
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 5

The stop at Umbrella fortress was unnecessary since it was a false alarm. I said it is possible that it mechanical error or someone is trying to gauge how security works. So we spent an entire week trying to figure out the blindspots in security. Once that was solved the intruders were caught. Link called for progress. Harper kept it simple. Link asked, "How is the crown princess? She has found out what's going on or not?" Harper grinned, "Sending her and Batou was a great idea. They put their heads together and solved the problems we've been having." The council demanded an explanation. Harper informed them of what was going on till now. Kuze was impressed. Link asked, "When will Batou be free to visit me?"

Batou happily reminded him, "You banished me remember? So I see no reason to see you" Link said, "I gave you a pardon remember. I should have apologized too. Please come see me when you are done" Batou politely declined saying that his wife is missing him so he will be spending so e time with her. Link waved his hand and asked to see me.

When I walked into view he dismissed everyone. The people on Umbrella fortress walked out except Batou. Link noticed this and he said that he is concerned for no reason. He has no intentions to harm me. I happily hugged Batou. He sat down and link said, "This is council meeting so you can't be here" I smiled, "Batou is here as my advisor so he can take a seat" After an hour I got go to my barracks to take a shower.

I came back to Luna to find out that Pearl discovered a lab. The talk was to find out where it was. Link wanted to send a random group of people but his idea was thrown out. The only idea they approved was for me to stay in Central till the problem was solved. It turns out Aaron had feelings for my daughter Annie. He has been trying to get the courage to say so. I gave my approval and got them married as soon as possible. Link took a breath of relief.

I asked the council to marry me to Oleg. Link was not present during the ceremony but he did show up after we were pronounced husband and wife. He looked confused as he saw our hands intertwined. It took him a moment but he figured it out. Then he looked like he was going to breath fire. His wife on the other hand wished us both a happy marriage and Link tried to annul our marriage. But since it was legitimate he was overruled.

I tapped Oleg on the shoulder and he and I were mentally linked again. I took a breath of relief and I felt comfortable in his mind. He expanded his mind to make room for me. Link noticed what we did and asked what happened. Oleg said, "This is a personal thing so I am afraid there is no explanation for this" Oleg carried me to our room as the council wished me a happy and long marriage. Link just stood there watching me. As we walked out of the elevator Roland gave him a wink. Oleg gave him a nod and we went inside. The door shut and I jumped up. I haven't dreamt since I took thos stupid stuff. I am not linked Oleg so what is going on? I don't get tired. Did I daydream?

I walked out to see Oleg and I asked him directly, "Will you consider being my husband?" He didn't even wait a moment before he said, "Yes" he realized my question and froze for a moment before he agreed to marry me. Soren walked out to hear his answer and he called the council. The one in charge of matrimony for hierarchy members is Victoria. She gladly married us. After the wedding we had to take down an army of smarties. A combo of flamethrowers and lasers for the first round. The next round was my screams. Once they were dead I came back to speak to the council when I saw an angry Link. He accused me, "You did this to stop me from taking you as a wife. This hastiness will cost you when you find your better half.

I confessed, "Oleg has been my better half. I just didn't have the courage to tell him that since I am still hip deep in turmoil." Whatever light that remained Link's eyes disappeared. And the man that stood before me said in cold and distance manner, "Congratulations! I hope your marriage lasts forever" he ended the call. Roland slapped Oleg in back and congratulated him. Ivar officially bowed and Oleg told them to cut it out. Umbrella fortress partied till the next barrage of attacks by the humongous ones. It took lasers to killed them.

Oleg sat with with me in the bullet train. I gripped his hand and relinked with his mind. We walked to throne room for the meeting in Central. Link would stare at us and grip his armrest tightly. I sat in Oleg's lap since his seat was not yet ready. He had his arms around me. He speaks when spoken to but other than that Oleg kept quiet. After the meeting we walked outside for a moment. Oleg went inside to get me a coat. I felt someone hug me from behind and pressed his nose against my shoulder. He inhaled deeply. I didn't have to turn around to know that it was Link. I kicked formality out of the way when I kicked him in the groin. Link let go in pain and I made it clear that he shouldn't have done that. Oleg came running and gave me a hug. Link smiled, "Your wife is wild one" Oleg grinned, "You should know by now that no matter how hard you try she is will keep refusing you. That kick in the groin should be a reminder that she wants me"

Link asked how he knew that. Oleg said, "My wife and I are linked mentally so I can sense whatever that happens to her. It was I who suggested that she kick you in the groin." He stared us, "She connected with you mentally? She trusts you enough to do that?" I shrugged, "I did that with Jasper when we forgave each other. He had suffered so much pain. He needed an escape I let him in. He made himself at home. Sometimes I would remove the link and go home for a few hours. He would go insane. Then when I come back he would accuse me if being his imagination till I let him in."

Oleg felt the conversation had gone long enough so he carried me to my room and kicked the door close. I asked him if he was going to be Mr serious or am I going to see him be teasing and funny ever again. Oleg smiled, "I need a moment to process the fact that some idiot tried to take advantage of my wife" I grinned, "Need I remind you that I kicked him in the groin of all places. I know men are not so pleased to hear that someone got kicked there but you seem relatively calm" he said, "If that doesn't convince him nothing will" we spend the talking about our likes and dislikes.

The next morning Link was waiting for me with a bouquet of roses. I walked past him and reached the elevator. Oleg lightly chuckled, "I hope you have fun with your wife." He picked me up like I weighted nothing and walked in. We hopped on the bullet train and reached Excalibur. Soren was waiting for me at the edge of the platform.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts