
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 6

Link called to talk about the progress of finding all the labs. After the the conversation he said, "I wish that I was one of your guards. Maybe we would be together" I waved him off, "I think you need to start loving your wife. Appreciate what you have and not what you don't have. You will feel amazing" he retorted, "That moment in the garden when I held you in my arms was the best feeling I have ever felt since the day I was born." I angrily remarked, "I put my guard down so I didn't sense you. When I realized it you I kicked you in the groin remember" his expression changed, "Indeed. If only you believed I was Oleg for just a little longer I could have done more." Soren and the others protested for ungentlemanly behavior and Link apologized officially. I promised to put my guard up when I am in Central. Link said that it wasn't necessary but I vowed nevertheless.

We got the orders to go to our first destination and it was infested with Strigoi. It took me a few minutes to cleanse the city of them. The city was filled with people who hated vampires till they realized that the Strigoi were made kidnapped vampires who were forcefully experimented on. One of the underground labs had proof of how Strigoi were made. We showed them what real vampires were like. We told the humans the true vampiric origins and how we have formed a city of peace where we work together in harmony. They seemed to be ok with us since we weren't bloodthirsty beasts.

We left them to their lives and moved on towards the first lab on the list. It was in a ghost town about two hundred miles away. A few of the citizens came with us to observe how the menace was being taken care of. They got to see that vampires drank artificial blood. This was news to them as they usually watch their loved ones bled bone dry. They passed this along and they swore to never hurt a Nocturnal. They did ask how to kill Strigoi though. I asked them to practice Soprano. They have a particular pitch called the high C. Which is deadly enough to break glass and kill these things. They asked if that is what I did. I concured.

The next destination had smarties. They drove bikes and all terrain vehicles mounted with machine guns. They fired missiles at us and it was one thing after the next. I had to jump and fly to distract them. I got to a high enough altitude and screamed. The zombies fell faced down or butt down and started to have seizures. When they were dead I came down. The newbies were impressed.

We reached the Lab and had to hack our way inside. The place was a labyrinth. I used echolocation and found where the monsters were kept in. There were new ones too. One zombie looked reptilian as well. All kept in cyro freeze boxes under heavy duty sedation. There was one that looked like it was multiple people sewn together as well. There was a different type of Strigoi as well. We laid charges and also used explosives inside the lab as well. We were about to leave when we were noticed. The lab assistant pressed the intruder alert button and we had to race towards the door. The doors slammed shut in seconds. The only one that remained open was the testing ground. We had thirty minutes before this place became our tomb. So we ran towards the testing room. The door slammed shut and we got on a car I gave them directions. I told AJ to step on it.

The entire room was made to look like it was almost sunset. We drove through the suburbs and made it past the first three blocks when we heard the announcer call out that they are releasing the monstrosities into the testing room. I faced the monsters and they had seizures and fell dead. We drove over them and reached where I told them to go. We had ten minutes on the clock. So Sam used the laser and cut the spot that I had mentioned and we managed to get out. We threw a few more explosives for good measure.

We got out to a sewer system and ran towards the ladder and got out when the place went boom. We got to the Strigoi city and they showed the others everything and they had no choice but to accept reality as it was. Good vampires don't feed off humans. They take blood bags or artificial blood. They got to see who was responsible for their misery so some decided that either they stay here for more of them to arrive or they go hunting for these things. A minority chose to hunt while the rest stayed to make a stronghold. They all made a truce with the nocturnals and promised to pass on to the next generation the truth. We are the good guys so the people shouldn't hunt us.

We moved on to the next zombie making center disguised in the form of a hospital surrounded by the original type of zombies. The floors above ground were living quarters. The floors below were specified as Lab territory. On one level was where these beasties were extracted of their blood for a thorough examination. The problem was that the sewers had trip wires all over the place that were tied to grenades and swinging maces.

Some of the halls looked like they were lined with lasers. Should we activate it we will be sliced. So we had make a definitive plan. In the end I went inside with Betty. I picked her up and sped to the living quarters. When we changed our clothes I made myself invisible. Betty was impressed. She asked me who taught me to do these made skills. I said that my gifts are self taught. I examined the place and found a secret elevator.

The way down was unusual quiet. When we got out. There were soldiers waiting to get in. They assumed that Betty was a new employee so they ignored her as a rule and walked off. We reached the cold storage and injected the feeding tube with a few drops of nightshade to each and every one of them. Then I started to lay down the charges. Betty did the same. We got in the elevator to reach the lower floors where they keep the information. I reached the servers and started downloading data about what other nuisance they had created when a bullet missed me by an inch. Betty called through the radio, "I have Sasha." The doors began to close and I managed to get out before the last one shut down.

I used my fist to punch through the cement and reach and metal sheet. I used the laser to cut through. I heard people running towards me. I kept calm as I reached the section of the wall that let me go to the sewers. I became a bunch of flies and flew away. I managed to get through the trip wires but Betty and the others were not so lucky. Before they managed to reach me the explosives I left at the cavity of the sewers blew up and the facility came crashing down. Betty and the others were trapped inside. When I came out the others were already aware of Betty's treachery. Apparently my glasses are bugged.

We popped flairs and the helix that was flying not far from where we were started to fire missiles at the area. We had to make a run for it. Once that was done I growled, "I can't believe she became a werewolf." Oleg laughed, "We found out she was a traitor so we changed her back to human and waited a few days before we left. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out. That's if she survives the explosion"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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