
CHAPTER 7 - Deception.

CHAPTER 7 - Deception.

(Pov - Zei.)



"Clothes and weapons?"


"Will to live?"

"R-ready... Huh?"

"We've got everything! Let's go!"

We left the house and I started marching. Goodbye, town far from modern civilization! Hello, adventure! Girls, girls, be patient, soon you'll be part of my harem. Fufu... If only I could have sex! Ahhhhhhh! I'm doomed to never have a girlfriend again!

Well, it doesn't matter, at least I'll be a fucking ZombieSlayer!

"One, two, three, and four! One, two, three, and four! Forward, soldier!"

"W-what... are you doing?"

Ah... I'm sorry, Kiasan, I embarrass you. But I can't help it! I need to distract myself to forget that I'm a fucking zombie whose only girlfriend will be his right hand. Please, God, send me a girlfriend who is like me and can control her zombie self! Preferably with a nice ass and big tits. And if she's over 30, even better.

"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. I like to say stupid things to calm myself down."

I think I give too much second-hand embarrassment... Nah, I don't care what people think of me. That's just who I am, and I enjoy being an idiot.

Onward we march... Oh. The women are looking at me. They've arrived.

I closed my eyes since Kiasan has my glasses and kept marching.

I hope you, women, are happy. I give you permission to masturbate thinking of me, your hero.... Ay, I think the thought of that considering they were raped was too rude of me.

I better not keep thinking about that.

"Z-Zei, t-two of them... a-are a-approaching."

Fufu. Are they coming to confess their love to me...? Ahhhhhhh! Zei, you idiot, this is serious! Save the jokes for later!

T-they're approaching. I can hear their footsteps.

"Can we talk to you?"

"The bodies of the men are in the house with bullet holes. Destroy their bodies to get back at them or whatever. I have to go!"

"Wait, please!"

I scooped up Kiasan in my arms and ran away.

I gave them weapons! They'll kill me if they find out I'm a zombie!

T-they're mentally unstable. It's dangerous for them to discover my identity! I won't put Kiasan in danger!

Y-yes... I definitely have to stay away from people... Or should I wear a mask?

I'll think of a solution later.

I arrived and knocked on the door of the lady's house. I hope you missed me, beautiful.

"Good afternoon!"

Kiasan has the glasses, so she won't get scared... I hope. I plan to tell her the truth because I think she knows Kiasan, or at least the body that Kiasan inhabits.

It will be hard for her to believe me since I still can't believe that abilities and ghosts exist. Ah, I hope I haven't been summoned to an alternate world where everything is like a video game. God, I'm a noob, put me on easy mode, please!

The lady opened the door.

"Good afternoon."

She greeted me with a smile.

Big breasts, small butt, but I'm satisfied with their size... Beautiful eyes... She has a child. She's a widow... She's a Milf! Ahhhhhhh! I wish I wasn't a zombie!

I literally have the woman of my wet dreams and most perverted fantasies right in front of me, and I can't make a single move to conquer her!

Ah... Right hand, you'll have a lot of action tonight.

"Hello, ma'am. I heard rumors about a shelter. Would you like to go with us? We're heading there. We hope it's a safe place."

"A shelter?! Of course! Thank you so much... By the way, did you hear the gunshots?"

And not only did I hear them, I received them! Fortunately, those wounds have already closed, although I can still feel the bullets inside me. I'll remove them somehow later. I have to take advantage of the fact that I don't feel pain.

Ah, I'm a phenomenon.

"A group of criminals tried to kill me, and I had to defend myself. Those criminals kidnapped many women for... I suppose you understand... Doing the deed?"

Her expression changed to sadness.

Yes, I know, but it's the reality. Many people will take advantage of the situation to commit crimes, whether they're murders or rapes. It's inevitable.

It's best not to think about it.

"Oh... Did you kill them?"

"Yes, I had to do it. They were trying to kill me, I had to defend myself... I rescued the women, they are already here. I would take them with me, but it's a long journey and I don't think I have the ability to protect them all. The shelter is in the city of Hersi, they say the city is free of zombies. It sounds too good to be true, but I think it's worth a try. I plan to leave soon, and I won't be able to protect you from zombies... or from bad people. Would you like to join us? Although you could also stay with the women I rescued. I gave them a lot of weapons."

"Of course, I would love to go with you! I have relatives in that city, and I want to know if they are okay. Wait, please, I'll pack clothes and food."

"I'll be back in 30 minutes."

The lady crouched down and caressed Kiasan's head.

Yes, she knows her. Oh, I hope they weren't too close because it will hurt her too much to know that she's not the same girl she knew.

"I thought you were dead, Ann. It's a relief that..."

"She's a zombie. She doesn't remember anything. Her new name is Kiasan. It's a long story, but in summary, she's not Ann, she's someone else."

"I-I'm K-Kiasan."

"Someone else?"

"Ann's soul left her body. I used my blood to... It's a long story, I'll tell you on the way. Come on, Kiasan."

I walked away, and Kiasan followed me.

Ah... I used my blood to let a ghost enter the zombie body of a girl. Yes, very believable. I'm a phenomenon!

"Will people believe me if I tell them I have special abilities? It will be difficult. I can't just say, 'Watch my abilities.'"

[Strength level 3.]

[Regeneration level 5.]

[Agility level 4.]

... Huh?

"I-I can... see it."

"You can see it?!"

An image appeared in front of me... Great...! Wait... Could this be... magic? Why did that image appear in front of me?

It's like a hologram.

"How strange... This day is full of surprises... Mmm..."

The abilities have levels, which means they can be improved. But how? By killing zombies or doing special missions?

Please, magic, give me the answers.

"How can I improve my strength?"

[Answer: Strength increases with exercise and when you earn points.]

Points, huh? Interesting.

Like experience points in video games.

"What are points?"

[Answer: You earn points when you defeat your enemies.]

It's like a video game! Awesome! Although I hope I'm in easy mode, or I'm screwed.

"How many points do I have?!"

[Answer: 242 points.]

The zombies and the criminals. I killed over 200 zombies, so maybe my abilities improved on their own before. 15 criminals... Mmm... Let's assume it's 2 points per criminal, that would leave me with 212 points... One point per zombie? That seems too little... Why does a criminal give me more points?

[Answer: The zombies were not dangerous to you, but the humans were. The points you earn increase when the enemy is stronger and more dangerous.]

Oh, I see... Yes, I think zombies give me one point, and humans give me more. This information will be useful.

"I suppose a criminal with a weapon is more dangerous than a zombie that ignores me... How do I spend my points?"

[Increase strength: 500 points.]

[Increase agility: 1,000 points.]

[Increase regeneration: 1,500 points.]

"I can't spend points to acquire new abilities?"

[Response: Impossible. Points are used to improve existing abilities.]

I see... I have to kill more zombies to improve my strength... But I can also exercise... How do I improve my agility and regeneration without using points?

[Response: Agility improves as your body gets accustomed to movement. Regeneration improves when consistently used.]

In short, I have to train and push my body to improve... I see. It sounds simple.

"Kiasan, would you like to improve your abilities? It will be tough training, but I believe it's necessary to survive."

"Y-yes... I-I don't... w-want to be... a b-burden."

I petted her head and smiled.

I'm glad to see that she wants to be helpful to me, but I don't want her to think her presence bothers me. On the contrary, her company will keep me from going crazy. Having her by my side will be of great help as it reminds me of my humanity.

"You're not a burden, and you never will be."

"T-thank... y-you."

She's so adorable. It feels good to have a younger sister.

But anyway, let's learn a bit more about the abilities.

[Strength level 3.] [Increase strength: 500 points.]

[Regeneration level 5.] [Increase regeneration: 1,500 points.]

[Agility level 4.] [Increase agility: 1,000 points.]

Mmm... From level 3 to level 4, it costs 500 points.

From level 4 to level 5, it costs 1,000 points.


"How much does it cost to raise an ability to level 2?"

[Response: 50 points.]

"And level 3?"

[Response: 250 points.]

50, 250, 500, 1,000, 1,500... I don't see the logic.

It went from 50 to 250. It multiplied by 5, but then it multiplied by two.

Mmm... But from 1,000 it went to 1,500, not 2,000... Mmm...

Level 2 costs 50.

Level 3 costs 250.

Level 4 costs 500.

Level 5 costs 1,000.

Level 6 costs 1,500.

"And level 7?"

[Response: 3,000.]

Doubling again... Ah, this system is strange, but I can get used to it.

"Let's go."

The lady and her son were already ready to leave.

The journey will last approximately one day, maybe more, considering how dangerous the trip will be.

If we had a car, we would arrive in 20 minutes, but I couldn't find my car, and I can't find any others... What if we travel on the highway? We would have to take a detour, and that's dangerous. It's better to keep walking straight ahead.

"Here you go, ma'am."

I handed a weapon to the lady.

"B-but I don't know how to use it."

"You'll have to learn. It will be crucial. Sometimes zombies attack me. And when I fall asleep, I turn completely. I want you to use that weapon to attack me if I try to attack you. Kiasan has orders to cut off my legs with the sword if I try to attack."

"I-It's fine... And my name is Mary."

Such a beautiful name... Ahhhhhhhh! You're a zombie, Zei, don't forget, you idiot!

"My name is Zei. She's called Kiasan."

"And I'm Sato!"

"Introductions are over. Let's go."

I hope no more zombies with mutations appear before me.

Oh, please, God, let it be a safe journey.

(Time ago.)

Zei has always been popular among women, but being popular didn't save him from being deceived.

"Tsk. Damn son of a bitch. Soulless bitch."

Zei was spying on his girlfriend.

She was kissing a guy in an empty classroom. Zei already had his suspicions, and he finally managed to confirm what he feared.

"Yes, of course, you had to study with a friend. I had my suspicions, and this confirmed them... Should I break Sebastian's face...? Ah, it's not worth it."

Zei walked away.

"The school is empty, and they stayed behind with the excuse of cleaning... It's the same excuse she and I used to stay in the classroom and kiss... You shouldn't use the same excuse twice, you idiot."

Zei left the school and stretched his arms.

"Well... I'll go to the movies."

The deception hurt Zei, but he decided not to give it too much importance and move on with his life because he understood that it's not worth fighting for a girl who's not worth it.

At the cinema, Zei bought a ticket for a horror movie and some snacks.

He thought that some excitement would make him feel better. The deception hurt him, and he wanted to calm down.

"How should I break up with her...? Should I tell her that I only agreed to date her out of obligation and that I never really fell in love with her? I should say something to make it seem like I never cared." Zei thought.

A girl immediately approached him when she saw him.

Happily, she hugged his arm. After all, she's Zei's best friend.

A girl with too much energy who always had a smile on her face.

"Hi, Zei! Are you here alone too? And where's Sara?"

"Hi, Sakura. I broke up with her, so I came to the movies to distract myself a bit."

Sakura was Zei's best friend, and she was the kind of friend who falls in love with her best friend.

And upon hearing about Zei and Sara's breakup, the hope of having a relationship with him shone again.

"You broke up with her?! Why?!"

"Well... In short, you could say that Sebastian and Sara exchanged fluids... Well, they only kissed, but I don't doubt that... Let's not say anything more."

"... Did she cheat on you with my brother?"

"Yes. She cheated on me with him... You know, I used to hate your brother a bit, but now I hate him more... Would you be angry with me if I break his face tomorrow...? Whatever, I don't care anymore."

"I'll beat him up myself!" She said, raising her fists, angry.

Zei laughed a little and ruffled Sakura's head.

"It's not worth it... Sara and I dated for a couple of months, so I'll be able to get over her... Which movie are you going to watch?"

"The same one as you! What's your seat?"

Sakura's smile made Zei smile. Thanks to her, the pain of deception completely disappeared from his heart.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Uh? What are you talking about?"

"We're just having a meal together."

Sakura and Zei were having a meal together in the school garden, but Sakura was trying to feed Zei like a classic romantic couple, but Zei found it embarrassing and didn't open his mouth.

"Come on, Zei, open your mouth."

"I can eat on my own!"

Sara took Zei's arm, quite angry, as Zei hadn't officially broken up with her yet.

"Why are you here with her?! We were supposed to have lunch together!"

"Isn't it normal to have lunch with your best friend?"

Sakura hugged Zei's arm.

"You no longer have the right to have him!"

Sakura grabbed Zei's head and started kissing him.


Sara wasn't the only one confused; Zei was also taken aback by the unexpected kiss.

She stopped kissing Zei, and he pulled away, stunned.

"What... What?"

"My brother took Sara away from you, Zei. It would only be fair if I took you, don't you think?"

Sara realized what had happened and turned to look at Zei.

They exchanged glances for a few seconds, and then he sighed.

"Ah... Yes... She cheated on me... I had already forgotten... Well... I guess we're done... I'm going to buy a juice!"

Zei ran away.

"Does Sakura like me...? Or did she do it just to get back at her...? I'll ask her later."

Unfortunately, the next day the zombie apocalypse began, and Zei forgot to ask Sakura anything because he was preoccupied.

Zei never saw Sakura as a potential girlfriend because he thought their friendship would be ruined, and he preferred to remain just friends.

Zei and the others were resting on a road.

Mary and Sato were asleep in the car seats, while Zei and Kiasan kept watch.

Everything was relatively calm until...

"... I'm an idiot!!"

Zei shouted with all his might, which worried Kiasan.

"W-what... i-is happening?"

"A girl kissed me, and I never knew if she liked me or if she did it as a favor! I forgot to ask, and I just remembered now! I'm an idiot!"

"I-I see."

"And it's most likely that I'll never see her again, and she might be dead... I'm an idiot."

But the future had a surprise in store for him.

"This human is looking at us strangely."

"He's a pervert."

"He's wounded. He's infected."

"N-no, wait! I hurt myself with a nail!"

Without mercy, Celes decapitated a guy with her sword. The guy's name was "Sebastián."

The guy who stole Zei's girlfriend.

He had the misfortune of seeing them when he left the camp to relieve himself behind a tree, and when he saw them, he was petrified because he never expected to see fantasy girls like them. But they thought he had been bitten because of a wound he had on his hand.

The fairy girl believed that the virus was actually a curse and wanted to experiment with Sebastián's body, but they didn't have time because they were still looking for their friend.

"There are more people to the west."

"Let's not waste time. We need to get away from here."

They all ran away, leaving a corpse behind.


Sakura was one of the survivors who joined a group. The group resting in the forest was huge, at least by normal standards. There were approximately 50 people gathered, preparing for the next day.

"Didn't you hear my brother scream?"

"He screamed? I didn't hear anything."

"... That's strange."

Zei felt a chill and looked around.

"I-is something... w-wrong?"

"... I feel like my prey has been taken from me."

And so, Zei missed the opportunity to get revenge on Sebastián, although he never really wanted to seek revenge.

Current Status:


Common Abilities:

[Strength level 3.]

[Regeneration level 5.]

[Agility level 4.]


Trust with Kiasan: 20%.

Trust with Mary: 10%.

Trust with Sato: 80%.