
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 417

William examined his property panel with great satisfaction. He had recently acquired a significant upgrade to his [Thunder Body Variation], which not only boosted his thunder attribute attacks but also granted him an astonishing level of durability. Each enemy strike now restored 4% of his Health Point, amounting to a remarkable 9400 Plus Health Point. Coupled with his [Never Die] talent, William was practically invincible on the battlefield, with a far greater life pool than most tanky characters.

His Royal Highness reveled in his status as the premier Epic Level Ranger, boasting unmatched defenses and rapid Health Point recovery. The newly acquired talent, [Body of Primary Elements], further enhanced his combat capabilities, boosting his defense and attack by 20%. Most notably, it granted him an incredible increase in speed, elevating his flight velocity to supersonic levels.

With a smirk, William contemplated the possibilities. Thanks to his newfound swiftness, his equipment, which included Rune gear, now allowed him to move at incredible speeds. He mused about the drawbacks of such rapid movement, noting that poorly secured clothing and footwear could easily be lost during a high-speed dash.

William shifted his focus to the topic of thunder fields, equating them to the Forbidden Spells of mages. These powerful abilities offered unparalleled destruction and longevity, making them formidable in large-scale conflicts. William acknowledged their significance in battles, as they proved challenging for Legion soldiers to contend with, given their devastating effects over time.

Reflecting on his own experiences, he recalled encounters with pseudo-fields, like the one used by the frost dragon. Such fields unleashed potent elemental effects, and only with the aid of his space scroll could he escape them. Realizing the immense difference between pseudo-fields and true thunder fields, William prepared for his next challenge.

Turning his attention to three newly acquired skills, he reviewed each one in turn: 

1. [Soul Recovery]: A useful skill for Rangers, it allowed him to inflict additional real damage when targeting an enemy's weak Points. With precision, it could deal up to 30% of his attack power as extra damage, making it ideal against foes with multiple damage-reduction skills.

2. [Soul Recovery] (Resurrection): This skill intrigued William. It not only allowed him to resurrect a corpse that had been dead for less than 24 hours but also gave him control over the resurrected entity. This presented intriguing possibilities, such as interrogating a recently deceased giant dragon about hidden treasures.

3. [Saintly Thunder Unparalleled]: William contemplated this skill's potency, likening it to L.V. Bukai's unmatched appearance. He recognized its cost in the form of a 50% reduction in all attributes for a limited duration but was curious to see how it would evolve upon further upgrades.

With his skills and talents analyzed, William's thoughts turned to the thunder sea and its unique inhabitants, the thunder spirits. While unsure of their purpose, he believed they were intelligent beings. He grappled with the decision of whether or not to venture further into the thunder sea in pursuit of Thunder God's inheritance.

Ultimately, his connection with Thunder God's left hand and his belief that they were kin led him to resolve that he would inherit Thunder God's legacy. As he drew nearer to the thunder sea, the sheer energy and power it contained left him awestruck. The thunder element was so abundant that if it were to manifest in the world of gods, it could potentially devastate an entire continent.

"No wonder thunder spirits are born here, and thunder can be condensed into liquid. The richness of the thunder element here is beyond imagination," William mused aloud.

Suddenly, a blue-glowing stone flew towards him. William deftly caught it, and it crackled with electric energy for several seconds before settling down. It revealed itself as a [Thunder Crystal] of Legendary Rank, a rare material in the Gods' Continent. William recognized its potential for crafting powerful equipment and promptly stashed it in his space ring.

Intrigued by the possibilities, he considered crafting elemental equipment, which had the unique advantage of integrating with the wearer's body. He contemplated the varied equipment options available in the world, with metal-based gear being the most common. However, it paled in comparison to elemental equipment, which could boost a Professional's morale attribute significantly.

Realizing that he now had an abundance of materials, William was determined to make the most of this opportunity. He ventured further into the thunder sea, enduring the onslaught of lightning strikes. Surprisingly, he discovered that the lightning caused minimal harm, mostly due to his rapid Health Point recovery.

As William collected thunder crystals for several hours, his space ring filled with the precious materials. Yet, his desire for more remained insatiable. Lost in his pursuit of riches, he failed to notice that the thunder spirits had gradually encircled him.

It was only when he impulsively Pointed towards the sky and sped away at supersonic speed that he realized the true extent of his predicament. The thunder spirits, like mirror images of himself, mirrored his actions and pursued him relentlessly, closing in with each passing moment.

His highness slowly drifted into a meditative state, his fingers gently grazing his chin. In that moment, a multitude of Lei Ling entities, bearing a striking resemblance to William, mirrored his action by touching their chins in unison. William cast a fleeting glance at them, and in response, the entire group of Lei Ling entities turned their gaze towards him.

Frustration surged within William. "What kind of nonsense is this? You all mimic me, but then look elsewhere. You guys are playing tricks on me!" He angrily tugged at a few strands of his hair.

The other Lei Ling entities seemed to want to do the same, but there was a problem. They were bald. However, wood was involved somehow, and soon they sprouted hair infused with thunderous elements. William couldn't resist the temptation to yank on their hair playfully.

"What's going on with these guys? Are they like a bunch of newborns?" William wondered aloud, his confusion growing.

Gradually, it dawned on him that this thunderous realm might be the elemental world he had heard about in his previous life. Each of the gods' elements possessed a corresponding world inhabited by elemental creatures. Despite being a Legendary player in his past life, he had never ventured there. Not only was it challenging to locate these elemental realms in the vast world, but also he lacked the time, especially when others were more interested in pursuing wealth. In his view, amassing riches from powerful foes was a faster endeavor.

However, the current situation felt slightly perilous. These Lei Ling entities were not only mimicking him but also closing in on him.

10000 meters.

5000 meters.

1000 meters.

100 meters.

3 meters.

William dared not make a move. He didn't need to panic, though, because at a distance of three meters, he was merely faced with seven or eight Lei Ling entities, which was not an overwhelming number.

One of them attempted to approach him but was stopped by a stronger thunder spirit at the other end. The prince observed Lei Ling entities who bore his likeness and didn't know what to make of the situation.

However, at least he hadn't sensed any hostility from them.

But that would change soon.

After a brief pause, the Lei Ling entity with the most pronounced presence suddenly extended its hand and Pointed towards William's left hand.

William contemplated for a moment and extended his left hand.

The Lei Ling entity reached out and touched William's left hand, and in that instant, something extraordinary happened.

No, it wasn't just with this one Lei Ling entity; it was as if he had established telepathic connections with all the thunder spirits.

Their voices resonated in his mind like children eagerly clamoring for attention.

"Let me see, let me see him…"

"You bullies! Why are you surrounding him? Are you trying to monopolize the outsider? I'll fight you for it!"

"The outsider's aura is similar to ours!"

"It's really strikingly similar. I have no interest in those others. Even though they bear the scent of thunder, they're fundamentally different."

"But then again, they do seem appetizing…"

William swallowed hard. These beings not only imitated him but also seemed to have consumed larger entities. He couldn't help but wonder, did they kill and eat those larger beings?

However, his highness couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. If he didn't possess Thunder God's left hand, he might have met his demise in this place. Trapped as he was, he dared not move, partly because the Lei Ling entities continued to grip his hand.

They clung to it, displaying no intentions of letting go, leaving him puzzled.

William, however, wasn't about to give in. Just as he contemplated his next move, the Lei Ling entity with the most potent presence gestured toward his left hand once more.

William pondered for a moment and then extended his left hand again.

In an instant, he felt a jolt, like an electric shock. It was a moment of connection, of mental communion. These beings were trying to convey something.

No, it wasn't just one of them; it was as if he was mentally linked to all of them.

They spoke like children, their voices filled with excitement and curiosity.

"Let's see, let's see him…"

"You bullies! Why are you surrounding him? Are you trying to monopolize the outsider? I'll fight you for it!"

"The outsider's aura is similar to ours!"

"It's really strikingly similar. I have no interest in those others. Even though they bear the scent of thunder, they're fundamentally different."

"But then again, they do seem appetizing…"

William was taken aback by this newfound connection. He couldn't believe he had established a telepathic link with these beings. They regarded him as one of their own, it seemed.

As the Lei Ling entity with the most potent presence moved aside, others parted to create a path, leading him with a gesture.

William complied, allowing himself to be led. It seemed likely that they were guiding him to Thunder God's Body.

"Could it be that they want me to retrieve it for them?"