
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
144 Chs

Chapter 5

They arrived the next morning. All of the bruises had vanished so it looked like they never fought to begin with. I didn't bother eavesdrop. I felt it was an invasion of privacy. Declan arrived with a report on the guy we caught yesterday. It turns out he works for the Indian. He wanted to find others that had managed to sneak in. It turns out he was the only one. This infuriated him since he had no way of informing Vijay Singh Modi where I was. So he was trying to create a way to communicate with the outside which was impossible because someone was always listening or there is electric interference. So I had a laugh as I recalled the part where I said to a general that if he didn't deal with the Indian menace he would come with trouble. So as a result he would get court martialed. Batou laughed as he remembered telling the general he will get the firing squad. Oleg recalls the day I set wolves on him. I recalled the day I set the intelligence agency on him. They said that he looked weird so the soldiers assumed that he was a new type of zombie. They pulled out the flamethrower and set him on fire. This made those that met the creep fall on the floor laughing.

The others wanted to know more so I show them what a horrible person he was. Then I took a moment before I showed them memories of what the other were talking about. They were in shock for a moment. They appreciated the length that people had to go to stop the creation of new zombies. I said that he probably looks like the creature from the black lagoon. Batou said that he probably healed a little bit by now so he won't look as horrible as he did before. But I assume that he still looks zombie like. Oleg begged me to show him what the Vijay looked like when he caught fire and I did. Oleg said that Vijay almost killed his sister so seeing him like this was payback. Roland said he set his wife on fire. She is a werewolf so she survived. He never forgave the government for pardoning the creep. So this a moment he will cherish for the rest of his life. Tristan said he lost his entire family because him so he is passing this on to the other werewolves ASAP.

The next day the wolves and vampires were talking as I got invited to Moonstone. The place has people who are intimidated by nocturnals. I had visited them previously so they are ok with me. The others were apprehensive that I might get hurt but I told them that they had nothing to worry about. Fitz had already packed my belongings. We drove to the train station and my bullet train was ready and waiting. It us there in three minutes. Honestly the fastest ride for the others. Usually I sit alone but today I had company.

We arrived at Moonstone and the mayor Link was kind enough to receive me. He looked like a man in his fifties, not skinny but not lean either. I would say in-between. He was bald and covered it with a baseball cap. He wore a simple farmer outfit. I spend a few minutes extending my senses before showing the weak spots to fix. A locals showed me a well with a zombie inside. It went from violent to serene in a moment. This was a surprise to most people since only a few knew that I had this ability. The young ones asked the others if they had this ability. They said that I was the only one that displayed such unusual traits. An hour of repairs later I was on my way to Eventide.

Actually I let the train take off without me. I ran at the same speed as the train with no problem whatsoever. The others watched me show off and shook their heads. Oleg waved his hands to say stop since he was certain that there are those that will find out about these things and try to kidnap me. So I became invisible and held on to the back till the train reached the stop. The door opened and I snuck inside and lay down on the floor before making myself visible so nobody would know I wasn't on it. I was received by Soren. After he hugged me welcome. He faced the new ones with a wink, "Did she start training you yet?" They looked at each other speechless. Soren shrugged, "Sasha has a certain standard which helps the average vampire or werewolf reach a potential that usually requires bleeding a hybrid. By the way your expression tells me she was bored and showed off her skills. What was it? Strength or speed?" Before anyone opened their mouth he laughed, "Obviously speed. She outran or kept up with the bullet train. It is amazing how fast she can be. The only thing slowing her down is her mood." I pat him on the back and we walked towards the colony.

Everyone was gathered to see me. Since this was a place that had the most number of people I had saved. People cheered and waved as I passed by. I waved back too. Soren chuckled as he walked with me. One of them suggested that I move here and Soren move to Piedra de la Luna. I shook my head saying that I am a line of defense so people can evacuate. On their way they can warn others. This was not received with a grain of salt. Some people even was hoping the train would go to the shed so they can lock it but unfortunately that didn't happen. I did a quick spin where I ran at a speed of the train which is much slower than my actual speed. I sensed for any anomalies and reported that there were none.

I hopped on the train and we were off to Crepuscule. There were mixed feelings but overall it was a warm welcome. The people saw my efficiency and we're proud to have someone who wasn't here to hurt them. They are free to come and go as they please. No conspiracies no nightmares. Some of them said that moving here was the best decision they made. They are having the best night sleep in their lives. They laid out dinner spread. After making sure that people are safe from any sort of zombie menace. I wanted to go but the locals gave me conundrum. They say that there is a hole not far from here. Every day they walk past it they would imagine that a zombies are there. Some are concerned that these things might crawl out of there. Fearfully I ran towards the direction they pointed wanting to check it out.

I ran at my actual speed and had a look around with the addition using my extended senses, x-ray vision and echolocation. I found that the place was safe. There were no zombies or any possibility of zombies. It was a place where clean fresh water was flowing. I came back and gave my report and walked back on the train. Next stop was the home of the consort of the Emperor himself. We were going to Pearl.

The people refused to let us go. In fact most people blocked the roads that lead to the train. They said that it would be better if I stayed while the others left. This was unacceptable so Aaron called it in. At least he tried to. The signal was jammed. So Oleg asked me to politely request the people to step aside. I did and they declined. Roland slapped his hand on his forehead. It took me a moment but Serena's face made me realized what he meant. I used hypnosis to ask and everyone stepped aside. Oleg waited till we were on board and away. He blurted, "When I said politely I meant use hypnosis. You could use it to compulse them to get out our way."

I apologized saying that I felt like Svengali. In fact the first time I used it was a rogue werewolf and I still traumatized by the effects. Serena asked what happened that day. I said, "It was the holidays and I was with Irene and her family. It was nighttime which curfews were about to start. That was when a rogue werewolf came wanting to paint the city red. He bumped into me and I was not combat ready. I only learned offense which meant I would probably lose. One of my friends poked their head out of the RV window and requested that I ask him to break his own neck. I did and he killed himself. That's still haunts me to this day. What he did was wrong and what I did was not right either." Oleg brushed it off saying he was turned by rogue werewolves but his loyalty is with the good werewolves since they rescued his family from being dinner. He said that if he had my ability he would have happily ordered the ones who assaulted his family to break their necks too. He understands why the werewolves and vampires are careful about who they turn. The others concured as they saw his memory.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts