
Without Hesitation

While taking his steps back, Joel was facing Hiro, bumping into living obstacles. He tapped the terrestrial people behind his back slowly, saying softly "Move"; then becoming increasingly fast, saying in a stentorian manner, "Move it fast"; lastly, his tapping became rapid while he blaringly shouted, "I SAID MOVE IT FAST!! He--HE'S COMING TO US!!"

They gravely reacted as they harshly divulge in a wretched chaos. They searingly rapped and bobbed anyone who barred their path as they went into the windows.

Of the windows, they put the mediocre chair desks atop on another and stacked them to it, willingly to climb and escape on it. Sadly, they could only forge to attempt it through the west wall's windows because through the east was the gingerly infected who were in wait.

However, it didn't mean it could guarantee their safety. Because they were in 3rd floor, jumping from it, would result in a dumb suicide or be severely injured. But in another gamble option, they would tempt themselves the chance to climb down or directly vault into the 2nd floor.

Unfortunately, because of the suffocating chaos, doing it steadily was a miserable impossibility. The disturbing clamorous of voices, telling one apart from the other, as to force them to be fast and jump already. The depraved hands, pushing ones who are currently on the windows, resulting for them to erratically fall down, and were either alive or dead. Naturally, a great number of them died.

Luckily, some managed to leak inside the 2nd floor. But it didnt change the fact that casualties were counting, cadaver after another.

At this time, the person in the room they stayed away from, Hiro, was now moving towards someone nearby.

"EHHHHHH!! D--don-t get near me. Dont get near me!!!" The person's anxiety violently attacked him sharply. He crazily moved, wanting to get out, but he was pushed by someone. "You--"

As if a nomadic person, his hands aimlessly touched the floor in a falling position. Then his butt was on the verge to sink followed by his back. After, the sound of 'thump' rang.

"Graa" He heard an unpleasing loud roar behind him. It was nasty in his hearings and additionally, was near to him. Afterwards, a sound of 'bite' spurred out, and uncontrollably followed by his bloodcurdling scream.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" As a result, the chaos was now even greater than before. Blood spattered in a terrifying fashion and it was scene to beheld for the peaceful humans.

Peace birthed cowardice and they succumbed to their inner fear, bawling out, caring just for themselves. Moreover, they were only students. As a result, they didn't even think to help. Joel, the only male teacher, could remain his sanity in the field of madness. Even the women teachers greatly particaped in the havoc.

"Get something sharp. Get a weapon!" Joel shouted futilely. He was stuck in the middle of the crowd and was just pushing and pulling each other. His voice could only be drowned by the crowds. "Kill that zombie while we had the chance!!"

The people didn't even hear or bother, for their minds were succumbed by their own thoughts due to extreme panic. In a sense, they were too clouded, enshrouded and preoccupied by egocentric thoughts. As a result, they didnt even think to go near it much less to kill it, leaving Hiro to delight in his first raw human meal undisturbed.

Moments passed, he was just enjoying his delicacy when he was alarmed by the voices, raging him by the disturbance caused of it. The sounds was non-ending which sparked its wrath and stopped what its doing. After, it scanned its surroundings and targeted the nearest first person it saw.

The scene was similar from the last time but a new variation. The person who was supposed to be targeted pulled someone to direct the attention of the infected from him.

The other person who was pulled down unfortunately lost his balance as which hopelessness immediately arise in his thoughts.


He fell down as which he immediately tried to stand up. However, before he could act, a dark bloody mouth with salivas dripping all over, happened to be above him. As which he knew it already what will going happen to him, despair engulfed his well being. Although he could predict it, it could not stop him to shriek in pain when it finally bit him in his chest.


The same things happened again as which the crowd didnt act to exterminate the infected but instead act in cravenness. Every time, it was done in eating and targeted them, the people would compete and compel themselves in forcely thrusting each other to let them be the core attend of the infected. Letting their fellow humans act as baits, they tried to buy time to breakout even if they acted underhanded.

When Hiro's deeds in the room counted to 4; the index finger of the right hand of the first person, who was first bitten, with a bloody pool centralized on him, started to move. After which, the whole right hand moved. Then his body started twitch, squiggle, and wriggle all over.

The scenario didnt only happen to only the first person but also to the next, the 3rd and the 4th with point time interval. The time interval was: the point of time between when an infected bit a person to when it bit another person.

When the casualties Hiro assailed to everyone counted to 5, an infected started to stand up on its seizuring body. Moving comically yet terrifyingly, similarly, it started to target someone.

Everyone who was bitten soon became an infected. As a result, the numbers started to multiply, and more and more people began to die down. The ravishing of meat, clipping out fleshes from the mellow human body, resounded out in the loaded room.

* * * * *

Yuehan and Jhundy went down to the 2nd floor, which was in traffic, brimming in a riot. The influence of chaos was also spreading into the 2nd floor, in a horrible continuation of subjection.

The lower the floor, the immature and younger the students were. Even they didnt know what was happening, they reacted as more exaggerating than their seniors first reacted in the upper floor.

Depended more in emotions, it helped them of this situation as it was too urgent and deadly of a crisis. If they depended on their logic such as their seniors, and didnt believe first as comically such as zombies, then they would meet the same circumstances of what happened.

Moreover, when they saw how bruised and swollen every parts of the body of their seniors, it added the situation's deranged effect. As a result, they all serried up in the hallway, competing for the line of escape, making a hell of a crowd.

This traffic led out the core factor to supplement the immediate crisis Yuehan and Jhundy felt. It was because behind them, there are a whole of infected chasing them. In fact, their thoughts which were already wild began to become barbaric even more, searching for the answer of their sole question: 'What am I gonna do?'

No one bothered both Yuehan and Jhundy but when a wave of infected also began to present themselves, a series of grabbing attentions and exclamations rang and echoed throughout the 2nd floor.


"Get out of my way!!"


"Move you moron!"

Even the juniors and sophomores were greatly affected as they also vociferated out blaringly, proliferating the cries. They didnt even bother to think if the zombies were either fake or not, for their seniors were already crying out. No matter what was really going on, the situation was very deadly. The pressing urgency didnt let them ponder as they didn't hesitate to act first than to think.

While all of them were erratically crazed, Yuehan thought of every scenario plausible of the disastrous problem trying to wrap both of them. The hallway was smothered with a whopper amount of fellow humans. It was only moments, just a little bit of short time, before both Yuehan and Jhundy could bump into the crowd. The impending doom was a crisis, with behind them, full of squirming heinous entities.

'What am I gonna do?! What am I gonna do?!!!' Yuehan kept asking himself repeatedly. Too packed, no rooms to enter. If they were blocked, then their destination would be already set.

Hopelessness shrouded his mind. As he seemed to know what was going to happen to him, his surroundings seemed to move slowly in motion.

'Tsak tsak'

He could also clearly hear his steps as if it was the only sound in the world aside from his own fast breathing. As this was going on, his mind became pellucid, setting his decision abruptly.

'I could not bear to sacrifice anyone for my sake.' Yuehan thought to himself. 'But I could bear to sacrifice myself.'

"Jhundy" He said composedly. Pushing Jhundy heavily in his back, Yuehan himself stumbled upon, losing his balance. His body dropping, his gaze was locked upon to Jhundy's back. His eyes blearily, seemingly reminiscing in his past. 'I could only hope you will survive.'