
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 6

I happily strolled to the lunch room to have my instant Ramen. One of the guys shook his head saying there are more foods that I should try. I happily explained that I want to try tacos, pizza or lasagna. But if I go out the people from Saber and machine city are preparing to frame me for murder so they can acquire me. Since this is the only good available I am not complaining. I haven't been paid yet so I can't buy anything that I love. He asked me what I wanted. I pursed my lips and thought about what I wanted. In the end I ended up wanting pizza. He happily ordered a Chicago deep dish pizza for me. I cheerfully ate it and thanked him profusely. He chuckled with delight as I finished my fourth slice. I cleaned myself up as I looked at the time. I quickly dashed to finish my work. One of the others were staring at me loathing.

I was escorted home where I spend time with the warrior class for self defense lessons. I spar with them till it is almost time to go to work. I stop training when it is forty five minutes before I have to go to work. I would take a shower and a change of clothes, have breakfast and run to work. When I got there I saw that almost everyone was outside. I asked them if they were taking a day off. One of the techs gave me a dirty look as he explained that someone has taken people hostage in the building. So they are outside trying to negotiate. I asked if I could try something. I asked for a walkie talkie, duct tape, taser and a few zip ties. They obliged my request and they watched as I flew to the roof and became invisible. I heard gasps as I entered the property.

The building has four floors. The top floor has a fewer offices and more empty rooms. I scanned the place and found out that it was empty. The third floor staircase had three armed men. I felt the cold rod and realized that the railing was made of metal. I waited till they placed their hands on it. I place the prongs of the taser and switched it on the railing. They started to spasm as I walked towards them. I had on me a motorcycle helmet which aided in my head butt. I used duct tape and zip ties to keep them from causing further trouble. I extended my senses to find the rest. My head snapped in the direction of the other thugs on this floor.

The third floor had five armed assailants with automated pistols. I attacked the one closest to me by pulling him away as quickly as I could towards the stairs. Then I used zip ties and duct tape before I went back. By then the others were anxious. I happily switched off the lights and closed the shutters. The place became dark and I started seeing their beating heart and the veins that were carrying blood all over their body. They started to shoot where ever they felt was ok. I hid behind a pillar and waited till they stopped shooting. One of them pulled out a small flashlight and I cursed silently. I waited till they spread out to find me I decided to get them one by one. The first one was by the watch commander's office. He had a baton and a hand gun. I snuck up behind him and tased him. He made a funny face as he was zapped. I pulled him away as he fell to the floor. The others looked at his direction and found nothing. I zip tied and duct taped him. Next was near the elevator. She had dropped her gun out of frustration. I happily swept her feet and dragged her away as well to give the usual treatment of duct tape and zip ties before she had a chance to react. One of them ran to switch on the lights while the other went looking for me. I happily waited till he walked past me to tased him. The moment he was incapacitated the lights came on. The guy near the switches was trying to open the shutters but it didn't work so I reached out and helped him. He thanked me as he turned around. I waited till he had turned halfway before he got tased. He joined the rest of the idiots.

I then scanned to see who else was there. I detected that one in the elevator while the rest were either on the first or ground floor. I waited till what's his name got out and tased him. Then I zip tied him and walked downstairs to the first floor where there were eight other people going through the computers trying to find something. I let them know I was here they started to empty the entire magazine towards me. I waited till they had finished. Then I punched them one by one as hard as I could at superman speed. Then I ran to the ground floor to try and incapacitate the rest. There was only two people there. One was the hostage taker and the other was negotiator. I happily snuck behind him and used the taser on the creep. I watched with satisfaction as he spasmed on the floor. I used the walkie talkie to declare that it is all clear.

The others ran in to arrest the bad guys. I got down on my knees and places my hands on my head so they wouldn't shoot me. The chief asked me nicely to get up since everyone knows that I am not one of the bad guys. Even SWAT smiled as they walked past me. One of them even extended their hand to help me get up. I saw the negotiator was not happy so I let the chief know what I saw. The others promised to investigate. I wasn't satisfied so I pretended to wander. When I saw that she had stormed off I quietly followed her. She made a phone call to some mysterious person. I realized it was the one who was in charge of this hostage situation. I recorded it for good measure. When she was done I turned to see that the chief was behind me. He wasn't alone. The half the police force was behind him. She was cuffed and dragged to the interrogation room.

The chief asked me if I wanted to switch discipline. He was ready to give me a badge and a gun. I explained that I have no interest in a gun or badge. My interest is scientific. I happily blurted my days with mom where I had constructed all sorts of 3-d puzzles. I boasted about a wooden safe that I had before Shaw smashed it. I even told him about the time I had done a stakeout. It was so boring that I refused to try that again. Batou used to tell me that I was just like mom till she got her life in order. He asked me to try the badge and gun a try. If it is a bad idea then I am more than welcome to go back to forensics.