
I am a protagonist in a Dating Game

Johnathan an eight teen year old student, struggling with what to do after he graduates highschool. John Stays home playing video games, and reading manga in an attempt to stay where he is comfortable. Suddenly, Finds himself in a Dating Game, a dream of his until recently turned into a hell scape, where he has to play the game to escape. But getting in the game is the easy part, The hard part is getting out.

Arthur_carnwell · Jogos
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2 Chs

1, I am in a Dating Game

As the Sunset from a window stained the room, revealing the one clean room.

With Blue walls that now looked light Green, with pretentious pop idol posters littering the once Stainless walls.

The Dark brown wooden floor with miscellaneous tin cans now covering each Conner of every, with used clothes of a teenage boy now serving as Decorations to the floor that screamed for the glory days.

As for the closet, it was located on the left Conner of the room. The Closet was a white door that was cracked open a hair with clothes on the bottom of the small opening, and a smell warning the next victim of what would linger if they dare open the door.

In the two other Conners was a bed devoid of sheets, and a Desk, Chair, and a laptop.

In the other Conner of the pig pen was another White door.

The door itself opened, and a boy in his late teens walked into something that could be described as a junk yard, but what the boy described as art.

A Boy then walked to the desk took a seat in the chair, and in an action of grandiose he flipped open his laptop to then grabbed the mouse eagerly, and clicked on an Browser.

This was not a standard Browser, The Boy typed rapidly on the laptop keyboard.

Then lead to a website with countless links.

"Where is it?" The Boy said scrolling through the many links making it to one in particular,

The boy smiled as is winning a prize.

The Stoic Teen then remembered a rumour he heard in school, as quickly as the though came he shoot it down with comfort.With glee then he clicked on the link, finding a game called My Highschool life 2.

The screen had a view of a school courtyard and cherry blossom trees leading the way to a big grandiose building in the distance, their was only one button on the screen titled in pink cursive.


The boy not thinking about this twice hit the button. "Alright Let's go!" The Boy Lusted, Then White lights Shone from the computer screen.

"What the hell is this!?"Paranoid The Boy tried to run to the door, in his failure he slipped on a pop can cementing his doom to the bright light.

The Light Engulfed the whole room, The Boy Scared for his life covers his face with his arms.

After a few minutes The Teenager then removed his arms from his face, and hesitantly stop up marveled to see what was in front of him.

There was one Sidewalk heading up a hill, with Cherry Blossom Trees surrounding the one way road.

The Cherry Blossom leaves where caressing the side walk, as The Boys mouth a gape.

"Am I in the game?" The Boy in a state of Euphoria, and excitement was stunned by the scenery surrounding him.

"Yes you are.' a friendly female voice said, Snapping out of his state of shock, The Boy turned his head to meet the voice.

The Owner of the voice was not their, the boy then turned around finding nothing but the bottom of the hill.

"Hello, Who's Their?" The boy asked.

"In your pocket" The voice answered. The Nervous boy stopped in fear looked down at his pockets.

Slowly, The Teenager used his right hand to find his right pocket pant leg pocket not there. Next The Sweat pouring Teenager then used his Left hand.to find his pocket, and and to grab what is inside.

With worry The Kid grabbed a rectangle out of his pocket, and looking at it curiously.

"Hello." the voice said curtiously, in a state of panic the boy nearly dropped the box on the floor.

"What are you?" The Teenager said shaking of fear, he was panicking thinking he was going to be turned into a card.

"I am your magic phone." the voice said with out a care in the World" I can do up to three things, think of me as a Magic Lamp that can talk."

The Boy not convinced made up his mind, with a small smirk powerful enough to tinge evil on his face the boy spoke.

" I wish to have a harem!"

The voice then snickered, and laughed a bitter sweet laugh.

"Is That all?" The voice said wanting to tease The Kid. "Y-yes?!" The boy said Hesitantly biting his lip. "Done, just call the phone in your hand to call me when you want to use your two other wishes, can't hold your hand for everything good Luck." as quickly as the voice entered it left, the boy then looked at the box thinking what type of phone it was.

Worrying that the school bell would ring any second, The Boy walked up to the main entrance.

The sidewalk would remind The Teen about memories of walking to school with his friends, and in some cases a few Girlfriends.

The Things that The Teen would think about is the first the first few hijinks he and his friends did in the beginning of the school year.

Then Dreadful thoughts this the last year of school Frightened The Teenager, into almost missing the Mediocre sight of the school.

After a few minutes of climbing the endless sidewalk, The Boy made it to the school gates red brick wall. The wall itself seen better days, as for the entrance nothing but a sight beyond amazement.

The entrance had a grand old entrance like the gates to a Mansion, with fancy golden Gates greeting The Teenager as he ever stepped closer out of excitement.

The School looked modern looking like the walls were made of cement, with a a big blue door to greet all who entered.

The boy saw a cute girl with long blonde hair near the school entrance, She wore a solid blue jacket with a black Tie.

Clad dark blue skirt, and long black leggings that went from her shoes to her thighs.

The Girl was not bad looking; though, she looked board out of her mind.

Perfect, the boy Thought.

The Teenager then walked up to the girl with the sound of enthusiastic foot steps on the concrete courtyard.

"Hello, I am Johnathan Mc'Fergus it's nice to meet you."