
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 28

When things got better I decided to go back Valentina. Batou heartily agreed as did the twins. We returned to Honeydew Valley to make sure that the vampires and werewolves that came with us with is safe. There were a few humans that tailed us. It took a while to for us to realize that they had tagged the vehicles so we had switch cars. We also set the other cars on fire so that they can't get our scent. The rest of the journey was incredibly easy.

When we reached the destination Kirigan and Kaz opened the door to the huge Villa to welcome us back. But I stayed in the car as did Batou and the twins. We decided we will go see Anya and the others. After which I will go back to the Citadel. This didn't sit well with the others. They believed that for my safety I should stay here in Osteria Villa. After much discussion I was asked very nicely to change into party clothes since we were celebrating the end of the zombies apocalypse.

Batou and the twins refused as did I. I promised to visit Osteria Villa again but right now I needed to see my friends. I needed to know that they were alive and well. I promised to be back in a few hours. I didn't wait for their argument. I ran to see that they were safe. It took me five minutes to figure out which way I should go. When I got there I saw that everyone in the town was safe. The countermeasures I had placed worked. So I came back to Osteria Villa before everyone sent out a search party. I smiled, "Let's go party."

As we went upstairs the twins asked me why I chose to stay here. I replied that I had place special measures in case those things came and it worked. Everyone was safe. The twins were happy and so was Batou. The security guys wanted to know what I had done but I kept my mouth shut. Angus explained that I will only tell to people who knows how to keep a secret. Because once in a while there are those who want to understand how things work just so they can cause mayhem. As police officers we have met a few that implemented trouble only after they knew how peace is upheld. These neo ones had no choice but to accept what Annie said with a grain of salt since experience is respected more than age in the eyes of both species.

I went upstairs and Alita drew me a bath and arranged my clothes. Kirigan was staring at me like he had seen something he likes. Alita expressed that Kirigan likes me. I turned him down as I had no interest in dating. I just wanted the peaceful life. I had no interest dating and have not met anyone that I think deserves my time. This amused the twins as they recalled a guy who literally camped outside the house after I had refused a proposal. I rolled my eyes as I reminded them he was a Saber sympathizers. This sobered them as Alita asked me nicely what Saber was. I explained that there was a time when this country was divided and one section killed the chain of command and became an entirely military state. They called themselves Saber. They wanted nothing more than war and acquisition. I didn't want to elaborate so the Batou and the twins explained how evil Saber was. The security listened to how sharp our memories were. They realized that being an original means having photographic memory.

They waited till the party was over to ask one of the council members if it was possible to turn them full vampire or werewolf. The council promised that if they are comply to the rules then they will do it. Corrinne reminded them that I had already told them that good behavior will get them turned to full. They challenged her and she recalled the events of that day. They remembered the conversation with me and smiled.

They were walking back to their stations when they saw a disobedient werewolf being dragged as he tried to change into a monster. He wanted to kill the authority figures who were escorting him to me. They watched as I sat on my throne bored to tears. The man wanted to be a werewolf so I waved the others off. They backed away to see him change into one. I howled like a wolf and he changed back. He understood where he was. He tried to run but I whistled like I was calling a dog. He turned around and came back to where he was dumped by the guards. He sat down like he was a dog. I questions and he answered obediently. I asked the council what I should do with him and they gave the death penalty. So I screamed like I was nuts. He turned into a werewolf and started ripping himself to pieces. He fell dead when he ripped out his own heart.

The security was reminded that I was not just the queen but the enforcer of the law. This made them realized that they should behave obediently. I sat down as the criminals was dragged away. The maid arrived to clean up the blood and guts. We discussed the law that would make them eligible for punishment. The security listened carefully to the laws that were being laid out. This convinced them on the do and don't in this world. They understood once and for all that the council will hold them accountable. So as I spend the next few weeks punishing rogue werewolves and vampires as the neo ones tried to understand what type of person they are. They tried to figure out if they had any bright ideas about becoming arrogant. They had no interest in being punished. One day they brought a deaf werewolf and I screamed regardless and he still killed himself. They grew to fear me. I was okay with this as long as I didn't have to kick their asses. I asked the council to change a person after I have punished someone so it will be embedded in their mind not to break the rules. Both vampires and werewolves agreed to my terms. For the sake peace both side agreed with me. They were trying to prove that they were people of peace while humans were the trouble. I promised to help eradicate those who contradict it. The neo ones seemed apprehensive at the idea. This meant they couldn't do whatever they felt was right if they are turned.

The next night we left for tour of the nearby town and it was just the four of us. I extended the shield that convinces zombies to leave me alone. We drove past a few busted buildings till we reached a town that had been renovating. There was a fire that was roaring and it kept spitting out fire. Once in a while a window would explode. I looked at the mirror and changed my look and ran to help the locals. At least I tried to help Batou stopped me. He reminded me that there are those who can fight fire. I should let them handle it. We decided that we should head back.

When we did the neo ones were shooting at the others. They wanted to turn but the others said they had to earn it. I took three steps and screamed. The neo-vampires and werewolves fell to the floor and started to have seizures. The others used whatever means to heal themselves and killed the neo ones. The old guardian system was enforced again. A law was passed to make sure not to make these humanized ones again.