
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Saved by a skill and my desire to survive!


I screamed in pain as the goblin exerted more and more force in its grip.

I felt again like I was on the verge of fainting due to the lack of blood and oxygen to my lungs.

So am I going to die again?

My consciousness fades away being unconscious.

The giblin king, seeing that his enemy was dead, gave a disgusting smile while his mouth would be ready to eat his prey and recover his energy.

Just as he was about to take his first bite something embeds itself in his chest.

The Goblin King felt overwhelming pain.


Letting out a pained roar, the goblin king looks towards the front where his opponent was standing.

A blood-red aura surrounded his body as four red tentacles emerged from his back, writhing at the slightest movement.

The Goblin King looked at that figure with horror while his instinct begged him to flee from that place.

The Goblin King felt a deep terror and horror, before this monster.

That figure extended a hand while the four tentacles extended towards the direction of him.

Crash! Shock! Boom!

The tentacles embed themselves into the monster's body, piercing its flesh and in the process absorbing large amounts of blood.

The goblin king coughs as he is unable to move an inch.

He tries to move or break the tentacles but it was useless, they seemed to be unbreakable.

That figure bowed its head a second before the next second it appeared in front of the goblin king throwing a punch.


The goblin's upper armor shattered in a matter of moments.

The force to do this must be overwhelming.

Not finishing there, the figure hit the goblin's chest again, leaving a mark on his body.

Using those tentacles, they lifted the monster up before dropping it forcefully to the ground.


Another hole formed in the ground where the body of the goblin king was.

A moment later the tentacles came out of the goblin's body as they began to trail behind the figure's body as well as that imposing aura.

The reddish aura disappeared little by little until it completely disappeared, leaving a kneeling Matias breathing heavily while blood came out of his entire body.


What the hell is going on!

I remembered that just a few moments before losing my consciousness I heard the sound of a notification.

Hey System, do you know what I base?

[Answer. The user has unlocked a racial ability which is as follows.]

[Revenge Breed Skill: This skill allows the user to enter an unconscious state while his instincts take over to take revenge against the one he hates.]

I see....

Even now I was saved by a skill which conveniently woke me up from the brink of death!

Although as a consequence it drained all my Mana and a lot of Vitality now I only had 120 Vitality.


Raising my head I notice how the Goblin King let out a roar as he pounced on me.

For God's sake just die already!

He was too hurt and tired to be able to dodge it.

The monster looks at me with his bloodshot eyes while from his mouth red blood begins to gush out giving a sight of nightmares.


The goblin bit my arm where it immediately consumed it, ripping it off.






Ha ha ha....

I'm so damn weak.

My whole body aches, I feel unbelievably heavy as I go on and on biting into something hard and that tastes gross.


I keep biting, devouring part after part, chewing and swallowing.

I keep eating and eating. My conscience grows weak but I keep chewing.

As I hear strange voices...

My brother's voice...

My mother...



The neighbor..

My friends...

My mind feels dizzy as confusion begins to invade every part of my mind.


I brace myself as I walk and hear something, then the sound of something speeding followed by panicked screams.

I feel cold, an incredibly cold that surrounds my body.

I feel like the cold is freezing me.

Only to start getting hot and itchy inside my body.

Even feeling this I didn't stop.

I kept eating, destroying and devouring and swallowing.

I hear the roar of the wolves, as I begin to experience pain, and then the laughter of something sinister.

I feel like countless needles pierce my body every inch, it was indescribable pain.

I hear intangible words.

What's going on?

Where I am?

What happened?

I cough is dark, I keep chewing and eating and devouring.

What am I doing?

All I'm doing is eating.

But why how and how? Why do I do it?

A voice...

I hear a voice whispering something.

"Survive brother!"

"Please save yourself."

Brother? Survive? What's going on?

"Please promise me that you will live a happy life!"

She...Who is she?

Why don't I remember?

As I listen to that, a feeling begins to arise within me, a quality without any other.

I have to live!

No, I Wish to Survive, whoever that voice is promised you that you would live happily and I intend to keep my promise!



I wish to Survive!

My determination flared up as my mind is clearer than before.

My previously vague consciousness returned completely. I kept eating and devouring and living something that tasted horrible but I don't care now I'm hungry.

Eat, Eat, Eat, Eat and Eat more...


I reached out my hand and...


When I came to myself once more I felt dizzy and confused as to what happened.

Although I was hanging on a thread between life and death, I was able to survive thanks to devouring the body of the goblin king.

The bastard tried to take me to the other world with his last move but he couldn't.

At some point I ate his Mana core which gave me enough energy to activate the immortal body, beginning to close my deep wounds both externally and internally.

He was now covered in goblin blood and guts as I devoured him from the inside out to survive.

Now that I realize even my arm was completely restored there is no difference between the other one and this one.

Seriously, immortal body is a life-saving ability.

Fortunately, while I was regenerating, no creatures entered the cave, which was beneficial.


Take that... I'm still alive.

I couldn't help my happiness somehow. I survived even by a hair but I'm alive.


<Gained +140 Vitality>

<You got +100 Mana>

<You gained +40 Strength>

<You got +23 magic>

<You got +60 Dexterity>