
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 5

I sat down to have lunch when the military and company arrived. The werewolves were the first to notice so they contacted the president. I made it clear the president must see them and vice versa or they can deny it. They opened their wristwatch and video called the president. These men in uniform and women in lab coats asked around and one person pointed at me. They walked in and Marcus one of my werewolf guards made sure to turn the image toward them letting them know that the president was watching. So one of them shot the watch without hesitation. That was a mistake since this was interpreted as though they wanted to attack the president. The police got up and declared that they were under arrest. They asked on what change the answer was simple. The attempted murder of the US president. He was video chatting with the werewolves before they had arrived. The werewolf was kind enough to make sure to stop any plausible deniability but they decided to be hostile. So this is a criminal act. They were told to put their hands behind their backs or they will be shot.

They asked the police officer to run along and finish his doughnut. The others got up and declared citizens arrest. This amused them a great deal. Till they heard sirens. They saw everyone stand in front of me to block their path. One pregnant lady asked him if he was willing to shoot everyone to get his worthless ego a boost. The woman in the lab coat asked them nicely to step aside. But the people made it clear that the law forbids them to take me or the others. The woman in the lab coat peered over the people and asked me nicely if I wanted to go with them to their lab. I told them to go lay an egg. Then hatch it and wait till grows to eat it. Jasper mumbled with a foreign accent, "A tad too much" I gave a sigh of contempt. This made the rest of them laugh out loud. She recommended that I come to my senses and come with her right now so I declared my counter recommendation was for her to go fly a kite. Jasper smiled at my childish expression. The people in the diner started to laugh. The woman was not pleased. Neither was the soldiers they started to push people aside they can grab me.

They heard sirens and knew that they were in trouble so they tried to leave but I had already locked the door so they can't leave. I happily drooled over the menu trying to figure what to eat while they tried to figure out a way to get out. The police was barely visible when one of them shattered the glass to get out. This was a mistake that cost them dearly. There was a few national guards that were coming over to have lunch too. They pulled their guns and ordered them to get down on their knees.

I quickly snuck into the kitchen and remained there till the coast was clear. I apologized profusely for the problem that I am causing. They happily waved me off saying that it was nothing. I sat down smiling when Chris made it clear that they are being nice since I have an internal shield that protecting everyone. They know if I leave the city those things can barge into the city with no problem whatsoever. They have seen it first hand how these things turn around when they reach the shield. This was before I lost my memory. I may have amnesia but my gift is working perfectly without my help. I was insulted that I had such a cool gift and yet I had no clue. Jasper smirked at me, "That shield is the reason you can't find a single zombie. They can't stand being near you. You used to let out a heart stopping scream that would make them fall down in a state of paralysis and have painful seizures. These series of repeated seizures alone was enough for them to stay away from you. They know to expect pain the moment they see you. Even the intelligent ones stay away." I retorted, "If that is true why is that lab coat lady doing here. She says she wants to dissect me." He froze for a moment before he understood what I meant. Then he took a deep breath before he explained the types of zombies that exist. Also how to identify them. I was exhausted just listening to him but I kept that to myself. He can tell I was bored, hungry and excited all at the same time. When my pasta arrived I dove into it with joy. He smiled at my innocence. I asked him if he wanted a piece of my pasta. He took a piece and declared that he knows something that is better than this. I muttered between bites, "Ok mister. It's a date" This made him blush till he was redder than the firetruck that drove by moments later. He didn't say anything till we got back to Crown's Oasis. It is a Twenty thousand acres property that had four story mansion with five manicured gardens with archways of flowers and underground tunnels that snaked all over was completed with a hedge maze and a pool.

The council had convened a meeting so I sat down with the urge to space out. I spend the rest of the night being the voice of reason while the others were more interested in taking more bites of the apple. I ended up sending one from either side to sit in the corner so they can rethink they idiotic suggestions. This was a moment of amusement for the security. They were smiling at my behavior. I walked out of there and took a deep breath and sincerely wished that the tantrums that I saw those adults pull better not happen again. Also I wished I was back in the Citadel. I knew that was a no no since no one will allow me to leave since it would mean that those things can invade freely.

I walked upstairs and arranged the floor with mattresses and tried to fly but that didn't happen so I walked up to the roof so try and see if there were any of those so called zombies but for the love of God I didn't a single one. This annoyed me more so I was walking back. I froze when I heard a helicopter and knew that trouble has arrived so I ran back to my room. The military craft was stopped before it reached the building and thankfully they didn't see me either. If they did they would have shot down the one giving orders.

I sat down to watch the military chopper go. I felt someone was staring at me funny. It was David the groundskeeper. He asked me what I was looking at. I explained what I saw and his jaw dropped to the floor. I smiled at his silliness. I walked past the security and they were amused too. It turns out that only a few was able to master this ability. It takes training to do it. I was able to do it without any help from anyone.