
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 8

I walked to the observation deck to see humans studying the vampire and werewolves doing martial arts. I walked past them and they approached me to inform me that it is not safe for me here. I turned to him and changed the color of my eyes to frosty blue. The guy jumped back in surprise. I walked past him to open a section in the wall to pull out a taser. Velma ran inside and asked that I let security handle it. She pulled the fire alarm and all the men and women in fight practice appeared in the blink of an eye. They were confused till they saw the humans. This made them seriously upset. They were asked nicely to go home or else. But these guys were acting like they were chosen to be vampires and werewolves. I wanted to use hypnosis to inquire why they were here. The security kindly send them out. I ordered everyone to check the estate for bugs. They found all of them and they were destroyed.

When they left I told Anderson the head of council security that I will be going out alone. I ordered him to inform my security that they can take a night off. He reminded me that I am not allowed to go alone in case I end up in military hands. I blinked a few times and smiled, "Alright then you can come with me. Ditch the car. We are going by bike." He stared at me perplexed. I smiled, "It is not a date so don't flatter yourself" He gave me a nod as I walked out to charge the taser.

When I wore a black t-shirt, black jeans, combat boots and a black leather jacket. I walked out tying my hair into a bun. Jasper was the first to complain. I gently pat him on the shoulder and walked out to hop on Anderson's bike. We drove off to find a research facility on the outskirts of the city. I used hypnosis and managed to remove all the hostages safely. We used the facility's very own chopper to bring them home. They were happy to be away from them. They explained that they were the specimens that the military was acquiring. I made sure the president was made aware.

After we argued back and forth we returned to the facility.When I was certain that most of the perpetrators were in the building while all of the nocturnals were not I blew it up. The military arrived with the next batch of specimens and they were met with a very angry chain of command. As per my request these guys got the firing squad. The scientists were protesting as they were dragged for the next round of bullets.

When they were dead Anderson asked me why I didn't bring the others. I made it clear that these guys have been traumatized by these monsters. So if they were here they could lose their temper. If that happens then these goons that can say that there are bad guys amongst the nocturnals. Then they will demand only those ones for experimentation. Ultimately they will concoct a fake evidence to implicate me. Anderson stared at me weirdly before he drove me home. The werewolves drove the van that was used to capture them. They followed me home. They were treated for whatever injuries they had. They gave their testimonies. I guessed what the enemy was upto. They were trying to create supersoldiers using a combo of vampire and werewolves again. This is how they ended up creating the Strigoi. This frightened a lot of people. So the next few hours were spent trying make a law to make sure they will not end up as lab rats.

By the time they were done I wanted to go for a swim. I looked out the window and saw that was a hole in the wall. I quickly ran to ask the guy that is in charge of maintenance why he a hadn't fixed it. He promised to have it fixed soon. The thing that bothered me was that he didn't seemed to care so I talk to the others and it was fixed before the sirens started to wail. This siren is designed to let people when a type of zombies attack.

I ran to the direction of the sirens and saw them trying to rip people apart. So I screamed in a high C note. This blew up their heads. The people smiled at me as I ran to stop the others. I realized why the scientists were rounding up vampires. They wanted to know if they create a better version of Strigoi. When I was done with destroying those things I somehow ended up in the Whitehouse. The military wanted to comendere me. But the president made it clear that they can't do it. I explained why the military were after vampires and werewolves. I showed him the evidence and the president made it clear that if anyone is caught capturing vampires or werewolves or both then the punishment is death. There was one scientist that made a counteroffer. He was a medium built Indian bald guy wearing a tweed jacket and faded trousers. He asked in an Indian accent if the president would allow him to experiment on me. The president made it clear that any attempts on me is treason. The science guy asked for a sample of my blood. The president refused to agree to it. So the man turned to me. That was his biggest mistake. I delved into his mind and made him blurt out why he wanted my blood. He wanted to rule the world. This cemented the ban on all experiments on nocturnals permanently. He was escorted out of the property kicking and screaming. I thanked the president before I ran back home.

The others were smiling at me as I walked past them to see if I can find out if this is really Strigoi. I had left an address and a key in my diary in case zombies managed to penetrate my shield. I found the key and hid the diary before I walked out. The diary had all positive affirmations for the nocturnals so even if they read they won't be pissed with me. When they saw that I was going on a road trip they implored that this is a bad time for me to be going out. I explained that I had to get something that will deal with these monstrosities. This floored everyone as I walked out the door. I only asked which direction the Pacific ocean is. They pointed at the mountainous region and I ran as fast as my legs would let me. When I reached the address I saw a zombie proof house that was surrounded by an electrified fence.

I jumped over the fence and got in to see that there were a lot of people there including vampires and werewolves. I explained how there is a safe place for vampire and werewolves now so they left with me and I discovered that the key belonged to a locker. I emptied it's contents and left. The humans chose to stay underground for safety. I came back with an army of nocturnals and the others applauded my return. They sat to discuss to talk about how to handle the situation regarding the Strigoi. I sat down in the study to go through the contents of the duffle bag that I had pulled out of the locker. The others sat around me as they argued about what to do next. The box that was label to fight Strigoi contained a few UV ray bombs, silver nitrate bombs, a device that emits a sonic wave, a flame thrower and a flare gun. I ordered that the flamethrower, the sonic device and the flare gun be replicated

The president called a few days later saying that the Strigoi wants to talk peacefully. They had sent a messenger to talk about how they can coexisting the same as us. I made it clear that the Strigoi can't be trusted. They are up to something. I walked into the Whitehouse and the Strigoi froze with fear. The Strigoi had lost the ability to speak so they speak telepathically. The Strigoi said that they will stop attacking if the people accept the Strigoi as their leader. They send tribute of a dozen children for them to eat once every five weeks. That I be removed permanently. If this happens they promised to help get rid of the other zombies. The president and the others made it clear that their terms will not be met. The zombie vampire made it clear that they are stronger than the humans. I smiled, "Then why get rid of me? Because I am the only who is strong enough to kick your butt?" They waved it off and I asked them nicely to leave and they decided that a new president must be elected for their dreams to come true so they tried to attack. I happily screamed and their heads exploded. The human that came with them was warned to tell his masters that if they attempt anything they are finished. He promised that his master will send armies to take them down. I promised that his army will die before they have any chance to hurt anyone. He gave a frightened look before he walked back to his car. He was escorted to the gates.

I turned to see that the president was having a change of heart. I made it clear that if he gets my blood and create an army. Those who have suffered because zombies will hate him. Since his actions lately have been slightly tyrannical. This floored him completely. He promised to have such facilities destroyed. He asked me to work with army to take down those things. I made it clear that I have an issue with them so I can't work with them. I will only work my kind. He was ok with me working with the nocturnals as long as those things were eradicated. I told him that I will inform the others and get back to him. He should inform the military that we are an annexation of the army. He made sure they knew what was going on. These guys weren't too pleased that the nocturnals and I will not be part of the army but they knew that if anyone tries anything the government will punish the soldiers for it. When I came home both sides have already agreed to serve knowing that I will take care of them. I made it that I had no clue what to do so it is likely that I will make mistakes along the way. They promised to help me since I put them on the shelf out of reach.