
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 4

I got in the driver's seat which was a no no apparently. But I ignored the request of a vampire named Dennis as I started the engine. I knew that I have the ability to sense the safest route so that is exactly what I did. I got in the very front of the line and drove. Most of my security was in the car with me. They were concerned about my driving capabilities. But that fear went away when I drove them to safety. I sensed and avoided all the road closures and check points. They were sincerely impressed.

We stopped only because the car was overheating. The security wanted to know how I did it. I kept my mouth shut. I had a feeling that I had never fully disclosed my abilities. Ute approached me to express her surprise and gratitude. She is one of the newest members of the council. She said that her predecessor was a good friend of mine. I wish I believe a word she said but I didn't. She and her husband Gunther was happy to travel without any sort of trouble. The others wanted to know how I had managed to get them out safely but I made it clear that I don't want to talk about it.

We were about to travel when we heard a wolf cry for help. I was told that it is a werewolf. I walked to the direction of the sound under the protest of the others. I saw that soldiers were dragging werewolves and vampires towards a truck. I ran at top speed and knocked the soldiers unconscious and found a way to remove the restraints. By the time the last one was freed the others were already started running towards the safety of the convoy. We all made it safely before the soldiers woke and everyone agreed that staying here was a bad idea. We got in our respective vehicles and drove off. The freed ones were treated as we drove to safety. I was denied the opportunity to drive but I did give directions. The one who was driving knew not to ignore my orders.

When we reached the next rest stop I was thanked repeatedly and hugged a few times too. The others made a point to warn any strays to stay away from the army. According to the information passed by those in DC the military was trying to make a few super soldiers by dissecting the vampires and werewolves but they were interrupted by an unknown assailant. They were happy to hear that I was safe and sound. They were happy to hear that I was the one who had saved the others. They promised to remove any obstacles that were in our way the moment we are close to DC.

We refueled and drove off to find a safe route to our next stop. The entire time I had my nose pressed against the window trying to find a single zombie but found none. I whined like a child in dismay and the others chuckled at my words. They kept reminding me politely that I was lucky that these things are nowhere near me. I retorted that they are lucky to not be near me. I am an apex predator. I froze for a moment wondering why I said that to begin with. While I scratched my head trying imitate one of the world's greatest thinkers. The others smiled at my response.

We reached the Indian Head Highway and drove casually till we reached Forest Heights. I sensed that we will be in trouble soon we went off the main route. We tried to stay away from the military road as this section is a known trap. Soon we were on the outskirts of DC. We were received by humans and immortals alike. They were concerned that I didn't remember anything so my first stop was the hospital. The doctors poked and prodded me. This felt oddly familiar. They said that I will remember at my own pace or it is possible that I will never remember. It is possible that if I get hit in the head again I could remember. One very eager werewolf name Roland came to hit me in the head. He was stopped by the others. The council members yelled at him for his stupidity.

I was taken to an ordinary neighborhood where I stayed with a family that I had apparently rescued. The children kept playing peek-a-boo. I laughed as their parents shook their heads at how these kids were so comfortable in my company. I was told that the military had arrived looking for me. They wanted to either experiment on me or use me to hunt down the zombies or whatever they are called. The thing is I have never seen these things so how in God's name do I hunt these when I haven't even seen one of these creeps.

I was forbidden to leave the house so I stayed watching TV. But these guys were so determined to have me that they started knocking on doors. Barging in without permission so I had no choice but to call the family and let them know what was going on before I ran to hide. I spend the rest of the day on run. They didn't catch me but they knew that I was here the way the vampires and werewolves were behaving. The government made it an arrestable offense to hunt my kind. The military was told that they will be disband if they keep it up. The scientists were warned that they will get the death penalty so don't try anything stupid by calling vampires a different name. Vampires and werewolves have certain traits. If anyone has even a single trait that matches them that it is death sentence for the one who doing experiments on them. This floored a lot of people and they knew that if they get caught then they are finished so they let it go.

The scientists asked politely if a vampires or a werewolf volunteers. Both sides retorted that neither will volunteer since they remember what these imbeciles had done to their family and friends. The scientists replied that science requires sacrifice. That might involve a certain amount of pain. The vampire asked them if these imbeciles are caught. Then the ones implementing the punishment should be either a vampire or werewolf instead of the humans. The president gave his consent. The scientists asked for me so they will leave both sides alone. The immortal ones declared that I was their queen. So hurting me is highest punishable offense there is. The punishment will be so severe that person in question will wish their parents had killed them the very day they were born. The scientists thought these guys were being dramatic but the werewolves ran their claws against the wall. They left claw marks on the wall that instilled fear in those that saw it. The scientists realized that these guys were imagining it was their chests and they backed away. The president made it clear that I am off limits. If anyone is caught harassing me then he gets arrested immediately. If they managed to capture me then the punishment is the firing squad. This caused an outcry but they had no choice. They went out to collect specimens but the vampires and werewolves cunningly sent messages to those that were outside to let them that the military were upto no good.