
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 25

Link said he will step down on the date that I am supposed to rule. He gave his coronation speech and then he and I sat down to talk. He wanted to know why there is a law that stop military from becoming Nocturnal. I told them that some of them wish to be conquerors and tyrants. Others want to go on a killing spree. The nocturnals have worked very hard to make sure that we are not associated with crime. We can't have criminals. We are trying to build a city of peace.

The reason I don't work with the military is because they sometime work with scientists who make these zombies and I have been used in janitor like fashion to cover up the fact that there is lab making more monsters. I refused for the sake of my sanity. The innocent people who will be killed means nothing to them. Link was surprised to hear this. He asked me to elaborate about times I had to deal with such so I fleshed about thirty odd incidents and was about continue when Link said he gets the point. I even showed him the video of Abe's conversation with the scientist who was going to drain me dry.

He lowered his head in shame saying that he had hoped that I wouldn't show the video since this conversation is being made public. I said that I had nothing to hide. I looked where the camera is and I asked people what they would do if someone they trusted betrayed them. The council felt that he was taking revenge on me for Abe's removal so they started to argue with him. He promised that he is not out for vengeance. He is just curious. Kuze said, "Then you shouldn't have a problem with exposing a traitor." He knew he was walking into fire hazard so he stopped it right there and said he had other affairs to deal with. He hopes that when he meets Sasha he will have an equally fruitful discussion. I changed back to my actual look as I told him I am the very 'Sasha' that he is talking about. Sasha is my nickname and title. It means 'the defender'. He was gaping at me weirdly. He snapped out of it and thanked me for my honesty. Kuze wished me a good day as I was dismissed. I went back to my chambers and decided to go home.

I arrived by bullet train and people were at the station to receive me. They held boards that say, "We choose honesty and safety" others said "Welcome home Princess Sasha" I waved at most of them and stopped to talk to a few before I went home. I cried on sofa as Roland tried to console me. Oleg and Aaron on the other hand said that they will keep an eye out for troublemakers. They have lost trust in Abe too.

The Magna Guards came to visit me an hour later and they were sad about Abe's betrayal. They asked me if I would be visiting Excalibur soon. I said, "I am here till I am mentally stable. I will see them when I achieved mental equilibrium. Right now I am more concerned about the guy who wants to blow up the eastern wall to let zombies in." Oleg fell off his chair and landed butt first. Roland started to swear badly and Igor had to slap him really hard so he would shut up.

Oleg didn't know that Derek was here till he yelled at the other dark knights to find the creep. I sensed around and found him at the hardware store buying things for the bomb. The dark knights (the police) took off the moment they understood that there is a troublemaker. What they did was they came in plain clothes and started to search for him. When they found him he tensed up at once thinking that he was busted. They pretended to be tourists and asked for directions. The guy relaxed completely and started telling stuff about the city. Some true some not.

He was at the counter checking out when he confessed his intentions to buy these things so he can blow up the wall. The people nearest to him started to scream and the angry clerk pulled the bomber's stuff behind the counter and pulled the shutters down. So the bomber was empty-handed. They pinned him to the floor and dragged him for processing. When the yelling ceased one of the dark knight called Derek. I heard him say, "Tell Princess Sasha we said thank you." I answered, "You're welcome" Derek said, "She says your welcome. She will be out in a few days. The last few days has been crazy for her. Yeah! she's taking bedrest." The store sent a care package an hour later. It was a basket of meat.

Flowers came in their thousands. At one point there was no space left and yet more flowers arrived. The penthouse looked like a meadow. I decided that I needed some air so I was about to fly out when Aaron stopped me. He took my hand walked me towards the garage. We drove to the airfield where a helix was waiting for me. He took me up in the air. I felt caged. So I waited till we were on the ground. I ran for a bit and then flew. I spent some time in the air and then came down to the asphalt.

Oleg was waiting for me with a motorcycle and he drove me around till it was curfew time. I was puzzled. Curfew? That only happens when zombie hoard is coming so I left for Excalibur. Sure enough the zombies were marching forth. There were different types. Strigoi, mutts, a huge ten foot zombie dragging it huge hands on the ground, intelligent ones and lastly aggressive ones.

I became invisible and got to a safe distance and I started to screamed. Only the mutt and the humongous one survived. The rest fell dead. It was quiet satisfying to watch the Strigoi's head explode. The others came to the rescue on the helix. When they were in range they send missiles and flames to kill the survivor zombies. The mutts died burning. The huge ones flicked it's hands to ward off the missiles but was burned badly by the flamethrower. I asked for a few grenades and threw them at their heads. The huge ones fell dead too. We came back to Excalibur and everyone congratulated each other as some of the others made a note of the types of zombies that exist along with how to defeat them.

While people celebrated I sat and cried. I felt so alone and I just wanted to leave. So I got up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Oleg gave me a grin, "Going somewhere?" I said between sniffles, "I going to get some air" He pulled me close to him and stroked my hair. He turned wolf and he opened his mind to me. I felt safe so I latched on to him and found some sense of sanity. I held on to him and felt my breath return to normal. He changed back and I sat down to watch the sunrise. Oleg sat next to me and so did the others. Roland suddenly said, "Oleg" I was confused, "What?" Roland gave me an isn't obvious face. "Oleg pushed you off the wall when you first tried to help the army" It took me a moment to remember. I shrieked, "It was you" Oleg shrugged, "You needed the push" I whined, "I could have been killed" Oleg gave me a look, "Are you?" I shrugged, "No" Oleg interrupted, "You're welcome" I tried to splutter a response but came up with nothing. My response had Roland laughing as did Ben and Eska.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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