
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 9

I walked out to see that the tv saying that the armed forces have surrounded our city and the battle has begun. I had to dull my hearing since the bang was enough to make me go permanently deaf if I let it. I sat down to eat breakfast. Sonja said that I should sit in the front seat since I am the actual head of the family. The others didn't seem to object. The security stared at me with a tired expression. But they didn't say anything. They knew that I was a nocturnal but couldn't say anything since they had a great deal of respect for the family.

Afterwards we sat to watch the news. I saw Taylor and his buddies flying past the window. They hurried to level the tanks and other implements of war. The drones were knocked out with an EMP. The army managed to infiltrate the south side of the city but the rebels managed to push back. This was met with severe hostility. It was raining bullets and soon there was a loud bang. I heard one side screamed to advance. I heard the others scream to their comrades to make a tactical retreat. I used X-ray vision and saw the rebels running towards Burgess. Their only strong hold. There they had enough firepower to hold the army back. The soldiers didn't shoot since the rebels had grabbed whoever they could. They happily used them as human shields. This didn't sit well at all. They also set booby traps. They had placed land mines to make sure that no one can go in or out.

A plan was made to rescue them so that they can level the place. I searched to see who was held captive when I heard a distinct voice. I knew that Enrique was one of the hostages. Sonya was on the varenda admiring the renovation as the maid arranged an assortment of treats on the table. The others were walking in single file. I accidentally blurt out the list of hostages and Sonja started to laugh till she turned on the news. I pointed him out and she froze and soon the other expressed their surprise. The others started to talk about the breaking news in-depth. Yuri wanted to know what else I can do. The others quit their conversations and were also expressing their interest. But I waved them off. The interrogation reached an new level of intensity after brunch. I finally had to excuse myself. They groaned sadly but I wagged my finger telling them that the less they know the better.

I walked to the library when I heard a steady heartbeat. I turned to see a young man in his early twenties staring at me. His eyes were shining with love but I waved him off as I walked into the library and closed the door on his face. I sat down to watch the mayhem unfold on the Burgess. I saw that both of the negotiators sent by the government were werewolves twins Eksa and Kiska. Deadly and beautiful. I felt like this whole thing was a trap so I jumped out of the window and ran as fast as I could. When I reached a safe place in the woods I looked around for safety reasons . I was close to Burgess but not so close that there spyware would catch me. I knew there was no going back so I took a deep breath.

I screamed as loud as I could. When those hear me they will understand that there is something wrong going on. Soon I heard a distinct howl that sounds like 'Message received. We are leaving. ASAP'. I knew that they will have no trouble getting back to October. I quickly ran back and stayed in the library. I searched for an alibi and finally picked up a tablet and read an E-book.

The army came to inspect the property. They searched all the floors. When they came to mine they wanted to be suspicious but I was on the fifth floor in a locked room so nobody for a moment believed it was me who screamed. Eska and Kiska came too. The twins stood taller than the humans. Eska dressed a faded blue jeans with a cream color shirt and black corset. She wore a leather high high boots. Her curly sandy blonde hair in messy bun. Her brother on the other hand had shaved both sides of his head and had tied the rest of his hair in a ponytail and it looked adorable. His choice of clothing was a white t-shirt paired with a black vest and dark blue jeans. He wore sneakers. Together they looked heartstoppingly beautiful but this masked how extremely deadly they were. If provoked they can summon their werewolf abilities without fully transforming. They can be fast to outrun people. They can extend their claws or use their fangs to fight off enemies. They can use their super sense of smell to track anyone. Their pitch black eyes looking around wanting to know where I was. I asked if they could stay for dinner as honored guests. They oddly accepted my request. This slipped the minds of the humans that came but the residents were curious. Eska and Kiska knew better than to refuse. The vampires may change their loyalty depending on who is their current leader but the werewolf won't bend their will to another till their alpha is dead. To them I am their alpha so refusing my request is an insult.

We had dinner and I explained what was going on. Kiska asked me to come back and they can hide me from the others. I can be a shop keeper or waitress or anything else. But this place to them was an insult. I promised to go after the hostage situation is dealt with. The twins said that they will handle the negotiations. I mentioned that the whole thing is a trap to bleed nocturnals. They promised to be careful. I said this shinanigan will end only if Burgess is leveled to the ground. I told them to convince the military to force the people in that building to come out and smash the place to bits.

Eska made it clear she will inform the army to destroy the building. She is here for the hostages. I said that I will take care of it. Their priority is to make sure the building is rubble. Kiska asked why and I said that they are trying to create an army of nocturnals. The basement is transformed into a laboratory. I am not taking any chances. The twins asked where Burgess was and I gave them directions. They asked if they were being taken there before I called them and I said that they weren't heading there. The place they were going to is called palm hill. The place is laced with all sorts of explosives. This infuriated them both that they called it in. After a while the leaders of werewolves made it clear that I was to come home. Sonja and her siblings were sad that I was leaving but pleased that I came to visit. And so after dinner we left for October. They called the military to escort us to the designated area. Sonja wished me a safe trip.