
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 439

William hadn't initially planned to attack the Royal Beast City so soon, but fate had different plans in store.

Carnier remained shameless and persistent in his desire to sell his merchandise. Even when offered in a dragon-like manner, his highness rejected the offer. William couldn't help but find it intriguing that Carnier was so determined.

William pondered aloud, "What is Carnier up to lately? The Beast City, as a long-standing neutral force with a history of hundreds of years, should be more prosperous than Dawn City. Even if he crafted ten sets of Legendary Rank Equipment, it wouldn't justify such a desperate need for funds."

However, in recent times, Carnier had begun selling dragon eggs all over, indicating financial troubles.

Prince William was uncertain about Carnier's motives, but he couldn't help but recall the secret plan that had nearly bankrupted the Royal Beast City. Carnier had dared to sell dragon eggs to players five years later.

William continued his quest to acquire materials for constructing the magic tower, knowing that it would take at least half a month before their transaction was completed.

The Royal Beast City was nestled within the vast Eastern Beast Forest, a lush expanse teeming with natural resources, abundant wildlife, and even Legendary creatures like phoenixes and giant dragons.

The Eastern Beast Forest covered a quarter of the entire Eastern region's landmass, sharing borders with the War-Ending Empire, East Sea Metropolis, Desert Kingdom, and others. This forest was a sought-after treasure trove for adventurers in the Eastern region.

It also served as the ideal environment for the Royal Beast City's development, as it was the natural habitat of Beast, dragons, half-elves, and other mystical beings.

However, humans were the exception, as they were ill-suited to the dense forest environment, especially when confronting Beast. A single Beast creature often required several human Professionals to subdue, making it challenging for humans to thrive in the Eastern Beast Forest.

But the Royal Beast City was an exception to this rule. Its founder, Kanier's father, had been a formidable mage who had practiced magic for three decades and held the Deputy title of Beast Master. He had managed to establish a thriving city in a region where humans couldn't survive for long.

Over time, the city had trained many Beast Masters and formed alliances with Legendary dragons, establishing itself as a prominent neutral power known throughout the Legendary continent.

Today, the Royal Beast City stood in the southeastern part of the Beast Forest. With a population exceeding two million and an army of 300000, including 100000 cavalry riding on Beast mounts, it was a formidable force.

The Beast Master profession alone counted 50000 members, all under Kanier's direct command. These Beast Masters were responsible for breeding, training, and capturing Beast, and their efforts had supplied kingdoms and empires with over a million Beast creatures for centuries.

The Royal Beast Masters not only excelled in raising and taming Beast but also possessed expertise in crossbreeding. They produced hybrid Beast that lacked reproductive capabilities but had gentle dispositions, appealing appearances, and unique abilities. These hybrid creatures were often sold as mounts to nobles.

In essence, the Royal Beast City was a place where humans and Beast coexisted. While skirmishes and predation among Beast and humans occurred from time to time, the profits outweighed the risks. This environment had given rise to a unique profession known as "Predators," a group of mercenaries and adventurers who specialized in capturing young Beast to sell to the Royal Beast Masters. This trade was highly lucrative and allowed those daring enough to venture into the Beast Forest to earn substantial wealth.

However, the recent decision by the City Lord to purchase young Beast at a higher rate had attracted a wave of Professionals back to the city, hoping to capitalize on this opportunity. In particular, an animal-catching group known as the "Qiaocai Animal Catcher Group" had gained fame in the Beast City for capturing over 30 Fire Dragon Blood Demons. These creatures, once simple creatures resembling horses with tiger teeth and claws, had evolved due to dragon influence, growing dragon scales and gaining the ability to breathe fire. This unique breed of Dragon Blood Demons held great potential for the city.

Kanier recognized the opportunity and rewarded Steve Jobs, the leader of the Qiaocai Animal Catcher Group, with a substantial amount of magic stones. Steve Jobs, a Half-Elf master hunter, had more than 30 high-level Professionals and over 100 Intermediate Level Professionals under his command. His exploits in the Beast City had garnered significant attention and respect.

However, unknown to the residents of the Royal Beast City, Steve Jobs had another role – he was a member of the Intelligence Department of Dawn City. His mission was to identify secret outposts and ambush sites surrounding the Royal Beast City while hunting Beast. Several other spies, each assuming different identities, had infiltrated the city over the past two months. They diligently gathered information on the city's layout, military strength, legion deployments, and the number of Beast creatures.

Yet, a new mission had recently been assigned to them – discover the purpose behind the Royal Beast City Lord's extravagant spending without revealing their true identities.

Seven days after William had left the Sky City, Steve Jobs and his Qiaocai Animal Catcher Group returned to the Royal Beast City. They spent three days scouring the Beast Forest but found no young creatures to capture. The adults were too powerful to subdue, and the risk of injury or death was too high.

Several middle-level Professionals from the group were even devoured by a Grandmaster Level Python, their remains obliterated.

The animal-catching groups in the city mocked and ridiculed Jobs and

 his team upon their return, causing Jobs to leave in frustration.

That night, he rendezvoused with Mi Weier, the Assistant Housekeeper of Kanier, in his rented house. The mansion of the Beast City Lord sprawled across a vast expanse and was serviced by thousands of servants, including several housekeepers.

Mi Weier, once a maid in Kanier's household, had experienced a romantic liaison with the city's master when she was young and beautiful. However, as she aged and lost her youthful allure, Kanier's interest waned. Yet, he couldn't bear to let her go. Instead, he appointed her as a Deputy Housekeeper, ensuring she remained close but unfulfilled.

Lonely and unmarried, Mi Weier occasionally sought solace in the arms of other men while wearing the metaphorical "green hat" of infidelity.

Now, in her forties, she was a high-level water mage. Kanier, who had a penchant for control, never granted her happiness despite her loyalty.

Thus, when Jobs approached the Royal Beast City, he and Mi Weier engaged in a clandestine affair that persisted through many late nights.

Jobs, a Half-Elf with a tall and handsome appearance, had extraordinary strength as a Grandmaster Level Professional. His role as a spy had taken a toll on him, requiring him to resort to selling his charms to gather information. Fortunately, Mi Weier's magical prowess and good looks provided some respite, though it still drained him.

As the night wore on, Jobs lay breathless on the bed, lamenting the fatigue that came with being a spy who also sold his affection.

Mi Weier, on the other hand, desired another round. She suggested, "Four times isn't enough. How about one more?"

Jobs waved his hand vehemently, refusing the offer. "No, no, I've been roaming the Beast Forest multiple times recently. I'm exhausted and drained. Let's save it for another day."

As Jobs contemplated the mysterious spending by the Lord of the Royal Beast City, Mi Weier mentioned something that caught his attention. She whispered a secret in his ear.

Jobs, eyes wide with astonishment, couldn't believe what he had just heard.

So, when Jobs left Mi Weier's company after seven encounters in one night, he had received an envelope containing a message that would change everything for him.

Prince William's face transformed as he read the contents of the envelope.

This message was now his new mission.

[Hidden Task Received: "The Natural Gods of the Fourth Era"]

[Natural Gods in the Fourth Era: In an era marked by the disappearance of gods, the rise of humanity, and the emergence of natural gods, what significance lies in their existence?]

[Task Details: You must make a choice – rescue, kill, or expose.]

[Task Difficulty: S Plus ]

[Task Reward: Unknown]

(Friendly Reminder: Your choice may shape your future path.)

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