
I am a protagonist in a Dating Game

Johnathan an eight teen year old student, struggling with what to do after he graduates highschool. John Stays home playing video games, and reading manga in an attempt to stay where he is comfortable. Suddenly, Finds himself in a Dating Game, a dream of his until recently turned into a hell scape, where he has to play the game to escape. But getting in the game is the easy part, The hard part is getting out.

Arthur_carnwell · Jogos
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2 Chs

2 , The Women you would never expect.

As Boy from the entrance approached the girl, She could not notice that He was approching her with excitement on his face.

With on last step in front of her the boy stopped in front of her face.

"Hello, I am Johnathan Mc'Fergus it's nice to meet you." Johnathan said hopping to get the girls name.

Then the girl flashes the coldest look that could Freeze a polar bear solid.

"The Hell are you looking at!?" She said with a haughty attitude, she then pulls out a Baseball bat out of nowhere.

The Baseball bat was made of wood, and looks like it has seen better days.

Johnathan Looking confused then then went on to say something, this time he tried again. "Hello, i am Johnathan what is your name?"

The Girl then Gives Johnathan a nastier look as if someone crashed her car, and they causally said to her that they didn't have insurance.

"You looking to start something!?" The Girl Threatened she then raised her bat.

Johnathan Then Panicked, and brought out the weirdest Phone anyone was ever seen.

Just by pulling the Phone out of his Pocket the voice then answered. "Hello, what do you need my help with?"

"Why is this Girl giving me attitude, I thought you said you were giving me a Harem?" Johnathan Hissed.

"Calm down let me make it easier for you." The Voice Panicked.

at the same time to rectangles appeared in front of the girl, both of which had writing in the center of them.

The Rectangles appeared Side by side one, nearly five feet of the floor.

The first one on the left said:

Answer Her get bet up.

Johnathan in a state of Disbelief then looked at the second option.

Apologize and get fed your Teeth

" What the hell type of options are these?

and why is she standing still?" Johnathan Exclaimed at the ice cube cold voice.

' First of all this is a Dating Game, you said it yourself. That means the girls in here a NPCs to that dating game logic.

Second of all, these are the options you have to pick if you want the main Heroine to be in your Harem."The voice said.

Johnathan more than furious said.

"Why the hell do these options suck."

The Voice starting to get annoyed had an idea.

" I know how about you wish this girl loves you, I mean think about it you would get this girl In your Harem."

Johnathan hearing these words then made up his mind.

"Okay, I'll make that my second wish." Johnathan said, The moment he said these words the two rectangles disappeared.

The girl dropped her bat, and he face turned beet red.

"I'll kick your ass, not that i care or anything."

The girl said Fidgeting out of excitement.

" Just Forget it." Said Johnathan to tired to care anymore walked by her, then Ihe opened The School doors.

"Wait! my name is Chloe who are you?" Chloe said wanting to keep the conversation going.

" Johnathan" The Teenager said than ending Chloe's chance, Johnathan then opened the blue door and entered the school building.

Inside the school there was a main lounge, leading to the cafeteria, and other smaller hallways of the school. Johnathan walked towards the main lounge. Surprisingly, the main lounge looked bliss full.

With Bricks on the floor making the tree in the center of the room, look more outstanding the benches in the school gave a screen feeling of being in the park.

To add to the effect the was a window over the entire lounge, painting the final stroke of the canvas Johnathan walked into.

Dumbstruck, Johnathan stood their for a second to take in the atmosphere.

" Pretty ain't it?" A woman's voice surprised Johnathan, he answered "yeah, it looks like something from a movie."

Johnathan turned to face the woman, as he first laid eyes on her the word Queen came to mind.

She had Black hair, Green Rmerald eyes, the same clothes the other girl was wearing, and an Hour Glass figure.

She was Drop dead gorgeous.

"My name is Anna, Anna Burns" The woman spoke seductively, just then three men in the schools uniform ran out of one of hallways.

"Boss! The Ricci Family found our supply!"

one of the men reported, angry Anna's face contorted into one of Wrath and turned to face. The man that originally gave the report face contorted into to one with fear, while the other two backed up away from the Frightened man.

"I gave you one job to do, but you let the Ricci Family get their first!" Anna's tone turned in to a drill sergeant ready to start a drill.

Anna then walked closer to the Horrified man whom collapsed under the pressure was shaking out of dread.

She stopped Right in front of the man now turned child.

"It's okay, you want to know why?" Anna said in a calm voice, the man clutching under her feet with little hope looked at her face.

"Take him out back! I will handle him myself!" Anna commanded, the two men grabbed the inmate, both condemning and praising how he was the first to speak.

Then the two Thugs took the dammed soul down one of the hallways, Anna turned back to meet Johnathan now Dumbstruck by how a person like her existed.

"Mr.Mc'Fergus, you are in classroom 104, Maybe we will meet again?" She said Blowing Johnathan a kiss, and causally walking into the hallway the three goons left the main lounge.

"She's a good student body president" The phone spoke.

"She's the student body president?" Johnathan answered in state of satire.

"Wait is she in a Gang?"John asked the phone.

"No of course not somebody like that in a Gang, she is in the Mafia." The phone said causally, The boy wanting to leave the area strolled down the endless white floor tiled hallway thinking of the recent events.

When Johnathan made it to a door a woman in formal attire standing in the hallway "Mr Mc'Fergus?" She asked, Johnathan then stopped in front of her more hesitant then normal."Yes?"John said grieve stricken.

The Teacher then Responded while opening the door" Please introduce yourself to the class" She said calmly.

John Slowly walked to the chalkboard, where he then looked at the classroom, and theirr were thirdy women sitting in the classroom all appearing to be normal.

He then stood in front of the chalk board with the teacher standing right beside him.

"H-Hello I am john-" Johns eye's then caught a glimpse of yellow hair in the doorwayway, he began to sweat, then He took one more glance at the hallway seeing an eye pop through the doorway staring with intent.

"Mr Mc'Fergus, can you please hurry this up I have a rather large lesson to give."

The teacher being more presistant.

"H-H-Hello, I am Johnathan Mc'Fergus I am 18, I enjoy reading M-M-Manga, a-and like the band LB24, IT'S NICE TO YOU!!" John acted he was not the worst at the craft not the greatest.

Everyone in the room scanned him over then looked at the teacher, who then brushed it off as a nervous kid at a different School location.

"Feel free to take a seat."Said the teacher who began the lesson plan, John slowly made his way to a vacant seat in the classroom and sat down.

What the hell is this he thought, I heard the rumors at my world's school about a link that took to another world but this!?

Johns hand started to shaking nervously, then he felt two eyes staring at him in the entire class.

(Bing Bong!)

The sound of the alarm went of, most the students got up from their wooden desk walked on the white tile floor to the door ready to go home.

In the back of the vacant room was a boy devoid of life staring at the phone in his hand.

"I wish this was a dream!"the boy demanded.

"I can't do that."The phone said begrudgingly.


"BECAUSE I DID THE SAME THING!" the voice Rebuttaled Angrily.

John then Froze."W-what do you mean the s-s-same thing?" John asked.

"Mr. Mc'Fergus the final bell has rung please go home" Said the teacher next to the doorway smiling, John got out of the Desk and walked toward the doorway.

as Johnathan was about to leave the classroom the teacher said something "Please be safe on your way home."

Worrying John left the classroom, walked quickly through hallway and ran away from the school.

What the hell is this? The Teenager quickly ran down the hill.

"First one on the hill." The phone pleaded.

Just a few minutes away stood a house.

The house didn't look old, it also was not new.

The fence looked worse for wear as the white paint pealed off the fence boards.

"Get inside!" the voice commanded prompting John to open the creaking fence gate, and slam the door.

The phone then lit up in johns hand with a text message that read go upstairs first door to the right, I will tell you what's going on.