
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
139 Chs

I Am Choosing the Most Expensive One

"Phew! That was one complicated meeting," I sighed in relief while looking at the serious four-eyes leaving the room.

"Thank you, Luna," I gave her a smile as she placed the teacup near me.

"What shall we do about them knowing the news we don't know about, Master?" Luna asked me.

Hmm? It is strange for her to ask a question related to governing. Is she starting to get interesting in ruling the territory? They grew up so fast! No, I am not crying.

"What can we do about it other than doing nothing, Luna? It is their skill to be able to pinpoint the dungeon even before it forms. What do we do? Kidnap the person with that skill?" I asked her. Hehe, kidnap… Hehe. Of course, we won't go around kidnapping people.

"I understand, Master," Luna replied and move to the back.

Now, let us see what kind of letter made the loli interrupt my meeting. I pull out the letter from the torn envelope.

「Please come to the colosseum as soon as you could. 」

Strange. Delfina had never sent me this kind of message. It must either be urgent, or she has something important to show me in the capital. As much as I would like to avoid going to the capital, I cannot ignore the urgent message of Delfina.

"Luna, check the schedule for the month, especially for the next two weeks," I ordered Luna.

Luna blinks away and left me alone in this room. And not even a second later, she came back with papers in her hand. How did I know that she blinks away? Well, she has papers in her hands, idiot.

"Your schedules are full for the next 2 months, Master," Luna informed me while giving me the papers.

"You know what? I will let Aria handle all of them. Prepare the carriage for tomorrow, Luna," I just dropped all of my workloads on Aria. I trust her enough to make the territory flourish.

"By the way, Luna. Did Isabel mention that she already has a building in mind?" I asked.

"Not that I aware of, Master."

"Then, give her this building. It is near Keith's Park and with adventurers coming in and out of that building, they will, without doubt, see the beauty of the park," I smiled. And the money will roll in automatically! I snickered in my mind. I am so smart!

"I will go right away, Master," Luna blinked away to give the four-eyes the lease of the building. Fufufu, I am a genius!

I walk out of the room and move toward the library. I am sure the loli will be waiting for me there for the lesson.

"So, you have arrived, my dear disciple," the loli who is sitting amongst the pile of books, pops up her head to greet me.

"Yes, I am here."

"Good. Now, before we start the lesson, let us talk about where you are going to study in the future," the loli placed three cards on the table.

"Oh Luna, you are back," I greeted Luna who blinked back from the task I had given her.

"You are here too, Keith," it seems Luna also carried Keith into this room on her way here.

"Of course, my lord. You are choosing the school to study for your future! This Keith here will bear witness to this moment," he replied while wiping away the tears coming out from his eyes. He is very overdramatic!

"You are from Starfall Empire so, I will show you three schools of this Empire," the loli said, gaining my attention.

"First, we have the Royal Academy where almost all the nobles of this Empire attend. Second, we have Knight Academy where commoners and children of the knights attend. And lastly, we have The Tower where people with huge magical aptitude attends. Just for you to know, the Royal Academy sometimes accepts commoners as scholarship students," the loli kept on explained me about the three academies and their advantages and disadvantages.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, I will choose the most expensive one!" I answered it the moment the loli asked me which one I am going to choose out of the three academies. I like to make money. But most of all, I like to spend the tax money I got from the people inside my territory.

The three inside the room look deadpan at me. "So, the Royal Academy it is then. I will write the recommendation letter. You will be able to attend the academy when you reach 13 years old," the loli starts writing the letter.

"Wait, you are writing it now?"

"Of course. We, teachers need to send the recommendation letters before the students have reached ten years old. The school will filter out the recommended students themselves," she replied.

So, to attend the Royal Academy, one needed to be recommended by the teacher they are studying under. Well, I am glad that Keith found me, teacher.

"Wait… does opening the academy get a lot of money?" I asked the trio.

"Of course, my dear disciple. They get a lot of money from tuition fees," the loli replied to my question.

"I have decided. Let's open our own academy," I made a decision.

"But my lord, where will we get the fund to open the academy?" Keith asked bewildered by my decision.

"With the treasures, I got from defeating the giant lizard. There are many unnecessary things in there. We can just sell them and start an academy," I replied.

"Luna, do you still have a bag that I gave you?"

"Here it is, Master."

I poured out the unnecessary things from my <Inventory> into her bag. I found that bag collecting dust inside this room. So, I gave it as a gift to Luna. Why am I using <Inventory> in front of Keith and the loli? Well, I can just say that it is spatial magic.

"How about the people inside the territory? Can they read or write?" I asked Keith.

"Most of them cannot do both, my lord," he replied apologetically.

"We can't let it go on like that. We are making school for them! Let them study how to read and write there for free!" I am going to be a laughingstock if the people inside my territory don't even know how to read or write! I am sure people from other territories know how to do those.

"Luna, use those things I added into your bag to build the school first. The academy can wait," I ordered Luna.

"And Keith, please find competent teachers to teach at the school. That's it, the two of you can go out now. It is getting late for my studies," I shooed both away.

"Oh my, it seems my dear disciple wants to be alone with his beloved teacher," the loli gave me a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's start the lesson," I just shrug my shoulders and urge her to start the lesson.

"Alright! First off, let us talk about fairies –," she starts the lesson and only ended in the night. Wow, it started before lunch and only ended before dinner. Today's lesson was amazing.

Today is the day I am meeting with the pedophile Lady of the Lake. Even if I don't want to meet her, I need to get the aquatic materials. Without the materials, there will be no money. So, Lady of the Lake is my source of income. Wait… that came out wrong.

I arrived at the usual lake where we meet monthly. After waiting for a while, a figure appears on the lake.

"Did you wait long, Urien?" she asked.

"No, I didn't. I just arrived earlier," I replied. "Now, make it quick," I spread my arms reluctantly waiting for her to lift me up from under the arms and pull my face into her breasts. And that is what she exactly did.

"I have fully charged my Urienium! Thank you, Urien. You really are the sweet little boy," she put me down after suffocating me with her breasts for nearly ten minutes. How can I last long without breathing? Well… you get used to it.

"Well then, I will be going," I turned around and prepare to leave, not wanting to spend a single second more at this place.

"Wait for a moment please, Urien. May I know if you have the <Purification Magic>?" the pedophile asked.

Well, I have no reason to lie to her so, "Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Then, I would like to ask you for a favor," the pedo asked me with a serious expression. Well, that's new. Every time she sees me, she acts like a perverted old man. It is rare to see her serious face.

"Sure, go ahead," I told her to tell me what I should be doing.

"When you free, blow this whistle. I will come and take you to the Elven Country Avalon. I would like you to purify something there. Just for you to know, you are the first person who can use <Purification Magic> since the formation of the planet." She informed me while giving me a tiny whistle.

I am the only one who can use this magic? What kind of cliché shit is this? Well, I should at least help her. And elves! The beauties! Every man's dream! I am not missing this chance!

"Sure, I will blow this whistle when I am free," I reassured her without letting a smile slip.

"Thank you, Urien! I knew I could count on you!" she booped my nose after dancing in the air.

"Goodbye, Urien! See you next month!" And~ she is gone.

I just sighed and return to my mansion. When I got back, Aria demanded me to bathe together as the compensation for I dropped all my works on her. Well, a single bath with her for an exchange of two months' worth of works and paperwork is cheap, right? So, I immediately agreed to sign the contract she gave me without looking. Not knowing I had signed to bath with her every day.

The bath was quite nice. Now that I am awake, she cannot take advantage of me. So, it is just the both of us soaking in the hot water.

Now, I am summoning another person through <Random Character Summoning Ticket>. If I use this, I will be left with two <Random Troop Summoning Ticket>. Luna and Aria are standing near me.

{System, use one <Random Character Summoning Ticket>}

[You have used 1 x <Random Character Summoning Ticket>]

[You got 1 x <Li Shuwen (Old Assassin) Summoning Ticket> from <Random Character Summoning Ticket>]

I stared at the blue screen in front of me with disbelief. And without caring about the surrounding, I started jumping around the room.

{System, summon him immediately!}

[Initiating Summoning Sequence]

The light shone inside the room, and we can see an old man wearing a traditional Chinese red cheongsam and black pants. There are also round sunglasses on his head.

"My name is Li Shuwen. I am merely an old man who holds no spear... But I alone should be enough to protect Master. I'll be under your care Master," the old man in front of me announced.

And I squeal like a fanboy at the sight of an old man, and I am not ashamed.


Author's Note;

There was a serious debate between choosing the old man or the loli. The old man being Li Shuwen and the loli being Anya Forger from Spy x Family. And guess what? The old man won because of me fanboying over him.

And I have my own P0tre0n account now. It pains me to do this, but there will be exclusive P0tre0n content which is, I am updating Azalia von Starfall's chapter once a week. I mean they should at least have some advantages over the normal contents here, right?

The reason why I made it because I have nothing to eat except cabbage soups and eggs these days.

My P0tre0n : https0//www0 p0tre0n com /Zimrence

I also have ko-fi account with the same name

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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