but only 2% of students could solve it.


Kei takes the cube and the symbols start to move and disappear.

"Wow, good start, rookie."

"Keep it up."

The symbols begin to disappear faster, so fast, that it surprises even two intellectuals as those twins are.

"W-wait... Incredible!"

"How quick!"

Kei does not listen to them, as he is concentrating on the cube.

"Thanks to my new skill "Double Thinking", I can solve this quickly."

Double thinking: It is a skill that can be obtained when intelligence increases. How does it work? Those with this skill can think of two different things at the same time. And if the thoughts are focused on a single task, the reaction speed increases, which is why Kei is quickly solving the cube.

After 30 seconds, Kei finished.

"Ready. Am I already a member?"

They both take him by the hands.

"Sure, welcome!"

"You surpassed me! You are great!"

"Thank you."

Grisia watches him from afar.

She's flushed and nervous, acting like a cliché girl in love, something Kei's life is used to having.

"He joined that club… I must join too ... Make it look like a coincidence, Grisia... Make it seem like a coincidence ..."

Take a breath and relax.

"Let's go."

Sei Molfer is going through some documents in her room.

She is sitting at a desk and her expression is one of concern. That Sei Molfer is concerned only means that something really bad is going on.

"More than 320 children disappeared ... That idiot... Who the hell is the leader? Why did she kidnap the children? How did she do it?"

She remembers the words the man said to her before he died: "The leader will kill you, bitch! Your children will suffer the consequences, whore!"

She hits the desk and destroys it.

She is angry and worried, because even if she doesn't seem to, she loves her children.

"Damn it! Kei and Mei are strong, but I have a bad feeling."

Meanwhile, Grisia tried to join the club, but failed the test.

"I'm a stupid girl ... I'm a stupid girl."- Said depressed.