
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 8

The elderly man walked in and asked to see me alone. I walked out to talk to him. I saw that he was frowning. It turns out Sonja was right behind me. The old man asked Sonja if he and I could speak privately. Sonja made it clear that I am her ward till I turn twenty one. Legally that means whatever he says he will say it in front of her. He tried to show authority but Sonja showed him that he has no money and his troops are dwindling. This prompted him to explain the rumor the family having a connection with the nocturnals. Sonja brushed him off saying that it is story people say since Bilyk women came to this place. Her family has been the richest family in this town. So those who are jealous will have to make something up out of spite. The old man wanted to say something but Sonja continued by making it clear that if he wants to keep what peace left in this city then he had better know not believe the words of a lunatic. He started to fidget like an idiot.

He took a deep breath and said that things started to get weird when I showed up. He said that he heard of Sonja's kidnapping. How she mysteriously arrived home when there are those that had seen her out of the house. She said she had stepped out to get some fresh air. Her friend had arrived and they spent few minutes. They went shopping and her bag was stolen so she lost her keys. Her friend kindly gave her ride a home. This made him scoff, "What about the lawyer. He said that she was alive when she was baked." Sonja brushed him off. She showed him the papers the coroner gave her proving that she was actually dead. She recalled him being a junkie so whatever he said in those moments is rambling. So only an idiot clutching straws would believe it.

Yuri finally found his voice and he asked the man if there is proof that Sonja was kidnapped. He pulled out a device from his pockets and showed him the kidnapper's confession and Sonja's wallet. This convinced Yuri to ask him to leave the property or he will call his superior. Yuri will claim that his family was being harassed unlawfully. He said that he had enough of the unfounded accusations. Then the other women of the family came over to give him a piece of their mind. I asked them to show him the actual security footage where Sonja was home during the so called kidnapping and he finally had to admit that he was grasping straws and walked away.

When he left Yuri ripped the papers that he had made me sign and burnt them. This made Sonja burst out laughing. He gave me a weird look before he left for work. I sat down to relax when I felt a burning sensation in my throat. It is feeding time. I asked Myra if it was possible for me to go out and hunt for food. She simply chuckled at the idea. She took me to a sterile room where there were an assortment of medical supply. She picked up a needle and a tube. She inserted it into her arm and blood gushed out to the tube. She poured it into a cup and placed a piece of cotton and taped it up before she pulled out the needle. She gave me the cup and I drank it without hesitation. I got to see that Anya was in fact dead when she was cremated. I got to see some of Myra's childhood.

I also saw and heard the entire conversation she had Yuri and the lawyer. He said that she had paid the doctor to fake her death in the hopes to convince someone to make her a nocturnal. Unfortunately he had given beyond the allowed limits so she really died. Sonja already knew her mother's dream to be immortal. So she can secretly run the family business. She had her mother's doctor arrested for murder. Anya's corpse checked for the usual suspects when she passed away. So she was fairly certain that her mother is dead. The lawyer kept insisting that Anya had promised him a huge sum of money. But Yuri waved him off saying that he is an idiot to believing his mother's bantering. He said that the lawyer is done whatever was possible. Yuri said that if he keeps persisting then the family will find a different lawyer.

When I came to my senses I walked out for air. There was a drone flying above that seems to move in the direction I walked. I sat on the swing till I lost patience. Had this been anywhere else I would have smashed that drone to smithereens. I had no choice but to go back indoors. I shut the curtains and sat in the library. I used X-ray vision to see that the drone was scanning the building but seems to have trouble finding me. I remembered that I had automatically adjusted so that I won't be detected. I knew that I had to allow that thing to scan me or else those idiots will come back. So I opened the window and let it scan me. A few minutes later it flew off in a different direction. I extended my senses to find out what was going on. It turns out these can't tell if I am human or a nocturnal so it had to go away. So they are sending a nurse to draw my blood. I ran to inform the others. I decided but the others made it clear that they can't do anything but I made it clear that these people are desperate so they will do something. Yuri and the others waited for the crooks and sent them away saying that they are trying to invite trouble. They left after a heated argument. There have people who wanted a share in immortality but so far the nocturnals have shut their doors on their face making it clear that they like to invite those that will not give them a bad name. This made them mad but said nothing further. The rebels were so desperate for a nocturnal but they discovered that this place had none. That pissed them off till I arrive so they are holding on to high hopes that I am one so they can make an army. Considering how bold they are getting Sonja tricked them by using a fake DNA test to prove that I am human. This was enough to send them away. Taylor snuck off to get back to base and I sat down in the library to eavesdrop on the conversations on Burgess. They wanted to march to October (This is the new name given to Washington DC) but unfortunately they were blocked from all sides. Their allies were found and killed or arrested. Not to mention each fight with the outside is costing them weapons and soldiers. They started taking prisoners as conscripts in the hopes that it would be enough to keep the army at bay. I saw the news about the government trying to negotiate with the nocturnals. They were approached to join the army since they have an extend life span but the law enforced by the nocturnals made them have nothing to with the military. They felt they would do better as doctors, nurses, construction workers, teachers, police officers and other important people in society. There were nocturnals in parliament too.