
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 3

I knew that I had to be extra careful who I interact with. It turns out Adrian had systemically terminated the CIA by allowing them to be eaten by the zombies and the same treatment was given to the FBI. Now the people had made a governing system that the military had to bow down to if they wanted any power or authority. I heard enough of the conversation to believe that I could talk to her. So I waited till she was alone.

I pulled myself together as I walked towards her. I changed my looks to my old self. She was surprised at first but she calm down. She was as nice as she was years ago. We ended up chatting about the days we were in school. She explained that in the pursuit of me they had found Molly. She attacked everyone including those that tried to help protect her. So as a result she was killed. Her body was destroyed before the military had a chance to examine her.

We came up with an idea. The scientists has already taken a handful of these things so they can find a reversal as they say. Which means that the others will be blown up. Everyone will blow these abomination to bits at the exact same time all over America so the military won't be able to organize anything. When this was proposed the people agreed to something else.

We asked if anyone wished to be bait to lure these things out. They came if we promised to end them forever. There shouldn't be any left not even a few that the scientists wanted to experiment on. The other said to blow all of them up so this nightmare will be a thing of the past. We all agreed to go and kill those zombies before the military go out to collect them. We had to decide where we were going blow them up and what we will do if we see any stragglers.

We left at dawn and made noise and threw blood bags into places where the zombies were likely to be. They came out in their thousands out of buildings, the sewers and the woods. The sight almost gave me heart attack. All I could see was zombies all the way up to the horizon. I couldn't see a fire hydrant or mailbox or car. It was end to end zombies. They came at us like they were summoned for free food or some type of sale was going on where the stuff was sixty to ninety percent free.

When they reached the place we had intended to blow up them. The first thing we did was use a helicopter to airlift the baits and blew up the place. The military convoy had just stepped out for the next round of specimen collection when they heard a distinct bang. They knew what had happened and they called people from all over Saber and got the same response. Not only did the residents of Saber do it but the other nations blew up their zombies too. This meant that they can't ask for anymore specimens anymore. That includes me. This was a hard pill for them to swallow but they did.

They were about to say something when they heard over the radio that people had entered facilities that these creatures were kept and gunned them down. The only ones that didn't do that was Machine City. That wasn't a surprise. The rest of nation was cleansed of these abomination. The military personnel that were protecting these places overpowered before these monsters were eradicated. Nobody was kill or eaten. So all in all a success.

The military wanted to protest but they had no choice. Machine City made it clear that if I visit their city either outskirt one called Icarus or the heart of Machine City called Otonomous I will be taken into custody. I will be escorted to a lab to be dissected. Adrian made it clear that only idiots would go to machine city. Because the three days she spent in Otonomous felt like an invasion of her privacy. I actually laughed and others joined me. The residents of Machine City stared at us with a scandalized look.

The nations were told that this is the end of their regime. No more boxing people while allowing those things to go on killing spree. There will no more specimen collection. If they are caught doing experiments to make anything unnatural then the punishment the residents of the facility both military and scientist alike will be the death penalty. They were annoyed by this notion but this was the only option they are going to get. They tried to argue and Adrian ordered the police to shoot the scientists and soldiers in the knee. When they saw the guns they realized that they had overstepped their boundaries. They tried to argue but after three of them got kneecapped. They signed an agreement. People traveled to deliver the order to restore law and order was sent everywhere. With that the divided nations of America became United States of America again. The walls were demolished and the people were free to roam around.

I was given a new identity till she finds a way to get me out safely. Adrian kindness will not go unnoticed. I wasn't ungrateful as I joined those were involved in the reconstruction of Washington DC. The houses were restored while people who lived in the sewers came back to live like people again. They were happy to see that their lives were being restored to a type of normal. When they saw the houses they are going to live they started to cry.

The vampires and werewolves were given a place in society as long they don't help me anyway shape or form. The vampires refused this saying that I was a descendant of the first vampire himself. They refused while the werewolves agreed. The government finally relented to the vampires request to leave me alone. Since I have proven to be just like my forefather. A person who used their gifts for good while not allowing those who might use it for bad get their hands in their uniqueness. Machine City tried to convince them that if I am good then I should share I can do with others. I should allow others to enjoy what I can do. They refused the offer by saying that something like it happened years ago. The result was the existence of crazy vampires that destroyed cities. These guys started as nice guys but once they changed they mercilessly killed their family without batting an eyelash. This convinced the vampires to protect me. Since their archaic law requires the original vampires or their descendants to rule if they are killed. Just like that I become Sasha the queen of the night.

I stepped forward and they tried to arrest me but Adrian and the others got in the way. Adrian asked them to give me a chance to talk. I had to convince them that my blood is poisonous. I did this by giving a few drops of my blood to a werewolf. He sipped it and immediately fell backwards and began foaming at the mouth. He had severe seizures before he dead. Everyone stepped back as I explained that I have been consuming the most deadliest poison to human, vampires and werewolves. It is called nightshade. All this was to ensure that my blood will not be used make an army. I showed them the vial containing stuff which they tested for confirmation. Then I drank all of it like it was a milkshake. The corpse of the werewolf was burned before machine city had a chance to collect a sample. They were infuriated but they went along with it.

This incident convinced both humans and non-humans to leave me alone. They even passed a law forbidding any attempts to harm me. The werewolves joined the army and the construction companies while the vampires joined the police force and college as night time lecturers. I was asked very politely to join the army. I refused their request explaining that they had the nerve to murder my beloved mother in front of me. I wanted to the college in the night shift but in the end I had join the police force. The others followed my lead. I chose the forensic department.