
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 7

"Pick me" he growled. I screamed, "I am already married" "Divorce him. I am emperor I can make it happen." I grimaced, "No" he turned werewolf and screamed. I waved him off saying he needs to spend time with his wife. He refused me and I was about to say that I am not interested when I fell to the floor.

I felt a shock of electricity course through my veins. I opened my eyes and screamed. The pain that I felt was real. I saw that I was on the floor. People had their fingers stuffed in their ears. Oleg came forth to tell me that Betty dosed my tea with hallucinations. I drank the stuff and sat down. I remain seated which frighten everyone so they gave me a remedy and that wasn't enough to wake me up so they used the paddles and shocked me.

I asked if Betty managed to get anything. They said she dosed me and walked out. They apprehended her before she was given the opportunity to become werewolf. I told Oleg a little bit about the stuff that I saw. He gave me smile and we walked to the courtyard. People cheered as I walked by. The men and women had expression of relief. I saw the surrounding and realized that I was in Excalibur. I asked who the emperor was and they said it was Link. I thanked the man and walked over to see Betty being dragged to memory removal. She wasn't looking so good either. Roland said, "We dosed her with whatever she gave you"

She was removed within the hour and I stood by the fridge not gate when I was summoned to have a talk with the council. Link was the first to speak, "How are you?" I politely smiled at him, "I will feel better after a blood bag and a good exercise." Kuze wanted to know if she got any blood samples or anything from me. I assured them that she got nothing. So did the others as proof they were shown security footage. Everyone calmed down and I was asked if there were any sort of threat heading towards Excalibur. I said at the current speed the nearest threat is four days away.

Link insisted that I come to Central immediately. The others concured. I hopped on my bullet train and got to Central. The guards were waiting for me. Oleg and the others weren't reprimanded for the incident but they looked like they wanted to kick themselves. I saw Oleg looked particularly serious. Link smiled, "Welcome Sasha. It's good to see you safe and sound." I bowed to show my respect and walked towards Batou. He gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead. He grinned crookedly, "Hey kiddo. Looking good. Next time be careful of the refreshment stand"

I nod my head as a woman dressed in black goth like outfit came with a decanter filled with blood. She gave me a goblet of blood and I drank it hastily. I asked for another and she gladly poured it. After four glasses I looked healthy again. Batou smiled, "You look much better now. Moments ago you looked like you did when before you were this" I didn't need the reminder. Link asked, "Do you two know each other?" Soren smiled, "Batou is Sasha's mother's partner at the police station. He helped raise her so she considers him a father figure." Link was impressed, "So she would consider his recommendation. Hmmm. Interesting"

I shrugged him off as I asked to be excused. Batou asked what I planned to do. I said, "Take a shower and continue fight practice. Maybe pick up the sword" the council accepted my excuse. I happily walked to the elevator with Batou and Oleg in tow. Link stared at me as the door closed. I promised to deal with him once I got cleaned up. A shower and a change of clothes later I was in the gym punching the dummy. Then Batou came to spar with me.

Soren came to see me a day later to see that Batou and I were kicking each other around. Soren and I did sword practice. When we were done Soren asked me what I saw when I drank the stuff. I said that I saw myself getting married. Soren asked if I married Link and I blurted that in my hallucinations I married Oleg. Oleg fell off his seat. Roland was shocked that he couldn't say anything. Aaron didn't know what to say. I told him the short version. "Aaron was in love with my daughter. I gave them my approval to marry. The emperor was being a pain. He was harassing me." Soren shook his head, "I see that didn't change at all." I continued, "I remember get jolted. I thought I had a dream where the emperor tried to force me to marry him but I married Oleg. Then I woke up and asked whether it was a hallucination or a dream. I asked what I had consumed that allowed me to sleep after five hundred years. After a moment I decided that it was a sign that I should get married to Oleg. We did in the emperor's absence. Just now we were out hunting the labs that were creating these abomination when I was woken to the electric shock of paddles" Soren asked, "How was Oleg?" I grinned, "He was a little possessive. But his sense of humor was amazing. He was very gentle and patient" I froze when I said that. I realized I said too much. Soren smiled sweetly. I took a deep breath and just practiced the sword with him.

After the practice session was over Oleg invited me to have lunch with him. I accepted his offer and we sat down to eat. He told me about his break up before he changed into werewolf. He has been trying to get over it. He heard what I just blurted out. He shocked to hear what I said. He never imagined that in my hallucinations he would be the one I would choose to replace Jasper. I apologized to Oleg and said that my mind just wondered off. He accepted my apology.

That night I was getting ready for my next round of fight practice. Link walked in with the Hyperion Guards and claimed me as his wife. I told that this isn't ancient China where the emperor can just walk in and do whatever. I asked him to go to his quarters and enjoy the rest of the day. He said, "I rather spend my nights with you. I like that you agree with me. I feel like the council is against me." I replied, "Some of the stuff you talked about were against the laws already placed because of certain problems. These laws saved millions of lives. Had your idea been passed many innocent people would dead." Link said, "I didn't know" I reminded him, "You were a lawyer. Read the documents and understand the laws or you will say, 'Now I know how Abe felt' that is unfair and uncalled for"

I explained, "I am the next in line to throne. You marrying me would mean you could manipulate how I rule or I could manipulate how you rule. I want these years to go without problems so when I sit on the throne there will be no water under the bridge." Link asked, "what if you didn't rule? You could have a life without it. Think about it. Do you really need to be Empress?" I smiled, "I lost my family and this became my family. The founding fathers of both sides are my blood relatives. The first vampire is my grandfather and his brother is the first werewolf. Being queen is the closest I will get to holding on to their legacies. I want to rule and I look forward to my term as ruler. When I step down I see all sorts of stuff and I have a few ideas that I want to implement to fix it. So yes I want to rule. Enjoy your term in office. I hope that people will grow fond of you and will support your term in the council when you step down."

He pursed his lips, "Some of these archaic laws are getting in the way of progress. I am thinking of abolishing them." I retorted, "The archaic law that are still being enforced is the reason there is stability. I admit that there were laws that didn't favor werewolves. I had those removed to ensure equality. But what you're saying will ensure anarchy. So please don't go there. I am telling you now. If the laws you decree are good I will support to enforce them but if they contradict the peace I am afraid I can't support you."

Link tilted his head, "I came here to claim you as my wife so I can finally have the stability that I deserve" I contradicted, "I am a grieving widow so I am afraid I can't accept your advances. Please go back to your quarters." Link said politely, "Jasper was deemed a traitor. So you are not bound to him" I smiled at Link, "Jayden confessed to manipulating Jasper into submission so Jasper was cleared of all charges. He and I were supposed to live our life together when Jayden killed him." Link's eyes widen, "I was not informed of this" I smiled, "Ask Soren it was during his rule as Emperor" Link nod his head. He took a deep breath and asked again, "Will you marry me?" I raised three fingers, "This isn't a multiple choice. I can't marry you. I won't marry you. I don't have to marry you. Is that clear enough for you?" He made a face and said, "I understand that there are barriers that stops you from marrying me." I retorted, "Even if these circumstances weren't there I wouldn't marry you Emperor. I have a right to choose who I spend the rest of my life with. I don't choose you. I am glad I at least understand that much about myself."

Link said, "You are just processing grief so naturally you would say such things." I said, "Then my entire life as a nocturnal has been grief process. First I lost my mother. Then my friends. Then grandpa. Then my home. I don't want to be harassed with moronic claims of mating. I am saying this with full clarity. I am not going to marry you. I know the entire council will back me up. They will support my stand to not be your wife. So go back to your room or I will have no choice but to enforce Alpha authority. That means I am going to say with feeling. 'Go to your room and stay there till sunrise' I promise you your body is going to do as I say. It will forcefully walked out of here like you are possessed. I am going to count to three. Take your pick. Leave willingly or forcefully." Link gave me a look and walked out of the room with his guards.