
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 5

I found the man dangling on a Sycamore tree. He pointed his gun at me demanding to know where he was. I raised my hand to prove that I am not a bad guy. I explained that I am amongst those who are against the rebels. I came here to get him to safety since the hunting party was heading this way. He didn't believe a word I said. He kept asking me to keep my hands up where he can see them. He kept his eyes fixed on me till he heard people shouting. He pulled out a knife and clipped the cords. He landed painfully butt first. He picked his side arm and checked his comms before he got up. The man introduced himself as Taylor Moore. We shook hands and he thanked me for coming to his rescue. I asked him not to thank me yet since they will arrive in a few minutes for a thorough inspection with dogs. He asked me if it was possible to hide him for a day or two. I informed him to ask Anya since she is the had of the family. She has her family to think about. He was about to say something when Myra arrived. We snuck back home. Anya gave him permission and he was escorted to the medical wing.

The hunting party arrived with dogs as promised. Taylor's clothes were burnt and he had changed into work clothes. Myra introduced him as one of their gardener. They gave him a once over and reported that all was well. They turned to the woods in the hopes of catching the pilot. I heard them speak about the wreckage. They finally concluded the plane blew up with the pilot. There were a few that strongly swore they saw the pilot eject.

Taylor used his comms to call central to let them know that he has found sanctuary. They asked him where he was. He asked us where he was. Royce said that they are in Verdant mansion. To which Anya said that this place is called Bezpeky. That is Ukrainian for safety. I immediately clarified that in all pertinent documents clearly states that this land is called Valentina. I didn't mention that it was named after my grandma. Taylor stared confused so I confiscated his comms to give the GPS coordinates. The guy on the other end thanked me. I gave the comms back to Taylor. He stood still for a moment and then Taylor confirmed this place is called Valentina. The others were frozen in shock as they tried to soak it in. Taylor and the Bilyk family sat down to discuss strategy. I was asked to join them.

I waved him off as I went back to pluck some nightshades. I took them upstairs where I wrapped them in a piece of cloth and wringed them. I drank the resulting liquid. I turned to see Anya, Sonja and Myra staring at me. They wanted to know what I was drinking. I explained that this is a poison I have been consuming to make sure that there won't be others like me. Anya froze for a moment and she gave me a sad look as she recalled how her grandma would talk about me. She wished me a good day and went downstairs to find out what was going on in the city.

I sat down to read a book when Tetyana arrived. She was bored so she was hoping that we could play. I picked her up and I asked her what she wants. She asked me what I can do. So I flew around the room with her. She was laughing as hair wiped around with each turn. When I finally sat down she started to whine. She wanted to go again. But her mother arrived reminding her that she has to finish her homework. She asked for a few more minutes. I chuckled as I promised to take her flying if she finish her homework before nap time. Tetyana happily ran to finish her homework.

Liliya happily walked behind her daughter. When her husband asked to speak to me. While Liliya was happy to have me here. Liliya's husband on the other hand wasn't very pleased with me being here. I asked him what his problem was. I had to use hypnosis to force him. He didn't hesitate as he blurted that he was hoping for a compensation for his hard work. He has always dreamed of being a spoilt rich guy but that has come to a stand still. He proposed that I systematically handover what Anya has given and in exchange he won't tell the rebels about me. I refused his offer and made it clear that he is not getting anything from this family except what Anya sees fit. As far telling the rebels. He would become tongue tied everytime he tries. He is forbidden to mention what I am to anyone that is not Liliya. He scoffed at me as left to talk to his lawyer. He discovered what I had done to him and the best part was he couldn't say anything to his wife because she would divorce him. He would be on the street with nothing on his pocket.

Tetyana and Antonina arrived after finishing their homeworks. Liliya sat to watch as I flew around the room with them. When I set them down I took her hand and we flew up in the air and she held on to me tightly. I chuckled that I would never drop her. She took a few minutes to relax. I heard Taylor coming so I gently put Liliya down and picked up a book. The kids understood that a stranger was heading this way. Taylor asked Liliya where his sleeping quarters were and the butler Joseph was kind enough to show him. Liliya decided that it was time for the kids to go to sleep and they gave a sullen expression before they gave me a hug. I promised that when this fighting is over we can fly in the garden. This cheered them up. I got a kiss on the cheek from both of them before they went to sleep.

The next morning the government said that they have given us the all clear to move freely. I decided to go to the city to collect my clothes for the mayor's party. Taylor wanted to come with me but I made it clear that using any kind of comms or video recording would result in the firing squad. He left his stuff behind and joined me in the limo as I was taken to Pungjoghan square. The district dedicated to the wealthiest. Taylor was told to wait in the car since he is likely to get shot down. He wanted to protest but he remained calm. I got my package and got inside.

I asked Taylor what he wanted to know. He said he wanted to know where the central command was for these hooligans. How many check points they have and what weapons they might own. That was an easy thing to tell him but how I explain to the driver how I know these things when I just showed up. So I just let him know that they have a building out on the cliffs called Burgess. Their central command is the old federal building according to the local gossips. The easiest thing to do is follow the wires. True enough as we passed through Zamozhnyy square we saw a building with thick wires snaking around above our heads. These converge into the top of the building. I saw a man on the phone arguing or negotiating. It wasn't easy to tell. I had to pretend that I was human so I just pointed at him and said that looks like the head rebel. Taylor gave me a satisfactory nod. I asked the driver to take me home and he did.

When we arrived Yuri (Anya's only son) asked him when he is leaving. He is concerned that Taylor actions would hurt his family. Taylor promised to leave the next day when there is twenty minute window for him. He and Yuri shook hands and they went on their own paths. I on the other hand had other plans. I intended to find out how to blend in with people if not I will have to go to the Citadel. I would be alone but at least I will not be harassed by people with insidious plans