
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 2

A female reporter wanted to do an interview of Abe. I warned him that she likes to pretend to be really nice person but she makes sure that the people she interviews looks horrible. She is up to no good. Make sure she and her cronies are alone in the elevator and record the conversation and humiliate her. I never expected Abe to do it but he did. He also broadcasted this to everyone in Tsar so no one was is in the dark.

Now everyone knew about the painful past of some nocturnals. Abe showed them everything. He showed the security footage of different events. My childhood in crutches. My brother killing my mother in cold blood for getting in the way of stupid illegal human experiments. Me raising orphan children. The unification of the nocturnals. They understood about Abe and his past and Soren and his family. The images switched to a recording in the elevator exposing the reporter and her dirty policies. The interview was stopped after the producer called to fire her. I stopped watching the interview after the security footage of my mother's death. Seeing a video and living it is extremely different. I stayed in my room for the remainder of the week.

After a week Abe got bored of not seeing me. He came to show me what happened. He apologized for showing the incident but people were making stuff up and he was annoyed. So he did this to end all the rumors. I accepted his apology as Soren called for my assistance. I knew he did this to get me out of the palace. Miranda was disappointed that I was leaving soon but was told very sarcastically by Abe that in a few years I will be sitting on throne and will not depart till it was Soren's turn to rule. She froze for a moment before she bowed goodbye.

My bullet train arrived to escort me to Excalibur and all the warriors were there to receive me. They smiled at me as I walked up to Soren. He gave me a report on a soon to arrive survivors. Betty was amongst them. The military had infected her with so many things people were concerned. I knew that she is a double edged sword. Having her here is advantage but if she dies then she will become a zombie and start a killing spree. On the other hand she has her uses.

I told him that I trust his judgement. Everyone agreed to keep her in Excalibur so if she changes she can be handled quickly. Betty arrived with a group of tired outsiders. They looked like they had gone through fifty thousand stages of extreme sterilization. Some of the vampires said yes and the some of the werewolves started to snicker. Aaron started to laugh. He said that Oleg had mentioned that I am known to blurt things that is funny. The vampires walked forward with a kind face while the werewolves walked forward smiling. The humans were happy to be away from the zombies.

Apparently Betty had told them about the nocturnals. I knew seeing is believing so when they saw a werewolf they were first afraid. They took a step back till they saw that the werewolves were rescuing people who fell down the wall. The man hugged the wolf and the wolf hugged back. This made them calm down. They took in the new situation they were in. They saw a peaceful place where all of the trouble stops at the front door. They didn't care that these guys aren't human. They cared that these guys made a sanctuary.

After their skills were assessed they saw the train that will take them to their new homes. They cried as they saw the lush forests. Most of them disembarked on Moonstone. It was half town and also half farmland. They got paid in gold coins. They got a place to call home and a year's worth of food. The newbies were pleased. Betty was impressed with this. No nonsense and no secrets whatsoever. Everyone working together for a common goal. No secret labs making weird biological weapons. No modified crap. Natural only.

Victor took the enemy's ship apart to figure out how it works. We received transmission from the enemy's leader Adam Killian the moment Charlie removed the outside chassis. Asking where Betty had gone since there's no safe place left in the world. Darren took the thing apart before Betty could answer. Darren was brutal as he smashed the comms. Apparently this creep killed his dad mercilessly. Darren was suffering from PTSD.

The soldiers joined the warriors to defend the fortress. They see people coming in vast numbers and were surprised to see the resilience. I walked out before things got ugly. I saw that there was a group of survivors heading our way but they were being followed by zombies. I jumped out and landed on the platform. I expanded my shield and the zombies calm down as they came to a stop. The survivors were taken for sterilization and I came up. The newbies wondered if I could stay here but Soren made it clear that I am to take the bullet train home. The newbies were upset with Soren's decision. They asked what rank he was and they were told he is the leader of this fortress. They apologized as they were escorted to their quarters.

I on the other walked to the platform that would take me home. Piedra de la Luna. The platform was cleared not out of disrespect but for my safety since those that stuck around would have dubious ideas. I would have to kill them as a rule. The bullet train arrived on time and I was whisked home. I got on board and it took off like it was a bullet fired out of a gun. I saw Mac pulled the lever from the glass dome above the tracks. This is the lever that opens a secret tunnel that leads to a safe zone on the railway station. My butler Geoff was ready to receive me. We walked to my car and he drove me to the Claire DeLune hotel where I have the top floor all to myself. A masseuse was waiting for me and also the place was decorated with flowers. After an hour of deep tissue massage she went back to her station and Geoff pulled out the mini telescope for my entertainment and he went to sleep. I listened to the pirate station and laughed as they talked about conspiracies involving the creators of the zombies. One prevailing theory is that Adam Killian is Adam Monroe. I watched the stars above me.

Briggs called the next day while I was having breakfast. This annoyed Geoff as he prefers the bad news to arrive after breakfast. He ignored Geoff as a rule as he explained that the newbies broke protocol and took a train to go look for me. Soren was pissed. The security on Luna were warned. They waited in plain clothes in plain sight waiting for the newbies to arrive. Mitch was very annoyed as he had to tase them when they stepped in the walkway. A call to Soren was made before the security send them back on the very train they arrived in. Gordy was laughing as Oleg imitated their expression. Roland was thinking about how to handle things if they try again. I was asked to change my looks. Since this would confuse them. So I complied. Batou was smiling as were my babies.

True to Roland's word they arrived to find me the very next day. This time they were in plain clothes. They were the easiest to spot but this time I asked that they face Soren himself. There were those that opposed the idea but in the end they went along. I waited till Soren arrived in Piedra de la Luna. In the meantime the newbies asked around about me. Since my whereabouts were kept a secret so that the bad guys can't exploit me the answer was simple. I don't know. I got the approval from Soren and I changed to myself and made sure they saw me. Then I walked away keeping a few yard distance to keep them interested. I kept looking back so they would follow me. I kept walking till I saw Soren. He felt this was far enough. I put on my mask and changed my looks to resemble Irene. Then waited till they reached me. The moment they grabbed my arm and I lifted my hoodie and pulled my mask to reveal I was someone else. This was a shocker since they were sure it was me. They didn't use specialty equipment so they couldn't confirm it was me. Soren walked up to them from behind and he asked them if they had enough of their obsession clouding their judgement. After which his guards carefully incapacitated all of them before they were sent back home. The local asked Soren what was going on. He said that the these were newbies who likes to follow their own rules. He is here because they had abandoned their stations. The locals thanked Soren for his his kindness and went back to their business. The newbies were taken home. They were sure they had found me. Aaron told them they had a case of scotoma. They took Aaron's word for it and went back to their stations. I will be careful when I go to Excalibur from now on.