
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 24

I wanted to go to the nearest town since it is the route Jasper takes to work. I insisted so he happily decided to take me along. The problem was that there were a few humans that were suspicious of them so I was asked to get a disguise or a cover story. I sat down to figure out what to do. I sat to remember my past to find a decent cover story that isn't lying. I sat down to remember my time in Ukraine. I thought maybe I could pretend I am a foreigner married to Jasper. But he put his foot down the moment someone said that I could be deported. Jasper asked me to try something else. So I looked around and found a pair of broken crutches. For some reason I remembered the months before I became a hybrid.

I was carried to the living room by Batou. I saw my uncle with a range of crutches. I happily called, "Hey Dad clone how are you?" Mom gave me a condescending look as he laughed merrily. She reminded me that he is my uncle not a clone. The man happily waved it off saying that he is the one who instigated the clone story. Mom shook her head as I smiled brightly. He asked me to try them to see which one is better for me. I tried the first one that was made from wood. It looked like two pieces of wood put together to make a weird looking triangle held together a metal rod and screws. The bottom had some sort of rubbery substance. I had no problem balancing. I was asked to try the next one. It was made from metal and it resemble a weird looking wishbone. The clone laughed happily as I described the thing. I used it for a moment before I was asked to try the next one.

It was a metal rod that had a semicircle for the arms to go through. There was a short metal rod sticking out for me to grip for extra support I suppose. I managed to take three steps before I heard a snap. I fell sideways and broke my arm. It hurt so bad that I started to cry. Batou carried me to the hospital. Uncle apologized profusely as mom tried to calm me down. The bone was broken but hadn't popped out of the skin. I spend the rest of day in the hospital. The next day I came home in a wheelchair and a cast. I was so upset that I went from crutches to wheelchair. I reached the kitchen where I saw the ones that landed me in this situation. I caressed my broken arm now encased in God knows what as I promised myself that I will one day be free of these things. That day I will destroy any pair of crutches that I get my hands on. I examined each to see what they were made from. The wooden ones I promised to use as firewood. The metal one I will melt and the same for the fibreglass one. The hate I felt was so intense that it surprised me.

When I snapped out of my memory I saw that the crutches were missing. I looked around to find it only to have one of wolves tell me that they destroyed it so I should try a different disguise. I was frustrated so I kicked the tyres of the nearest jeep. I made a face and asked him why he had the crutches destroyed. Jasper said that he has known hate but what I felt that moment was humongous. It dwarfed any spite he had for anyone. I simply gave him a nod as I let out my frustrations. This amused Jasper as he asked me what Batou meant when he said don't kick the washing machine. I froze mid-kick. My expression made a lot of wolves start laughing. I blushed as I tried very hard not to remember the day.

Jasper smiled at me as I fought to remember other things like my first week in Ravencroft Academy. My friends getting detained in some military facility and the moments with Molly. I walked past our house and had to turn around. This made Jasper laugh too. My face turned red as he stared at me wanting answers. The only thing I wanted say was that I was a child and that it had happened only once but actually I did kick it few times before I was busted. This made him want to see it even more. I simply walked off to cook dinner. He was joined by a few that wanted to see my face when I finally gave in and show him the memory. He laughed the other wolves laughed hard. I thought they had a case of hysteria. After cooking I walked up the wall and laid down on the ceiling. I closed my eyes only to feel intense fear. I looked down to see that Jasper was below me with his hands extended to catch me. I happily showed him that vampires have the ability to climb walls. This shocked Jasper and the others too. He still refused to move till I showed him that this is how I slept at castle keep and also when I was a farmer in Greendale. This was when he sat down to eat what I had made for him. He wasn't happy that I was up there so he asked me nicely to come down and sit next to him. I simply said that I missed the days when I could use my abilities so he should bare with me. He gave me a look as I closed my eyes and recall my past days.

The first was when I sat outside the RV trying to figure out how Irene and her family was going to dupe the police into thinking her cousin is nuts. Sonja rummaged through his stuff and found a syringe and a small bag of ICE. Irene Googled how it is used to they could inject into him. But Sonja's mom wanted to try something else. Before she could make a suggestion the sirens grew louder so she had no choice but watch as ICE was injected into his system. I quickly turned invisible and sat on one of the branches to observe how things were unfolding. The police arrived and the women were told to sit down on their knees till the officers were done with the inspection. They saw that the place was empty. They brought in dogs to smell the place to catch my scent but here's the kicker. I don't sleep so I never went inside the RV. Ergo my scent will not be there. They searched the place upside down but found nothing. So they poked Victor in the hopes that he could clear the air. Instead of getting answers he gave them a series of nonsense about flying monkeys, jumping bears and floating fire breathing snakes. This made the girls fight the urge to laugh as they remembered that this stuff makes people hallucinate. Sonja's mom was kind enough to tell them that he had used a drug called ICE. He was tripping when he made a prank call somewhere. She assumed it was one of his ex girlfriends but it was the police. This infuriated them even more so they arrested him for drug use and relaying false information. When he left I came down and the women started to laugh. Flying monkeys are in The Wizard of Oz but the others were unheard of. Even I started to laugh. I looked down to see Jasper stand underneath me to catch me. I pressed two fingers into the ceiling and detached from the ceiling to prove my point so he sat down to eat.