
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 24

When we reached out first stop the werewolves walked out of the car laughing. The soldiers asked them why they don't carry weapons. They said that they had do all the hard work getting the zombies out of the way. They had to waste bullets to clear the road to which Oleg excused himself. The werewolves turned into beasts and the soldiers stopped talking. They stayed that way for a moment before they changed back. The werewolves gave no explanation whatsoever. All they did was ask me if the coast was clear or not. I sensed that there was some sort of entity in the area that might be troublesome so we got back into our transports and drove till I said when. This time we were in the front. The humans saw that the zombies were stepping aside to make way for us. But the others were not so lucky. They were surrounded and harassed by these things. They had to waste bullets to get out of there in one piece. When we got out of the danger zone the engine overheated so we stopped to cool it off.

The soldiers demanded an explanation and I just walked off. This annoyed them so they turned to the others. They ignored them on principle and followed me. I used echolocation and found a group of survivors that were going from place to place raiding whatever food and supplies they could find till they found a safe place. We came forth and showed them the path to October. I reached out to Abe mentally asking if they could send a helix to rescue them. When the helix arrived the survivors were grateful for our kindness. When they left Betty explained why we were here.

She said that when the zombie facilities were demolished some new types of menaces came lose and they are multiplying at a geometric rate. The mission is to track these things and destroy them. The military had seen that I was swift so they assume team work would make the dream work. I said that I am no errand girl. The others concured that they don't exist to fix the problems of humans. I felt that coming here was a bad idea. When the engine cooled down I asked if we could go back home. The werewolves voted to go back and the soldiers voted against going home. Betty said that it would be impossible to go back easily. These things are unpredictable. To which Igor retorted that this is human error so humans should handle it. Oleg growled at me to extend the shield and cast my senses to see if there was any sort of problems. The humans thought that this was just a werewolf letting out some sort of tension. But they shivered in fear as he let it out.

I whispered that I had plotted the safest and quickest route home. The werewolves hopped on our ride and we took off. The humans had no choice but to tail is since they were running out of ammo. On the way I saw a huge shadow and realized it was a mutated bat. It was as big as school bus. Pus covered both it's eyes, a few holes in it's wings and some it's teeth had fallen out. I reached out to talk to it. I can sense it was in pain. I tried to soothe it. It let out a noise and flew away. At least it tried to fly away when the soldiers used a flamethrower mounted on the top and burned it. It screamed as it fell to the ground and after a few seconds it was completely still.

I told the guys to step on the gas pedal. So they did. The military vehicle was not far away. They sped up to catch up with us. Oleg hit the Nitro and sped the vehicle to lose them. I told him to slow down or we might crash. Thankfully we didn't. It was a straight shot and the car slowed down after thirty seconds. The military managed to catch up to us. So Igor asked if there were any zombies nearby. So I told him to take the first left. So he did. We came out of a hill to see a valley of zombies.

I promised to keep the shield around us at all times. I just asked that they keep the car steady. Oleg gripped the steering wheel and nod his head. I told him that are a few potholes so they had better turn right to avoid one. I said to keep on the right side of the canyon. Oleg drove straight till he saw a canyon wall resembling a ramp. I told him to take it. The military vehicle was not far away. They saw that we had managed to get away. They drove till they got stuck till they pushed a button and the vehicle jumped several times till they got out. I asked the guys to add that feature to all our vehicles. Luthor said he knows someone that can make it happen.

We drove off as the soldiers shot their way out of there. Finally they ran out of bullets. I saw the wall protecting Nocturna and told Oleg to keep honking till they opened the door. But as his hands reached for the infernal noise maker the gates opened by itself to let us in. Abe was laughing as was Soren. They asked us what we did. Igor told them about the new nightmares. The laughing stopped immediately. Abe asked to confirm what he heard. When Mryna confirmed it. The others took this in. This news wiped the smile off their faces. I said they should have just blown up the place to smithereens but nope. They had to go in to salvage what they could and release the monsters to thin out the already measley population.

The werewolves snarled their displeasure and asked if we could all move elsewhere. There is Nobs, Nomad's watch and Osteria Villa. Abe mentioned that the Citadel was a safe place to which Soren said it is my birthright. So it is not werewolf property or the royal's property. They said what if the humans show and up they had to move again. Citadel was deemed off limits. The others nocturnals concured. Everyone packed their belongings and got out the next day. We got out in cars, trucks, helicopter, helix and even bikes. We swore we won't be coming back. Abe ordered the buildings to be demolished. Now whatever happens in the future we are not responsible.

We drove till we reached Chicago. I saw that some humans came too since they didn't trust the government. We all agreed that we can start building our homes. Vampires, werewolf and humans work together and build five new places to call home with the palace for Abe. It will also house the members of the council. The first one that built was a farmland named Crepuscule. Two hour drive from there the nocturnals built a town called Eventide. Three hour drive away was where the nocturnals and human built a town called Moonstone. An hour's drive away from that was the fourth city that they renamed Piedra de la Luna after their old sector in October. They were homesick and I don't blame them. The last was a stronghold fortress called Excalibur. It was facing the direction of October out of fear of whatever the humans had cooked up.

The werewolves and half the humans population worked during the day and vampires at night along with the rest of the humans. In two years they built the cities and towns to glorious magnificence. With high rises, apartment complexes and fields. The places were fabulously designed to look like it came out of a story book or from the Italian countryside or other European villages or cities. They were additionally designed to be zombie proof. I was given a penthouse in Piedra de la Luna. Soren got a mansion in Moonstone and Abe stayed in the palace built for him in Central. A huge hundred acre property made to resemble a needle. It was complete with an underground trains. It can go to any of the five nocturnals residents within an hour. The trains are last resort if the zombies break into Central. Three years and counting with nocturnals and humans patrolling the place twenty four seven and no one has seen a single threat. They had seen the huge beasts rotting as we left October so no one was taking any chances.