
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 416: Innumerable Thunders

Chapter 416: Innumerable Thunders

William surveyed his property panel, and his heart swelled with excitement. Among the upgrades, the most notable was [Thunder Body • Mutation], which had now evolved into [Thunder Body • Mutation]. This upgrade not only significantly boosted his Thunder attribute attacks but also endowed his physical prowess with incredible enhancements. With every strike against an opponent, he could recover a remarkable 4% of his Health Point, amounting to an astonishing 9400 Plus Health Points.

He sighed contentedly. "Combined with my [Endless Dying] talent, I could practically stand still amidst a swarm of enemies and let them hack away at me for a day without losing much blood." William grinned, noting that his blood reserves still exceeded those of many meat shields by hundreds of thousands of life Points.

In terms of defense and the speed at which he regenerated Health Point, he undoubtedly ranked first among epic rangers. Indeed, he had become a superlative figure within the epic tier.

Yes, he had become the pinnacle of epic rangers.

"As for the new talent, [Elemental Elementary Body], it increases my defense and attack power by 20%. That's another good deal," he mused. But what truly excited him were the unique effects granted to lightning Professionals – speed, incredible speed. It granted him a 50% boost in movement speed, and when he activated his Fighting Shield, that speed surged to 80%. This meant his flight speed could reach an astounding 1080 kilometers per hour, or 300 meters per second.

"I've become incredibly agile too, with my increased movement and attack speed. I can now fly at supersonic speeds." William glanced at the boots he had equipped, choosing to skip inspecting his toes. After all, donning Professional slippers could be quite laborious, even with the assistance of rune equipment.

However, if one forgot to secure their clothing and shoes or didn't apply an additional layer of protective Spells, they'd soon discover that their garments had vanished, leaving them with only one fruit to display. This was precisely why foreign superheroes opted for bodysuits – it was a matter of high-speed convenience. 

"The Thunder Realm is an extensive set of abilities exclusive to Thunder epic Professionals, much like a magician's Forbidden Spell. It's a super burst, an incredible power boost, and it endures exceptionally long. What's more, it carries no side effects. It's meant for team battles and is the very reason why Legion soldiers can't compete with epic powerhouses. Once that field opens up, even if an army consisting of Grandmasters and high-ranking fighters manages to endure the initial explosive damage, they can't hold on for long under the sustained field effect," William reflected, remembering his encounter with pseudo-realms like the Frost Dragon.

The Frost Dragon's field effect was characterized by intense cold and deceleration. Were it not for the pseudo-realm, William, with his initial strength, would have had no choice but to use a space scroll to escape the battlefield, as certain death awaited him otherwise.

William then turned his attention to three new skills: 

1. [Soul Recovery]: A remarkable ranger skill that not only inflicts regular damage but also deals an additional 30% true damage when targeting enemy weaknesses. When maxed out, it became a god-level skill against meat shields, provided one could land accurate shots. At the epic level, true meat shields possessed numerous skills that negated damage, making precision shots crucial to defeating them.

2. [Soul Resurrection]: "This skill is quite intriguing. It allows one to resurrect a corpse that has been deceased for less than 24 hours, granting control over it. It could be particularly useful for killing a dragon, resurrecting it, and interrogating it about hidden treasures," William contemplated. This skill could be quite deceptive, as long as the killing was executed discreetly; the resurrected entity would bear no visible signs of injury, thus making it an ideal tool for deceit.

3. [Holy Thunder Warrior]: "The meaning behind this one is quite evident. Just think of Lu Bukai's unparalleled appearance. The side effect, however, is a 50% reduction in total attributes. I'll continue using it for a while to see if there are any improvements after further upgrades," William decided, taking note of these new skills and talents before moving on.

Unfortunately, there was no time to linger on these abilities.

William had experience with his roles, cheats, and skills all leveling up simultaneously. It required nearly 50 million Experience Points, more than what was needed to advance from one level to the next. William gazed up at the boundless sea of thunder, filled with thunder spirits, thunder legacies, and perhaps even sentient beings. He wasn't entirely sure what Thunder Spirits were capable of, but they seemed to be living and intelligent creatures.

"To go or not to go?" William pondered, "Many have perished here, including Legendary powerhouses, all in pursuit of Thunder God's legacy. But my goal is different… I'm here to inherit the legacy. I've met with Thunder God , my brother."

"Yes, I believe you," William murmured softly, glancing at his left hand, where Thunder God's power resided. He took a deep breath and began to approach the seemingly infinite sea of thunder.

As he drew closer, he could feel the overwhelming presence of the Thunder Ocean and the boundless energy it contained. He couldn't help but think that if this Thunder Ocean existed in the realm of gods, it would undoubtedly devastate an entire continent.

"No wonder thunder is born here, and it condenses into a liquid. The sheer strength of the thunder element here is beyond imagination," William marveled.

Suddenly, a blue light streaked toward him. William extended his left hand and caught it.

It stung.

Countless electric sparks shimmered before it completely vanished after a few seconds.

He had gained something.

[Thunder Crystal]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Description: This small crystal contains a potent thunder element.]

"Well, aren't you a pleasant surprise? You'll make some fine equipment," William said with a sly grin as he placed the Thunder Crystal into his space ring. Such rare materials were hard to come by, and it would undoubtedly be a valuable asset in crafting equipment.

He was originally content with obtaining an ordinary Legendary suit, planning to make do with it until he stumbled upon better gear. However, things had changed.

With the Thunder Crystal in hand, he could craft elemental equipment.

This brought up an interesting Point. In the world, equipment mainly fell into two categories: metal-based gear, which was physical and known for its durability, and other types of equipment, each with its unique benefits.

For instance, rune equipment could be integrated into the body and attached to the skin at any time. Magic energy equipment, while primarily used by Cannon Masters, allowed one to harness the power of magic crystals, though it was typically beyond the means of ordinary individuals.

Elemental equipment, on the other hand, could integrate into the body as well, but their creation process was more complex. When crafted properly, they could significantly enhance the combat attributes of Professionals.

While ordinary Legendary Rank Equipment could have attribute gems and enchantments added to them, they inevitably paled in comparison to elemental equipment. This created a divide between epic Professionals, with William finding himself on the prosperous

 side of it.

William was far from impoverished. However, he understood his own capabilities and had no intention of squandering his wealth. Nevertheless, he now found himself collecting materials without rhyme or reason. In time, he could seek out a skilled artisan to craft him a set of leather equipment.

But for now, he cautiously ventured further into the endless Thunder Ocean. Lightning and thunder struck him continuously, inflicting some injuries along the way.

He wasn't a purely elemental being; exaggerated thunder and lightning could undoubtedly harm him. But William quickly realized that the multitude of lightning attacks were no match for his rapid regenerative abilities. Moreover, he noticed that the lightning within the Thunder Sea didn't inflict significant damage on him; most of the thunder remained contained within.

His Royal Highness couldn't resist the temptation and began to playfully interact with the lightning. His speed matched that of lightning itself as he soared through the Thunder Sea, chasing flying Thunder Crystals and occasionally taking a dip in the electrically charged waters.

However, as the saying goes, "Every wave is followed by another," and sooner or later, the tides would turn.

After spending two or three hours collecting Thunder Crystals, William's space rings were piled high. This was more than enough material for crafting a complete set of equipment. Yet, human greed knows no bounds.

And so it happened that when he snapped back to reality, he found himself surrounded by a group of Thunder Spirits who had detoured to encircle him.


Various forms of thunder attacks manifested in every direction: from the sky, the ground, the southeast, and the northwest. Most of these Thunder Spirits had irregular shapes, making it impossible to discern their true appearances.

But as they gazed at William, Rayling and the surrounding Thunder Spirits slowly transformed into human-like forms.

William gulped audibly. These Thunder Spirits possessed formidable lightning abilities, and their newfound human appearances made them look eerily similar to him. If these beings were transported to the realms of the gods, others might mistake them for his illegitimate children.

Alright, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but the sight was indeed unsettling.

His Royal Highness already had the Space Scroll ready in his hand. If these Thunderlings dared to attack him, he could make a swift exit.

However, what happened next was unexpected.

These Thunderlings were mimics. Whatever William did, Ray Ling imitated. 

"Hmm… Look, a gray squirrel!" William suddenly Pointed at a Thunder Spirit in the sky, and instantly, a supersonic boom erupted as he flew towards a Thunder Spirit's location.

Simultaneously, countless Thunder Spirits turned their attention to the sky, extending their fingers in various directions. One of them had even extended its hand to mimic the gesture, then quickly changed hands as if it had realized its mistake.

William's less intelligent gesture seemed to have irked the other Raylings. However, apart from the second Harley-Davidson, when William took flight, the rest of the Raylings followed suit at the same speed and direction.

His Royal Highness flew for quite some time, at the fastest speed he'd ever reached. Unfortunately, the encirclement of Thunder Spirits remained, and more joined in, causing the gap between him and his pursuers to steadily close.

His Royal Highness began to ponder his situation, scratching his chin in thought. Countless Raylings, who now also sported chin-scratching actions, mirrored his contemplation.

William glanced at them, and they in turn gazed back at him.

"Frustrating. You're all powerful, yet you can't even look in the same direction as me. You guys are ridiculous," William muttered, pulling out a few strands of his hair in frustration.

Other Thunder Spirits attempted to mimic his hair-pulling actions, but they were bald. However, the connection was there, and soon enough, their hair started growing, imbued with thunderous elements. They appeared quite pleased with their newfound, electrified hair.

"What's going on with these guys? Are they like a bunch of newborns?" William was genuinely puzzled.

He now had a clearer understanding of the situation. This Thunder Realm must be one of the elemental realms he'd heard of in his past life. Each element in the realm of the gods had a corresponding elemental world inhabited by elemental creatures.

William had been a Legendary player in his previous life, but he had never ventured into these elemental worlds. Not only were they difficult to locate, but he had prioritized his time differently, always seeking to maximize his earnings by conquering formidable challenges.

Nevertheless, the current situation appeared to be growing increasingly precarious. This group of Thunder Spirits not only continued to mimic him but also started closing in on him.

10000 meters away.

5000 meters.

1000 meters.

100 meters.

3 meters.

William didn't dare to move. But he also didn't fear death, for when he reached a distance of three meters, only seven or eight Thunder Spirits remained in his immediate vicinity. One of them appeared to be trying to get closer to him but was deterred by the stronger aura of another Thunder Spirit.

His Royal Highness observed the Thunder Spirit that resembled him and found himself at a loss for words. However, at least he hadn't detected any hostility from them.

After a while, the most powerful Thunder Spirit among them gestured for the others to step aside, took William by the hand, and led him in a specific direction.

William complied obediently, as it was apparent that this group of Thunder Spirits didn't want to harm him. They were more likely guiding him to the location of Thunder God's Body.

"Can I trust them, or am I walking into a trap?"

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