
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 24

I came down for breakfast and was met with curious people. Apparently only three variety of vampires had abilities the others were just blood drinkers. I kept my mouth shut as I walked past them to drink a glass of blood. One of the humans brought in to be turned started to ask me weird questions and I asked him to give it a rest. He refused till I snarled. He jumped away in fear. I calmly sat down to do the crossword puzzle. He waited till I finished my meal and started asked me stuff about how the system works and if it was possible to experiment on people. I ignored him so he asked me if I could change him. I made it clear that I am sterile which means I can't turn anyone. I also made it clear that I have no interest changing anyone. He seemed to ignore so I asked him if he has a knack of ignoring people who say no to him. He smiled, "On principle" I smiled, "Whoever has brought him here to change him please send him back to civilization or I will." He smiled, "I know of your existence which means you will have to help me if you want to stay hidden." I smiled, "Fold like a deck chair." He obliged immediately and then he took a moment to realize that he is messing with fire. So he apologized as I asked him to stand up. I made him forget why he was here and put him to sleep. When he wakes up he had better be back in his house. I took a sample of his blood to make sure he didn't have any incriminating evidence to expose us.

I happily view his memory and gave the orders to get his hidden proof. The rest was someone else's problem. I looked to see the vampires and werewolves stare at how I deal with issues. I gave them permission to talk and they expressed their gratitude that I look out for people even though I feel like a ln outsider. I smiled, "A human adviced me to be with my own kind. So I am" I got up to hear the infernal siren. I swore like a sailor and asked them to bring everyone inside. I went out to see what was going on.

I saw a hoard of zombies running like crazy towards the building and I extended my shield around the house. The zombies turned around and went back the way they came. The others wanted to know what I did that made them do that. I only explained that there is a part of me that the zombies hate. I can extend it like a shield and no zombie likes to be near it. It repulses them greatly. The vampires made it clear that I should be one of a kind. The others wanted replicate what I had so they were bummed that the law was passed. They were told to find a way to accept that I am off limits. So they decided that they had to make their own version of me. That would take years but they were willing to do it. We heard the second siren and decided to vacate the property.

We agreed to leave in groups and so we hopped in cars and drove off. I got in a car the Batou and the twins and Cable. My team and I head towards a different direction. We saw that the path was blocked so I sensed around to see that there was a train that had broken down. I ordered everyone to get on board immediately. We hopped off the vehicles with our stuff and ran as fast as we could. I saw that the other vampires and werewolves had decided to join us too. We got on board and I changed my looks and asked if I could help them fix the train in exchange for safe passage. The guy agreed and I fixed it in five minutes.

We reached the underground bunker and some of them were apprehensive but they wanted to survive so they went along with it. We got down to see the place was empty so we started to clear the place for us. A few hours later humans arrived to hide here. The place I had deemed a ghost town was now occupied. A few locals were at the train station when they saw us moving at insane speed without stopping so some of them decided to follow us. They saw us go into these things and wondered what was going on. They realized when their loved ones were ripped up by zombies. So they came in numbers to hide.

We had to set a few rules to make sure that no one was hurt. There was a great debate and we finally decided that they should know what we are. This frightened them at first but they understood that as long as they don't provoke them, they will be safe. The places for the people were designated and there were arguments after that. I got to explore the place and figure out exactly how this place work.

There were tunnels that work like corridors. A hole with a ladder that takes people to another floor. Caves that are carved to resemble rooms. The small ones were bedrooms while larger ones were for workspaces, dining area, storage and armory. There was a control room completed with re-enforced walls and computer and the works. The walls had wires snaking around. There was a box every few meters. It was either an electrical, a medical kit, shot gun and a few small boxes filled with bullets or a fire extinguisher. There were mystery holes in the wall here and there that made no sense. I suppose I will find out what it is some other day. I turned around to see that people were following me using flashlights and I understood that the place was dimly lit for the human eye but not for me. They saw that I didn't have any sort of device to illuminate my surroundings. They understood that I had night vision. This shocked some the vampires and werewolves since they didn't have either. I paid them no attention as I sensed around to see if there was any zombies. I found one in the bathroom and it turned into a Texan style shoot out. I spent a few minutes sensing to see if there were any more of them. Echolocation proved that there was no one else. But I did a floor by floor check just to be sure. When I gave the all clear people sat to argue about who sleeps where.

The room arrangement was a problem since the humans wanted to keep me on the outer side so the zombies will be leave but the immortal ones made it clear that as their queen I will be protected so my room will be the heart of this facility. If they have a problem then they can leave. A few hours of constant yelling later they agreed to follow the rules. We decided that the bunker must be protected so we first built an electrical fence and then built a zombie proof house. They decided that instead of a roof they will use it as an observation deck completed with machine guns, cranes, flamethrowers and a helicopter pad for evacuation. It took a few months to build and while they did that I had to secure the perimeter. They wanted to call out to people but I made it clear that this would attract the bad guys. They want to hurt survivors so if they wanted to protect their families they should only reply when someone sent out a distress signal. I spend my days going to collect stuff that people needed. The stuff ranged from grocery, medicine and plants. But that came to an end when the immortal ones felt like I was behaving more like an errand girl and less like a queen so they put their foot down. The excuse they gave was that they had heard that the military were implementing some sort of rule where they were taking survivors by force as conscripts. So my tours came to an end much to the displeasure of people. This meant that they had to go out with the possibility of not coming back. This was met with a few citizens protesting. But when the immortals threatened to throw them out they relented.