
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 9

I waited till I was in the elevator when I made it clear that he is the only one that I want to marry when this nonsense was over. He gave me a look and said that he knows. He had known since I mentioned the hallucinations. I could have dreamed about Jasper or my mother even possible hang out with my friends back in private school but he was the main focus because I must have deep feelings for him. He said the hallucinations were proof that I had moved on from Jasper. I just needed the push. So I asked him if he would go on a date with me. If he says no I will respect his decision and never ask him again. He has earned my respect. Oleg smiled, "I am waiting till we get back to Luna to take you on a proper date but if you want we can have a picnic here." I happily hopped on the balls of my feet, "I will go and get ready"

When the door opened I sprinted to my room. The others laughed at my eagerness. I took an hour finding the perfect outfit that I felt was appropriate. When I came out one of the Hyperion guards said that there has been a break in so no one is allowed step outside. I thanked him and walked back inside. I moved all of the furniture out of the living room and decorated the floor with flowers. I laid out a blanket and called the kitchen to ask for a few medium rare steaks and some sandwiches. I opened the shades covering the windows and waited till the food arrived. Oleg sat on the blanket and we ate together. Batou walked and it took him a moment to realize I was on a date. He waited in the library till we were done. He had the authoritative uncle speech with Oleg and then when he was satisfied he congratulated us both. When it was dinner time I requested mine in my quarters and plus extra.

The next day Link had a fake sad face as he apologized, "There was a break in and some vandalism so I had to enforce a lockdown." I smiled, "No worries. I had my date in my quarters. I rearranged the furniture in my living room and had my picnic date with Oleg there. Last night we had our first dinner date. I know you were eavesdropping our conversation in the elevator" His face soured immediately. He stormed off without a word.

One of the Hyperion Guards gave me a smile since werewolves are deemed less than even humans. He said I am the one who openly chose a werewolf twice. He wished us both a happy life. The others were supportive too but kept their mouths shut about it. I called Umbrella fortress to see if they needed my help but even if they said yes I can't go till lockdown was over. After another day the lockdown was lifted.

Link had an idea. I should go on a date with him and I said that he is not my type. He said, "You wouldn't know what your type is till you go on a date." I smiled, "I made up my mind. I am not dating you. Tomorrow is the Solstice dance. That means werewolf and vampire women will be presented to you and you will have to chose from them which one you want to marry. You are not allowed to have a harem." He smiled, "I don't need a harem. I want to wake up with you beside me. How much simpler do you want me to explain. I am head over heels in love with you." I smiled, "And I told you that I am not in love with you. I think of you as an elderly man. I respect your decision as emperor but I am not interested in being your wife. It won't matter how many times you ask. I prefer you as emperor not husband." He gave me a sad face and walked away.

The council started another session and I asked if we could mount an assault on the zombie makers. We could use satellites to triangulate where they are. We can use missiles to knock them out. Then did as we done before. Summon the zombies to one place and blow them to bits. The council said that they will ask the public their view on this matter and get back to me. I thanked them for their time and sat down.

The people ran to vote the moment the idea was broadcasted. Everyone said yes to destroying all the zombies and menace makers. Soon volunteers arrived with ideas and weapons. Pearl reconfigured their satellites to find these menaces. Missiles were sent to destroy these places. Once the places was smithereens. Satellite showed what appears to be civilians walking into find these things. They are seen arguing with a group of people. Then when things got ugly some of them walked away. The ones they argued with were seen trying to reason with them. When all else failed in some places the ones that walked away were gunned down.

The people divided into groups and set out to destroy the zombies and find survivors to populate the city. They came back with a few thousand people. They were pleased to see a safe haven. We made sure that Pearl gave the all clear. Then we used the radio to send messages that there are no infection. We offer food, shelter and protection. We are amongst those that are annihilating the zombies.

The last pockets of survivors sent their locations and we got them to safety. They volunteered to help get rid of the zombies. Some were hard while the others were easy. The ones on the surface were dealt with we turned our attention to the reserve. The trick was to get rid of the bunch roaming the ocean. Simultaneously we arrested and dragged the people responsible for these menaces and executed them publicly. Once the hoards were dealt with we celebrated the life we are going to live. The humans formed their own government and we nocturnals had our government. Link was our Emperor while Claire was the president of the humans. That lasts a month and the nocturnal system was restored. Link was once again everyone's emperor.

I moved to Luna and was met with happy and cheerful citizens. Oleg and I officially started to date. He brought me flowers for every date. He would bring me chocolates on special occasions. He would take me on rides on his bike which I loved very much. We would dance the night away and also we would go watch a movie. He would still take me clubbing to prove that it isn't jinxed. We would have dinners at restaurants or in the penthouse.

People started building railroads for bullet trains. Schools reopened and job openings started too. There were no slums allowed in the city so the homeless were moved to a tiny houses and given jobs. Casino opened but drugs was off limits. The drug dealer were given the death penalty immediately. No trial and no waiting. Just face the wall and be shot dead. The guns designed so it will only fire when the user's fingerprint matches the one in the purchase order or the weapon is automatically deactivated. There is a ten second delay to verify the shooter. This stopped so many children from dying and also stopped many school shootings as well. The old guns were dismantled and the knowledge to make it was forgotten.

I made a conscious decision to join the dark knights. There was much protest from Link. Soren applauded my choice. The others joined me and we became a team. We were the day shift. The vampire bodyguards used the ultraviolet or special edition sunblock to remain outside. The werewolves were given vacation time during the full moon. But these guys have been trained so they can change anytime they wanted. I was made part of the special investigations unit. I still kept my penthouse which Link tried to yank. The council said that it is mine and not his grandma's. Well not specifically grandma but something along the lines.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts