
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 9

I arrived home after work to see the warrior class getting ready to teach me new moves to take down my enemy. I changed into gym clothes when one showed up and showed me a newspaper headline that was above the fold. It was picture of me protecting the girl from a horde of zombies. The headline read "Who is the real monster" I shrugged it off and went straight to training. When I was done with the martial arts lessons I thanked my teachers and ran to my room.

I cleaned myself up and went to work. Machine City was there to lodge a complaint against me for the rifle incident. Instead of writing their complaint they were arrested by the citizens. The police had to escort the scientists to a jail cell. They had wait for a court order to get out. Only to be arrested again when it was discovered that they had an entire army of monstrosity kept in cold storages. Each type of beast waiting to be unleashed to strike terror in the hearts of innocent people.

The public were outraged as the culprits were escorted to the court. They complained that if they had me to experiment on this wouldn't have happened. So I got up and asked him what he really had in mind. He said he wants become like me. Except he wants to rule the world with an iron fist. He believes that people should be suppressed into submission. He wants to be the one that decides the fate of the humanity. He has no interest in vaccines or anything of the sort. In fact he only wants to make a few people he know to become like me so they can help can him enslave everyone. Then he stopped talking for a moment and realized what he had done. He refused to say anything else for the rest of the hearing. The judge ruled to remove these laboratories and replace them with building that are useful. For example hospitals, universities, high schools, hotel, restaurants or old folks homes. The crowd cheered as the scientists got up in rage. They were given the death penalty for making those monstrosities and the other cities of machine city was leveled too. New cities were in their place with people from all walks of life living together in harmony.

The intelligent residents of Machine City were only employed as school teachers, doctors or college professors. They were not allowed to make a laboratory again. Some became police officers or lab techs here in LAPD as well. They kept an eye on me with disdain but they did nothing further than that. Trouble began when the buildings were demolished. From the rubble monsters of different kinds were unleashed to the world. The people were so upset that they went on strike. They demanded that perpetrators be executed. But they then the records were destroyed so there was no definitive proof to arrest anyone.

The first these things can fly. They had a bat like face with a body of a dragonfly with eight wings, six legs, multiple bloodshot eyes, their flesh was exposed here and there and they also had fangs. They emitted an heart stopping wail. People called these screechers. The next monstrosity had a body like a alligator, it had gills and it's tail had spikes. People had a hard time killing these. In the end they used lasers to cut them. No one named these things. The next one was human like with worms coming out of their mouths. They were called the strain. The next were dogs that looked it was reconstructed after it was turned into a jigsaw puzzle. They were called Mutts. The next were large vulture sized birds that molted some of its feathers. Its eye was completely white with streaks of red here and there. It would cry pus. They were named raptors. The last were vampire like beings except their eyes were completely black and they only had fangs. They had bat winged arms and their noses were chopped off. These were called Strigoi. They were a little difficult to kill except with sunlight or fire.

The people of machine city were interrogated but none of them admitted to creating them. They knew that they will get the death penalty. I was concerned for my friends so I took time off to find them and bring them home. But the people working at the police department felt it was best if I stayed here. I told them that I will come back as soon as possible when I was sure that they were safe.

I waited till after work hours to go home and pack my belongings. I ran in the direction of Green dale now know as Flores. When I got there I saw that my friends had grown old. I didn't even know that forty years had passed by. Some of them had died and been buried. The kids I had rescued were pleased to see me. They promised if things get bad they will move to LA too. Green dale was an essential farming state so they were protected. So I realized that I came back for nothing. I paid my respect to the dead. Then came back to LA. No one knew that I had gone there and came back.

I saw vampires and werewolves setting aside their differences and fight these beasties that were now plaguing us. They would pause for a moment and notice who was by their side and move away in aversion. I chuckled as I joined to get rid of them. I saw the national guard guys pull out these huge flamethrowers. They would shoot out flames that would reach fifty feet. It would cook the screechers. They would fall dead. People were talking about the construction of a new wall. But this time they would bar these things out of the cities. Some of the citizens decided to lure these creatures and blow them up to ensure that there would be no wall constructed again. People were traumatized by those things to the point where every Sunday was considered a day where the residents would go for weekly therapy sessions. Finally those things were wiped out. The day the last of those things were killed was called Victory Day.

I decided that I had enough of being a cop so I asked for a vacation. I wanted to go explore places. I was told that the chief was battling with a woman from machine city. If she gets in we are all in boiling water. So I asked to see her. She refused to see me so I knew that she had bad intentions. I made that very clear. I will do a smear campaign against her. I have seen enough done on me. Now the shoe is the other foot. I asked to see a picture of her. I took it to news channel that broadcasted me as a hero. I showed them a picture of her and asked them to follow her to find out what type of a new head of LAPD she is going to be. I told her that this woman is bad news. She investigated the woman's past and showed it to the world. Her candidacy was removed. She pulled a tantrum worse than me. I walked in with a smile and everyone knew I had a hand in it. I didn't deny it. What could she possibly do? Arrest me? Hah Fat chance.