
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 7

Lily walked slowly and carefully towards to me. One of the vampires introduced her as his daughter. I gave her a smile and a hug. She gave me a smile too. Oleg was frozen solid for a moment but I was certain he will come back from it somehow. I asked her to show me around. She first took me to the window and said it is made for monkey glass. I corrected her saying it was Guerilla glass. Guerilla as in rebel. She asked me how I knew what it is called.

Roland answered that I was one to invent it. She was shocked as were the others present in the apartment. She showed me a special syringe that looked like a thin vial with a needle at the end. She said this is lemonade. Roland said that this was one my contribution and then she showed a vial that helps vampires stay in daylight. Roland simply started to laugh. Lily asked if I was the one who made it. He nod his head and she pursed her lips. She said that she is a hybrid.

Roland said that I am the grand daughter of the first vampire and great niece of the first werewolf both were hybrids and I myself am a hybrid. I was a living symbol of unity. A few years from now I will be Queen. She said that the Emperor was named Abe. I told her that we take turns ruling. It is Abe's turn. When his hundred years are up. He steps down and it will be my coronation. I will rule for a hundred then it is Soren's turn. Then after a hundred years it will be Abe's turn again. She was awed as were the others since they were not told of this information.

I asked if I could take a shower and get cleaned up. Kyleen said yes. When I came out Lily was refusing to go to sleep. She decided to show off so she asked if we could go racing. Here I was wrapped in a bathrobe. My guards were in the terrace enjoying the view. I asked if she wanted to show me how fast she was. She happily nod her head. Kyleen seemed to think it was best done in the morning. I told her it is fine and in the blink of an eye I was ready. This showed how fast I was. Kyleen, Lily's parents and Lily was surprised. They never imagined that anyone can be that fast. Kyleen mumbled, "Speed of light"

I asked Kyleen to show me a place that is the farthest from here. She showed me the place on a map and the general direction. I asked if they have any security footage. She showed me and I asked her to show me. I winked at lily and asked my men to give me one of their comms. Oleg pulled out his earpiece and gave it to me. Roland turned up the volume on his comms so anyone can hear it without problems. I asked Lily to watch the monitor. I opened the window and zipped there. When I was certain I was standing where the camera was I spoke. I asked if they can see me. Roland laughed as he responded, "Copy that clear visual." Lily protested, "Not fair. You used the win." I appeared next to her and said, "dow" Aaron started to chuckle. So I opened the front door and took an athletic stance. "Ready, steady Teddy" she turned to face me, "Teddy?" I winked at her, "I have a cute little teddy bear wanting to race me. She deserves an honorable mention." Everyone in the room smiled at my remark. She turned to face the door and said, "On your mark. Get set. Go"

I go to the place in even less time than that and asked if I am near the camera or far away. Oleg said, "look up" I saw a strange cylinder. I extended my senses to see that Lily was by the TV. I asked her if she got bored and decided not to race. I asked her why she was in front of the TV. I heard a shriek. I laughed and so my security. Kyleen wanted to know how I was able to do these things. I said that I am hybrid my senses are different from even Lily.

I winked at the monitor and zipped back to the apartment. I asked if this little show was over. Kyleen promised it was and she started to ask me directly about my abilities. I told her that after a certain Indian had made the lives of my family hell I had made my business to understand my gifts and weaponize them. The others growled knowing who I was talking about. I looked at Kyleen and showed her what I was talking about. I showed her the Indian and how much of a disaster he was. Nothing else afterwards. I asked where the construction workers were so they can fix the hole.

Kyleen said that they have send nano bots to scan the hole. They hope to find out the extent of the damage. They wanted to continue where we are. They wanted to know what I can do. I told them that it is best not to talk about in front of children. We can talk about this later. Lily's mother Amy tucked her daughter in bed and stayed till she was asleep. I told Kyleen to give her questions a rest because I rather keep it a secret so if there are any spies or people working for the bad guys they will be taken by surprise.

She wanted to press on but Amy asked her to shut up. I was escorted back to capsule hotel. Or as Oleg calls Coffin hotel. I asked them to turn off the sleep sensor since I don't sleep. The manager turned it off out of respect. Kyleen said that it is impossible that I don't sleep. She asked me how long it has been since I slept. I said the last time I slept was five hundred years ago. She started to laugh so Oleg countered her saying that he has security footage to prove that I don't sleep. When he showed her she apologized for her ignorance. I made her forget about my abilities. All for them except the memory about my sleep. The sensor was switched off and I lay down for a few minutes. I imagined that Jasper was on top on me. But then I felt someone tugging my toe. So I looked to see Oleg was furiously trying to get my attention. I got out to talk some sense into him but I heard what was going on in the floor below. Kyleen was talking to someone and he was telling her to convince me to tell her what I can do. He sounded like an old man. I didn't have to sneak off to eavesdrop. I stood where I was and use X-ray vision. She was using a special type of comms to talk to the Indian. I snarled, "Why you sneaky piece of...." Someone popped their head out and shushed me. So I told Oleg what had happened. It was a mistake since he let out a roar letting others know what was going on. They ripped the comms off of her and arrested her. I connected with all the nocturnals in the city. I apologized as I showed them what had happened. I showed them the horror this one single man had committed. I heard roars and snarls from all over the city.

When we came out the locals nocturnals and humans were outside wanting to rip her to shreds. The humans were equally angry with her. She had done the unthinkable and the unforgivable. So she was stripped of her authority and a vampire named Joseph took the place of Mayor. The traitor was executed immediately. I made sure Vijay heard her execution. He kept yelling and nobody bothered to listen to him. He ordered, begged and implored them to stand down. The advice he got from the locals was shut up. She was ordered to stand in front of a wall. The. Joseph ordered the men and women with guns to keep firing till she died. When she fell dead her body was thrown into an incinerator. The Indian screamed in anger and someone stomped on the device and threw it in too. They apologized to me and sent probes to find out whether the hole was a way to let more troublemakers in. Then the construction workers worked double time to plug it up.