
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 6

The current president wanted to congratulate the people for one year of peace and prosperity so they invited everyone to his party. I didn't want to go but the vampiric socialites reminded me that this will reflect poorly on them. After an hour and a half of searching through my wardrobe. I found a dress that I thought would suit me. When I came out Jasper started to stare at me unusually. I walked past him smiling. For whatever reason I got a few looks from the others but they neither said nor did anything. Jasper never left my side for the entire time I was at the party. The others watched him with amusement while I watched him with bemusement.

When the party was over I went shopping with a few humans. My security escorted me wherever it was. I changed into casual clothes in the car. The windows were tinted so no one from the outside could see what was going on. Jasper's face went redder by the second. I asked him to keep his eye on the road. He didn't say anything. He kept clearing his throat a few times. Roland raised the partition so no one could see from the front either. Roland was heard chuckling as Jasper kept fidgeting.

We reached the mall and the men and women of my security detail spread out to keep an eye out for trouble. We first stopped for a pair of sunglasses. Angelique put on a pair of glasses and I took a step back. Oleg grinned, "Here we go" Jasper turned around to watch the scene unfold. So did Roland, David and Igor. They looked like they wished that they were holding a bowl of popcorn. I shook my head and asked her to put it back. She wanted to know why. I smirked, "Darling where I come from these are not called glasses they are called windshields" Jasper was the first to start snickering. The next pair she wore made me repeat the words of air hostess would say shortly before take off,"Please put your tray tables in the upright and locked position. Please make sure that you take your belongings with you when you disembark. In case turbulence the top compartment will open and oxygen mask will drop. If you are traveling with a child. Please attend to the child before you attend to yourself. In case we do an emergency landing, please follow the lights to your nearest exit." She put the glasses back. Jasper was laughing uncontrollably. The others fought the urge to keep a straight face. The next one made Jasper and a few others laugh so they had to sit down. I walked up to her, "Officer do you see that man over there. I think he is selling drugs." She put the glasses back on the rack. I gave her a pair of glasses and replied, "You look amazing" She didn't believe it till the guy she had a crush on actually noticed. She bought the pair and thanked me profusely. Jasper was grinning ear to ear. His feature grew even more handsome when he smiled.

We stopped for cheeseburger and I opted out the sweet potato fries. I wanted regular fries and I got it. Angelique's friend Andy wanted to know what I had learned about myself. I ignored her as I devoured my meal. I looked up to see a weird looking man walk up to us. I asked the others what his deal was and they ran without saying anything. I asked him what his problem was and he snarled at me. I turned full monster and gave him a roar. He turned around and ran away. I yelled, "Run piggy run" When he disappeared I felt myself change back as I sat down to enjoy my food. The humans that were there on a shopping trip with me arrived and they sat down to eat their food.

Andy asked me how I did that. I casually replied that I am a hybrid. I am half vampire and half werewolf. This news shock my security as they had never heard of this. Andy pressed on and I explained that my grandfather and his twin were the first vampire and werewolf. I didn't bother explaining how I had become this thing. They were told that I am a hybrid vampire. I smiled, "Those days the nocturnals were not best buddies. The werewolves wanted to rip me to pieces. Well maybe a handful didn't. But those that wanted to hurt innocent people and get away with it did try to hunt me down. The vampires left the werewolf half out so they can keep me safe. They had lost the heads of their covens and their elders  I was the descendant of the first vampire himself so they were very particular about keeping me safe. Mostly because when my change was being completed the vampire half wouldn't allow me to be a full werewolf. I remember my face being pushed out and suddenly it was like my face didn't like the fact that it was being violated so it fought back and I looked like me but my skin, fangs and eyes were different." When the burger was done I faked a phone call and left for Crown's Oasis. Jasper kept glancing at me from the rear view mirror. I simply mumbled that I had found my diary. I only told them what I had read. This made him smile a little.

I sensed that there was an obstruction so I asked the guys to take a different route to the nearest safe place.The driver that was escorting me to my home was human. His name tag say his name is Harry  He gave me a look and brushed me off. I made it clear that if anything happens to me then it is his fault. Jasper asked me if I sensed any sort of funny business. I extended my senses as my gut kept saying that trouble is up ahead. I nod to confirm but Harry waved me off saying that I was paranoid. I made it clear that if anything happens to me then Jasper gets to punish Harry any way he sees fit. This made Harry sink into his seat. His discomfort made me asked him a question. The moment he did I asked him to stop the car. He obeyed my command immediately.

Jasper called it in but the radio wasn't working. So we flagged the others by waving at them. They came over understanding that someone was up to no good. We got into Roland's car and he tried to get us to Crown's Oasis. A few minutes after that a  car exploded in front of us. I knew that I will not be going home tonight. The others promised to help me get home safely. I wish I could use my awesome gifts but I don't remember what they are. I didn't mention them in my diary for obvious reasons.

So I wished that I could run as fast as I could but I was in a car stuck in traffic. So I stayed calm till the coast was clear. I asked the guys if we could run. Jasper said that they will get me out of here. The military arrived and asked Roland to hand me over or more people will get blown up. The national guard arrived and asked the military to stand down. The Sargent ignored the national guard commander's orders. The commander took a moment he remind him of the rules. The Sergeant waved his hand. His men gunned down the trooper without batting an eyelash.

I got out of the car and the creep smiled. Before he could do anything Hayden showed up. He killed the people from the military like it was a videogame. He calmly turned around as though he didn't care what he had done. He asked for my help in a very polite tone. His friend was kidnapped so he needs someone with my skill set. I refused and he said that my security can play a shell game. While I go with him to rescue his friend. The others were apprehensive about it but they felt it was a good idea since it would give them a way to dupe them. I quietly asked them to give me a phone so I can contact them if things get fishy. They gave me a burner phone and asked me to be extra careful.

We split up and I hopped on Hayden's bike to go with him to the place he says has his friend. We drove past a few busted buildings till suddenly his bike made a weird noise. It kept making a whining sound so we had to stop before it exploded on us. Luckily we had to stop near one of the dilapidated two story building. He asked me to come with him and stay by his side till he says otherwise.