
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 3

The next day the maid came to wake me up to see that I was awake and reading a book. She drew me a bath and I got cleaned up. I stepped out to the veranda to see that people were driving towards us in repaid succession. At first I thought this was some sort of proteat statement. They started to decorate the driveway and the road leading here with all sorts of illuminations to such a point I was concern that a plane might mistake it for an airport runway and land in the garden. I mean the place huge enough that it won't damage the mansion. I have seen it happen when this place was a farm land. People from Saber mistook our property for a private airstrip. It took a few minutes before he realized where he was. He took off after Karolina got an apology from his superior. This made Myra laugh as she explained that this was for a party they were throwing to celebrate my return.

The next few hours were spent me getting ready. By nightfall the guests began to arrive. The main hall was arranged like a wedding. I was escorted in and one of the elderly placed a tiara on my head signifying that I am the daughter eldest in the family. This means I am to inherit Valentina and a few other places. Not to mention a huge amount of money. I am now the eighty percent owner of every business the family owns. Anya declared how she has distributed her wealth to the rest of her family and sat down to talk to her friends. I was dragged around like a new toy and was introduced to everyone. They seemed to be genuinely interested in me. I saw one the waiters were serving drinks and I asked one of them for a beverage. The conversations were so boring that I almost fell asleep. Almost being the operative word here. When the party was over Anya called the authorities and got clearance for the guests to go home. When they left a few of Anya's son in laws protested about how she wrote her will but since she is the owner of the every thing the family owns. They understood that since she did it with a clear conscious they were helpless to do anything about it. The argument continued till their wives dragged them to their rooms.

The next morning a lawyer arrived and I had to spend a few minutes signing documents. He explained about what I had inherited as he gave me a set of keys. My in laws will run the company while all I have to do is show up once every five months to office. I smiled as he left to handover legal papers to the appropriate authorities. The youngest son in law Ken approached me asking me what my plan was. I told him that I am trying to figure it out. Anya asked him not to harass me.

She and I walked to the cottage I had built with Irene. She sat down by the steps and asked me to watch over her children since she is sure that they are in danger. Since I had done a diligent job save her ancestors I can do for her descendants. I gave her my word. We watched as the butterflies sat lazily on the roses and bees buzzed above our heads before they flew away to find their hive before it was dark.

We came back to find Dae talking to Lavra. I greeted them both politely. She asked me if I wanted to go clubbing. I made it clear that it is a bad idea. Anya and Myra on the other hand encouraged me to let down my hair since this was my chance at normalcy. We got dressed and arrived at a Chinese underground club and casino called Xingyùn de. Since the world's population moved to the state each city has a section dedicated to each and every country there is.

The place was in the warehouse district. We got in and was partying like there was no tomorrow. We got drinks, danced with a few girls. A few guys asked us out on dates. A fight broke out and the bouncer removed them. I saw that it was almost curfew so we left the place. I decided to drive us back home. On the way we were stopped by the rebels. It was nearly curfew so they were trying to delay us. I was driving so I rolled down the window and used hypnosis on the guard. I asked him nicely if he could make an exception to the rule just this once and he let it. We had to go through seven check points. There were a few road closures but we made it back with the first sound of the siren.

Dae called her family to let them know where she was. Her mom was pleased that she was with us. Her mom Eun sells antique furniture. Her sisters Ae-cha and Cho helps their mom in the furniture business. Her older brothers Kim, Hwan and Seung are serving in the army. They couldn't come because sometime after I arrived the rebels blew up the railway to ensure that the outside world can't get in.

We heard bombs exploding and I felt the earth shake slightly as building came crashing down. The others didn't hear what I did so they stared at me for answers. I just replied that the army and the rebels are fighting right now. One side just leveled a building. This came as a surprise. Some brushed it off as they walked back to their respective bedroom to catch some much needed rest for tomorrow's endeavors. I walked to the study and tried to figure out the problems this family has faced. I looked at the pictures frames on the desk and remembered the terror that Sonja had experienced. So naturally I must start with her. I picked up a pen and a blank paper and began writing.

To clear nobody believed in my ability to sense even existed till the next morning when they heard the radio reporting last night's debacle. The in laws were interested to whatever they could about me. I made it clear that it is classified. It turns out the wives told them who I was. They finally understood why I inherited such a huge chunk. Whatever that was left of the jewels I gave the family to pay off their debts was used to start multiple businesses. So from their point of view I was a silent partner.

I walked out to see Enrique combing his hair with his fingers. There was a bouquet of flowers on the floor. I called the police and they tried to remove him. He refused till I arrived with documents that made it clear that as the head of this family. I have made a new rule regarding those who have intended or may have raped the women in this family. Nobody in this family is allowed to marry anyone in his family. By some mistake even if somehow he marry anyone in this family. Then that person is immediately disowned. So neither he or she will get a cent of the family's fortune. Even if they have kids they will have no right to claim anything. He read the document from top to bottom looking for a loophole but found none so he left dejected. He kept looking back as though he was trying engrave this place into his memory since he won't be a part of this family ever.