
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 4

We moved to Los Angeles. I was given a small apartment. I checked the place for bugs and found none. I was escorted to a building that I will be working in for the rest of my life. I walked into the building like a kid walking into a candy store. I hopped excitedly as I saw the inside. This is as close as I will get to holding on mother's memory. The humans there were staring at me as I walked like a kid in a candy store. The others explained that I didn't have time to mature before I changed. I happily explained that my mother used to be a cop. I used to visit her during work hours and see my mom lean on a desk. She would have serious expression as she explains investigative stuff with a rookie. I explained that I feel like I am in my mother's loving arms. This made the officers smile especially the head of LAPD.

I was escorted to human resources where I was explained the rules of employment. It so boring that I forgot it immediately. They took my picture. I was given a work ID, a locker and a parking space. I was escorted to front desk. I always wanted to work in forensic. They explained that I will have to learn the complicated procedures before I get in. I chuckled as I walked into the forensic department and asked for a needle. I found the most experienced and I requested a drop of his blood. He obliged out of curiosity. I licked that drop of blood. I explained what every equipment is called and what they used for. I saw that everyone was taken back by this.

I explained that every vampire can do that. We can also view the memory of the donor and experience their feelings too. They tune it out because they don't like information overload. I also explained that he was interested in a blonde detective that frequently visit this room. He is sure she likes him too. He blushed to the darkest shade of red I have ever seen. The others chuckled as I asked like a kid on their way to airport for a vacation on how long do I have to wait before I get to work forensics. He stared at me for a moment and asked human resources to move me to the forensic as a novice. I was pleased with the win and declared with joy. The others stared as I behaved like a kid who have won an expenses paid trip around the world. They were smiling at me. I blushed and walked to the platform where the other novices were cataloging new specimens.

A man from machine city arrived wanting to appeal to my humanity. He said he wants to reverse engineer me so he can make people healthy. He will infect me with every sort of virus in existence and dissect me to make a cure for humanity. I should consider this an honor. I told him that I am here because unlike the people of both Saber and machine city here is a place where people are more comfortable with us being who were are. I told him that if he wants to stop illness then do the world a favor and shut down the labs that are making them.

Since both nations believe that everyone else is inferior. It won't suit me to go with them at all. This infuriated him. I happily explained the difference. Here in the united states both vampire and werewolves are free to roam and have jobs. We are treated like citizens. We were given rights that was assured not to be removed unless we break the law. But if we were in machine city or Saber then we would all be chained to walls. We would be caged and we would be subject to all sorts of experiments. Since we are not considered human, we would be considered nothing and nobody. Whatever they do to us will be considered justified by these inhuman standards. If they create another type of monstrosity we will still be the subject to hostility. He stared at me for a moment and I asked the person next to me, "If you could chose between a cage or freedom, what would you pick?" He responded like reflex action, "Freedom" He wasn't the only one to respond. Others agree with me that the man from machine city was out of line. He stared at everyone like they were crazy and left with a resigned look.

The military was next to come asking me to reconsider my career choice. I snarled at them and they walked away. The head of LAPD assured me that they won't come back. I assured him that they will come back. They have a defected memory that refuses to remember. They have filters on their ears that only allows words that pleases them to enter beyond the eardrum. The term used for this condition is selective deafness. There were a few that laughed at the mention of this but they had a experience with these idiots so they promised to not hand me over to them. I thanked them as I went back to work. I watched as the people either stare at me or sneak a peek at me. I happily brushed it off.

The next day I walked into an almost fight scene. A police officer was ranting about how his kid was kidnapped on her way home. I asked him to show me a picture of his kid along with any video or audio of her that he has. I promised to track the kid in thirty seconds. He stared at me for a moment like I was nuts and he obliged. I extrapolated how her face would feel like when I try to sense her. I took a deep breath and extended my senses. A few seconds later I found the kid seventeen blocks away. I gave him a description of the place she held and he left with absolute doubt. He came a few minutes later with his daughter in tow with a big smile on his face. The others came one by one wanting to know more about my abilities. I made it clear that they are classified. I was asked to join police academy. I made it clear that I preferred to work forensics. They promised to convince me to be an officer soon. I wished them luck as I walked to catalog a new set of chemicals.

At lunch the second volley of military personnel arrived to convince me to join them. But like I said unless I willingly agree they can't do anything about it. All they can do is talk. If they try again then they will arrested for trying to kidnap an employee of LAPD. I said if I can't work in forensic then I will try to get a job as a doctor. Since that was my second choice. They weren't happy about it but they tried to recommend the military hospital. I brushed him off and sat to have lunch. I dove into a bowl of Ramen. They asked me, "Aren't you supposed to drink blood or something" I replied that I am a hybrid so I can survive some time without consuming blood. This intrigued them but I made it clear that I am not going with them. Because every time I see them I remember my mother being murdered in cold blood so if I go with them the first thing I will do kill every single one of them. I will not apologize for doing it. They wished me a good day as they walked out with sour faces.