
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 2

I was enjoying the view when I heard a distinct buzzing sound. I knew it was a drone. Sure enough I saw one heading towards me. So I climbed down to avoid getting into more trouble. As I climbed down I saw Enrique on the other side of the street. He was talking to someone. I quickly and quietly approached to eavesdrop.

"These guys are the wealthiest family in this town. They own land, business and huge amounts of cash. They live a life that I always wanted. I am sick of watching mom cleaning other people's house for a meager salary. If I get to marry one of the women in this house then we are set for life. We can live like kings." The man made it clear, "Sonja is engaged so she will never take an interest in you. She is getting married next week. Now the only one not married is the newest addition to the family named Katrya." Enrique asked, "Describe her to me please" I looked at the tall burly as he scratched his face before he simply replied, "She is the one who hit you in the head with baseball bat for sneaking in." I realized that this man works for this family. Enrique rubbed his head as he tried to process this new information. He asked, "Is she seeing anyone?" The burly man laughed as he said, "You are the last man on earth she will go out with. I am here to tell you to stop coming here since nobody is wants you here. I like the peace and quiet that comes in your absence" Enrique made it clear, "I will live in this house and you will salute me. Soon you will address me as Sir." I was so pissed that I wished a dog would bite a chunk out of him.

Suddenly I heard dogs barking. It was a while before both men heard. When they did the both of them dispersed like they heard the sound of their nightmare. Enrique ran towards the slums. While the burly man ran indoors. I turned invisible so I can observe what was going on. I saw a man holding several dogs on leashes to restrain them. They looked angry and almost out of control. The owner looked like he was waiting for someone to show so they can rip them apart. They must have sensed me because they suddenly sat down and started to wag their tail. I flit into their mind and asked them to run. A few pressed their noses against the ground and started to sniff. The man holding the leash reported this incident and they said that they will deal with it in the morning. I asked them to move but they remained still so I whistled in pitch that only dogs and werewolves can hear. The dogs ran like they saw dinner.

They found Enrique hiding behind a dumpster. The man called it in saying that the dogs were tracking someone who was outside when the alarm for curfew was sounded. The man on the other end of the phone asked for confirmation and he tapped his hat. When the person was satisfied he ordered the dogs to let him go. The guy on the other end of the line identified himself as the pit master as he ordered the nearest van to collect him. A van arrived a few minutes later and he was taken to the outskirts of town.

I climbed up my window and went down to the library. The guy who talked to Enrique was walking the halls. He asked me to go back to my room. Anya was walking out of the bathroom. She made it clear that I can go about as I please. He should be downstairs. This floor is off limits to him. He apologized as he walked back to his station. I explained to Anya what had happened and she said that is tomorrow's problem. I picked up a book and walked back to my room.

The next day when I came downstairs I heard Myroslava was having a talk with security. She made it clear that what happens behind these walls are a secret. The lives of those who live here are not information for them to barter with. The burly man apologized as he walked out to help the cook with the groceries. The wrought iron gates opened to let a freezer truck in. the driver walked out and gave Anya a tablet to sign as proof of delivery. The security hauled the goods as Myra watched the driver with suspicion. When they left she helped Anya get inside and locked the door behind her.

We had breakfast and I asked a tour of the city. Lavra volunteered to take me. We hopped on her car and drove the long winding road with lush greenery all around till we reached the first check point. It was called Zelenyy. A few men and women asked for our IDs and poked the car with probs to check for bombs. Then dogs sniffed the car back to front. When the dogs sat down metal bars retreated to the ground to allow us to pass. There was an infrared camera but I had already adjusted my body to dupe it.

We passed a clinic named Nogsaeg. Enrique was seen walking out with bandages visible beneath his sleeves and handcuffs. Lavra smiled as he was escorted to a police car and taken to a detention center. Behind him were a few women who were pleading to let him go. The officer made it clear that he has to go to the center where they have to register him as a first time offender or he will be taken to Temnyy. If that happens then he is officially a conscript for the rebels. His life is finished so they helplessly watched as he was taken away.

We reached a Japanese boutique by the name of Midori. There we bought outfits for celebrate the birthday of the twins Haruki and Ren. They are married to Lavra's two older sisters. One of them works at the hospital while the other one is a professor at the university. We even bought them presents too. We had to go elsewhere to gift wrap them. We arrived at Furoshiki. There were a few Origami artists who style each present with either gold or silver paper or silk cloth and each present had a handwritten calligraphy note as well.

We were heading out to explore when we saw a bunch of people walking in a line. Lavra explained that these are people from the local prison being sent back after a medical check up. They were in depressing gray jumpsuits. The bus read Keimusho Maximum Security Penitentiary. I got a good look to see that these guys had cuffs on their hands and legs was connected by a chain around their waist. Each person was connected to the next person. There were guards on either end with sticks that emit electricity.

We waited till the bus left to head for a place called keulleob. It was a busy underground club where people wore headphone to listen to the song the DJ played. People moved like zombies to the rhythm. I sat in one of the booths as a girl approached with drinks. She introduced herself as Dae. She looked Korean and she was very cute looking. She wore a schoolgirl outfit and spoke with a slight accent. She didn't look fresh off the boat even though she tried to.

After a few drinks we left for the cafe that Lavra owns and runs. It was filled to the brim with people working on their novels and goodness knows what. They ordered their refill as I walked past a few. Lavra gave a few orders before Nadya showed up. She took me to a comedy club called Kalekar. I spent a few minutes there till I sensed that this place is going to get raided so I nudged Nadya to leave. We managed to get to our car when the rebellion arrived to search the place for any person who is against the current regime.

A few hours later gunfire was heard and then a few explosions. Soon the rebellion were talking on TV about how the government had sent people to stop them but killed by their brave warriors. They implored people to join them but the locals were not interested so they recruited those in prison. This didn't go unnoticed by the locals as they hoped to keep these menaces off the streets. They protested and some of the deadliest were sent back to their cell while those with minor misdemeanors were deputized.

On the way home we had to go through five check points. Each one took a little longer before letting us through. We passed the slums where the buildings look liked they needed to be torn down and rebuilt. I blurted it out and Nadya said that it is not our concern.

When we got home we saw a woman with Hispanic features was waiting for someone to open the door since the guard refused to let her in. I asked Nadya and she said that this is Enrique's mom. She used to work here till Enrique tried to sneak into Sonja's bedroom and rape her. She tired to get in the way as security removed him from the house. She declared his actions youthful high spirits so she was fired and he was warned not to come back. She saw us coming and asked if she could speak to Anya. Nadya called her from the car and they spoke to each other with courtesy. Anya made it clear that she is not going to help her get her son out of the detention center. He got himself in that mess he had better get himself out. The woman finally gave up and walked back to cab that waiting to take her wherever she wanted to go.