
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 2

I was asked to come to Excalibur so I came. The one in charge of the Magna Guards Warner was there with his second in command Robin. The threat was a human that looked like she has been enhanced. I ran to confront her and smiled and attacked me. As fast as she was she was still slow. I jump kicked her and she asked me, "Who are you?" I hate that question, "I am person. That's all you need to know." I used guns and the bullets popped out of her the same way werewolves do when they are shot. I knew that the only way to kill her was to scream but I hoped that other soldiers were not nearby. Regardless I am fast so I took a deep breath and screames. She had a series of seizures and coughed up blood before she fell dead.

I threw her body into burning drum and walked back home. I turned into a bunch of bats and flew in the air. After a few minutes I came back down. There was a scientist who was pissed. He said that he wanted the body for examination. He hopes to replicate my ability to kill from a distance thus rendering me redundant. I reminded him that a machine would kill everyone. It won't spare anyone. What if it goes off accidentally and kills innocent people. It won't matter what it can do that machine will be destroyed. The others concured. They prefer a safe bet. I told him to get a life and walked away from him. I sat down to drink blood and the man deduced that the ability hurts me too but with my speedy healing covers it up. He tried to approach me but the others dragged him out of Excalibur. Link was warned about this creep and he said to keep an on him.

Link came to me and he wanted to know why I chose Jasper. I said, "It wasn't a conscious choice. We connected. He and I had mutual interests." Link interrupted, "He betrayed you. And yet you forgave him because of Jayden had done. Have you ever wondered if he was genuine about his feelings for you." I retorted, "I drank his blood to be sure" Link said, "That's relevant because?" I said, "The vampire half of me can retrieve memories from even a drop of blood. Events and feelings that occur from the day they are born till the blood leaves the body is contained in a single drop of blood. I guess you didn't know that" Link gave me his blood and asked, "Taste it. Tell me what you see"

I licked his hand, "You were turned during the divided states of America. You were a civilian in Saber of all places. You wanted to save your sister from the government. You took her away. Your uncle reported you and they almost killed you but Batou saved you. The two of you became Nocturnals and moved to Los Angeles. While Batou worked my partner. You worked a lawyer. Nice." He tilted his head, "That's all you got?" I shrugged, "I wanted to know your origin story" he laughed, "That's a nice way of saying past. I should try that sometime" I looked deep into his recent memories. I saw that he did have feelings for me. He realized them when he saw me with Jasper. He asked if I would be his spouse. I said, "I am sorry but no. I am not interested" Link retorted, "Kuze made it clear that you had a crush. What you felt wasn't love. I can make the pain go away"

Oleg must have sensed that I was feeling uncomfortable so he came forth and said, "There is a disturbance is sector four. Warner wants you to check it out." Link called after me, "I am serious. I want to make you happy. Think about it and let me know on your own time" Oleg gave me a wink. I blushed, "Thanks for the save" Oleg chuckled, "No problem" Trask was sitting on the gunnery and he was a little bit anxious. I told him the sector is clear and that he can chill. Boxer wanted know how far the nearest threat was. I said about eight kilometers away. Jaxx sent drones to practice his aim. Lionel kept an eye out for zombies.

Link sent someone to see if Oleg was lying. He saw that we were engaged with real zombies so he said that we were dealing with a threat. By the time I came back Link had a simple request. Replace Oleg. I told him that my security is not a threat to Tsar. So Oleg stays with me. He was annoyed how comfortable I am with Oleg. So he wanted to eliminate the competition. I told Link that I am not interested in him. So what he should do is turn werewolf and see who is compatible with him. Apparently he did and he didn't like who it was. I defended her, "Come on. You are her better half. It is insulting that you would believe that. Spend time with her and see what happens. No matter what the future holds Oleg is irreplaceable."

The number of roses reduced a little but that doesn't mean they stopped coming. Aaron was seen telling Chelsea to burn the bouquets. He find them annoying. Roland teased, "What's the matter. Can't handle a little bit of competition?" Aaron has feelings for me but he thinks that it is inappropriate. Oleg on the other hand has a brotherly love towards me. I sat down in the balcony with a single rose. I used the rose to caress my face. I felt a drone zooming around and said the words to shoot it down.

Derek said that it was searching for a bomb. I found it before the drone and told them where it was. Marx waited for confirmation from the drone. He was shocked. He called to know how I did that. I said that I was once a cop too. I have on occasions used my gifts to find explosives. I have asked if I could join but Abe opposed it. Derek said, "Link might say yes" Oleg said, "He won't make her a dark knight. He will try to make a her one of the Hyperion guards. The only stopping him is that she is the crown princess. Besides there is a case of sour grapes. He proposed to her and she said no." Derek whined, "Ouch. Did he think he is better than Jasper?"

I called Link asking if I could join the dark knights till it is my turn to rule. Link said he will think about it. The council said that I should be in Central as a council member. I told them that I am neutral. So sitting there would be taking sides. Link asked if I could be Hyperion guard. The council screamed at him that a crown princess doesn't do lowly work. He finally decided that I shouldn't be a dark knight. I should just continue as I am. Roland interrupted saying that people want me to join them so that they can have some sense of security. Link said that he is taking care of it.

I didn't want to talk about it anymore so I asked him if he had spent time with her so two can officially get married. He said that he is hoping I would say yes. I said that I haven't found anyone worth being with since Jasper. I think of Link as a brother so it is impossible to have such intense feeling. He said that he will consider her. I said the more he delay the more disaster it will. He looked like he wanted nothing yo do with her. I asked if she was a relative. He said she was not related to him. So I said, "All the best. Hurry up. Don't try to make a harem. Just marry her" He realized that I won't marry him so he officially married her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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