
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 25

The immoral pleasure of humiliating my wife in front of my husband makes my emotions extremely high. If it were not for the special situation, I would not want to throw down the evil lotus at all costs and enjoy these two pieces of cooked and beautiful meat.

"HMMM..." The cuicalyx seems to come out of the belly with a hum, and then a great deal of lewd honey is released from the honey cavity. In the bottomless darkness, sparks burst forth. In the whirlpool of such a strong climax, Cuicalyx felt the exhilaration mixed with joy, and the pleasure of submission.

"Yaaawn... Going to shoot... Ahh..."

Suddenly Job, who was in front, gave a cry of sorrow. All of a sudden, my muscles stiffened to the point where my penis, inserted in my rectum, began to expand to its limit.

"Yaaawn... Shot..."

My belly slammed against Cuicalyx's tender buttocks, followed by convulsions, white semen from the horse's mouth at the tip of the turtle, intermittently squirted into Cuicalyx's bottomless rectum.

"Aww... Sorry..."

Job, who uses Cuicalyx's mouth as a vagina, also reaches a second orgasm. Then he shot the white semen into Cuicalyx's mouth with such force that his wife's throat almost choked.

"Baaaah... How comfortable... This bitch's anus is tight enough, that's great..." After the ejaculation, I let out a sigh of relief and let out a smirk of satisfaction.

Poor Cuicalyx went limp, and the obscene valley was exposed wide open. A stream of white semen, along the wet flesh seam, slowly flows down the asshole, forming the most obscene picture. And the corners of her mouth spit out a mixture of saliva and male white foam, like a female dog after being raped.

Of course I'm not gonna be so nice, and then, fueled by the lust barrier, I'm gonna start a third round of intense coitus, and I'm gonna fuck that Calyces bitch. Only this time, Evil Lotus, the most skilled in the art of sucking, mounted Job's waist and wiggled her plump buttocks with free will.

It was a long time before dawn, and she was once again in the room of sexual immorality, leaving only the screams and cries of purgatory.

4. Poor elven fools Two days later, near noon, Job Sheehan, the fort's general, issued a series of orders to move 90% of the fort's forces out of Martinlis, march to the designated target, and conduct exercises.

The sudden orders came as a surprise to the people, but they were obeyed, and after lunch the great armies marched out of the city in one order.

Job's eyes glazed over as they left the city. For two days, the evil lotus had been making love to him, absorbing almost all the internal forces of this great master. But when the evil Lotus's body was exhausted and she could suck no more, her fangs sank into Job's neck, turning him into a vampire.

Controlling her puppet, the Evil Lotus gave the order to move the army away from the fortress, while I gave the signal to our troops lurking on my left. Soon after, the gates of the fort were opened to meet a procession of troops dressed in Solensian uniforms. Our troops, with helmets covering human ears and fake uniforms, numbered only tens of thousands, but they quickly took over all the most dangerous places in the fort, as I had previously reported. By the time the remaining thousands of defenders and residents of the city realized the error, it was too late.

After more than ten minutes of bloodshed, we gained control of the fortress. But the crisis is still there. The 280,000 Solensian troops who have left the city, after being ambushed by a mountain and valley of agencies at the drill site, will surely perceive something wrong and fight back to the fortress.

The timing was accurate, about two hours later, when the Solensian army returned to the fortress, the evil lotus smelt blood in the air, and it was clear that the organs had worked effectively. But it was not enough. Two hundred and eighty thousand men had been killed or wounded by one or two hundred and twenty thousand men, and they still had the formidable power to retake the fortress when we had less than thirty thousand men.

The Dwarves' craftsman's heavy crossbows, skull slings, food cannons... All are deadly super weapons, together with the main gun of the fortress, we rely on to regain the advantage of the trump card; However, I have a more powerful move!

I sent out a flare, and the soldiers opened hundreds of vats, sending plumes of purple smoke blowing across the battlefield. The elves of Solencia, many of whom were masters of wind magic, would not have thought well of such a clumsy trick of poison smoke, but when the medicine in their bellies began to stir, it was another matter.

In a hurry, can not get a lot of poison, and the direct use of poison, easy to be seen through, so the evil lotus is using the blood family's unique secret, with the food itself of the way to produce grams, with a large number of chronic purgative, now the time has come, coupled with the smoke of the drug, more than two hundred thousand pointed ear monsters at the same time to make belly pain, the battlefield is full of grief, stink.

Take advantage of the enemy disease, to the enemy's life! It has always been my aim. Even with powerful weapons and walls, thirty thousand men against two hundred eighty thousand men is a difficult task, but when the opposing force is a helpless pack of howling dead dogs, it is quite another matter.

All of a sudden, crossbolts, cannonballs, poisoned water... And magic missiles, all shot out as if they were free, and the sky was filled with them. The Solanians crouched on the ground, not even aiming, but hitting, and it was not so easy to kick the dead dog. A great number of casualties were caused in an instant. For the elves of Solencia, this must be the most tragic day in their history. For absurd reasons, 280,000 elite troops were killed in the most humiliating manner on the battlefield, with bodies piled up and blood everywhere.

Though their eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, the appearance of their bodies covered with stinking excrement did not seem to convince them. Do not know the future Solancia help these dead soldiers held a national mourning ceremony, what will be said in the sacrificial text? Will it say that they went safely to heaven? I'm afraid no heaven would accept so many smelly people.

The battle has arrived, Evil lotus stands beside me, eyes flashing with excitement, so much blood, should be able to satisfy the dark queen's bloodlust! But then an unexpected thing happened.

Cuicalyx was tied to a pillar beside her, witnessing the suffering of her compatriots, and sobbing. At this time, probably because the excitement was too much, she suddenly cried out, "Husband! I'm sorry for you... I'm sorry! ' Then hit the post, the head shell suddenly cracked.

Evil Lotus and I were surprised, and she immediately rushed to look over there. Just as the lotus was leaving, Job, who was standing beside me, suddenly began to complain. For one thing, it was unexpected that he was controlled by the evil lotus. After all, he was truly a master of the generation and still retained a little self-awareness; Second, he... What a tragedy. Even if he had only one success, he was still ten or twenty times stronger than me. In the blink of an eye, he took away the ghost pills I stabbed at him, beat me to the ground, and then cut me down with his sword. Evil Lotus scrambled to save me, but it was too late.

However, I really don't know what this guy was thinking! When the ghost pills fell halfway, they suddenly stopped. Job looked around to see his wife in a pool of blood, and then looked at the battlefield where flesh and blood were flying outside. Two lines of clear tears flowed from the tiger's eyes, and loud crying, followed by a wave of the ghost pills to the neck, the sword blade was sharp, the blood suddenly appeared, and the head had fallen off the ground.

I was scared out of my wits and couldn't speak for a long time. Soon after, Evil Lotus confirmed that I was not hurt and reported, "Cuicalyx is badly injured, but I am still sure I can save her. As for this... Of course, she is dead. I wonder what the master plans to do with her."

'The living one must be cured first. As for the dead one...' I looked solemn and said: "He is still a generation of martial arts masters, the hero of life, we can not let him violent corpse wilderness!"

"Ah?" The amazed lily looked on her face, apparently not expecting such an answer.

"So... Shall he be buried well? '

"This... Aych! Spare me the extra expense!" I waved my hand and said, "Put his head in lime and send it back to the King's capital, even if I kill him!" The military will probably hang the head at the gate of the city to show off their strength, and then it won't be a dead body in the wilderness. Don't waste the military achievements that are so easy to earn!"

"Master, you... What a once-in-a-lifetime bitch!"

"Well said, take it as my epitaph!"

If Ahurama's victory had been a fluke; The successful capture of Fort Martinus was a miracle. Although the number did not break the previous record, but captured the fortress known as the "city of never fall", almost all of the Solancia defenders, our 30,000 people are not bleeding, but casualties are very few (hiding on the wall to operate weapons to kill dogs, what casualties?). . This great victory spread throughout the continent in the shortest time possible.

As I was not expected to capture the fortress, the army made a great deal of effort to rush in men to occupy and take Martinlese, and we at the fortress were busy sorting out the aftermath before they arrived. It was the inevitable dream of all officers to sell off a great deal of the material in the fort and line our own pockets. As for the residents of the fortress, from the standpoint of humanity, torture and maltreatment were despicable means, which we with noble chivalry would despise. But in order to save food, the evil lotus contacted the slave market of various countries and sold hundreds of thousands of men, women and children inside the city in the name of prisoners of war. After deducting all the spoils, what fell into my pocket was as much as 30,000 gold coins, which was really a big profit.

While I was waiting, a small incident occurred. One night, while I was asleep, I was suddenly warned by the magic potion, and I fled in haste to avoid being assassinated. Then Evil Lotus struck and captured the three assassins.

As for the assassins, Ben should kill them immediately, but if it is three young and beautiful women, it is different. Under the hypnotic questioning of Evil Lotus, they confessed that they were spies of the Black Dragon Society on the East Sea. Recently, one of their companions had lost an important document in Martinlese, and they were ordered to steal it.