
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 5

A woman in a suit came to see me. She was escorted tot eh evidence room by the head of the LAPD. She said that she was here to represent me in court. It turns out the army decided that they will go to court to acquire me. I was asked how I became this hybrid. I felt there was something going on so I asked the chief of police if she was legit. He said that the woman was his wife. She won't represent the military. He said that I can trust her so I gave her a once over and asked her if we could one of the empty rooms to chat. One of the vampires joined us since I was the descendant of the very first vampire himself.

We escorted to the interrogation room and I began to talk. I looked at the mirror and remembered it was a two way mirror. I casually used xray vision and saw that the military and scientists had snuck in listen to what I was saying and they looked upset that there were people who telling them to leave the room. I walked into that room and asked if there was any problems. The chief had them escorted to the lobby since they are trying to violatelaa attorney-client privilege. When I was certain that they were gone. I sat to explain everything about my debilitating illness. How I had gained access to the stuff that made me what I am. How at first I had super hearing, crazy flexibility and night vision. The next day I had the new abilities. Flying, echolocation, climbing the wall like spiderman and invisibility. The day after that I had accidentally consumed the blood of a parkour artist and saw his entire life flash before me. I learned parkour in sixty seconds. This shocked my lawyer but her husband was stoic. I explained that two days later I was escorted to my uncle's house where I saw the full moon and I began to change into a werewolf. Halfway through the process my body decided that it didn't like what was happening and change me into something else. I look nothing like a werewolf. I looked like me except my skin color had changed. She asked me to change and I asked her nicely not to faint. I changed into the other me and the chief walked out to the lobby and said, "I hope you are listening. She is not going with you as per the law of the country." They barged in and made it clear that they will fight to the death to acquire me. They seemed to think they will win in courthouse. So did machine city. They left and I went back to work. I made it clear that the no one should know what I am able to do. I asked her to make a video where I explain things in minimalist fashion. She agreed and we made the video where I was the only one shown on screen. She asked me pointed questions and I answered them.

I arrived at the court to see the place was surrounded by military personnel. I had enough so I kindly pointed it out. So before I went indoors the place was surrounded by police as well. This infuriated the man that wanted to make me a soldier. I was asked to remain silent. My lawyer played the video where I explained my transformation. My lawyer waited till I was done to point out that I was a vampire for four days before my body tried to become a werewolf. But my vampire half overpowered it and I was a not complete werewolf. According to the law clearly states that I am a vampire. The other side tried to object so I asked if it was possible to do a lie detector test. If it proves that I am not military property could the court convince them to leave me alone. The judge wasn't happy to be in a room filled with supernatural creatures and soldiers. I can tell she wanted this all over with quickly. I knew that I had to present proof that these guys are up to no good. I showed them a video of a conversation both Saber and machine city had that prove that they are trying to make more zombies. I proved that these guys had seriously ill intentions. Both Saber and machine city protested. But the judge made it clear that the law states that it is illegal to make super soldiers or making zombies or using supernatural creatures for experiments. If anyone was caught commiting these offenses. The guilty person or persons gets the death penalty. The judge ruled that I am forbidden to participate in the military or have anything to do with machine city. I was given a full restraining order. I was so happy that I fell into prostration. I stayed that way till the chief gently tapped me on the shoulder. The judge was staring at me with curiosity as I rose up. I blushed as I walked out.

The vampires tried to come out with me but the sun was out. I waved my hand and bats came out in their hundreds of thousands and block the sky. I turned around to see the smiling faces of my family. I jumped out and flew into the sky. The vampires hopped on to their vehicles and followed me home. I made sure that they were safe before I went back to work. The chief laughed, "Since you escorted your family safely home so I will overlook the fact that you are late for work." I blushed as I walked to the platform I work in. I like to walk vertically on the wall but while I am here fora work I always take the elevator out of courtesy. Today I was not in the mood to use it so I walked vertically. I heard gasps but I ignored it as I reached the platform. I sat down to help the forensic to reconstruct a skull.

When it was lunch time I walked out to help myself to Ramen when I heard the conversation between the chief and someone from military police. I happily walked towards the lobby and asked what was going on. He introduced himself as Robert King. He said that he was asking to see if it was possible for me to be his partner. I was about to make it clear that it is not going to happen. He should take his luck elsewhere. A crazy siren rang. I covered my ears and looked out the window. I shrieked, "That sounds as horrible as my old alarm clock. I should find it and break it" The vampires laughed as they explained that there is a new species of zombie like creatures that machine city has cooked up has been discovered so this alarm warns everyone to go home and lock their doors. The chief ordered the lower the shutters till those things are gone. I saw a small kid was playing so I ran to get her. When I came back the door was locked. The vampire showed me a note that says I had to wait till those leave for them to open the door. I didn't feel like staying with those things with a kid in tow around so I took the kid and flew to the roof and ran to the lobby. I saw that those things were trying to get in.

The door has a thick pane of glass which means it is a bullet proof so they couldn't get through. I put the kid down and walked towards the door. The creatures looked like a pathetic version of vampire. I got closer as they leaned forward. They were drooling as I sure they were trying to figure out how they were going to attack me. I stood still for a moment and turned my eyes black and turned my teeth into fangs. I let out a roar and they jumped back in genuine fear and ran for they life. I cackled as I saw one of them fall down in his attempt to run for his life. I called out, "Run piggy run" The other joins me in laughing. Finally I looked up, "Hey Ma! You think I can call myself an apex predator now" The entire the lobby answered in unison, "Yes"