
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 24

The train to the salt flats was a steam engine. It burns coal. So there was a cart designated for it. I sat down in the passenger car. I watched as the city scape disappeared as a mountain once more made it's appearance. The scene changed to a nightmare as I saw crumbled cities and ghost towns. It was heart breaking to see skeletons littering the place. From corpses of elderly to kids were seen strewn here and there. There was one pair of corpses that impacted me. There was an elderly person holding on to two kids. There was a distinct hole in the head between the eyes. It was consistent with that of a bullet.

As the depressing scenery went by I could do nothing except stare in dismay. We made one more stop before we arrived at the beach. It was at the entrance of a tunnel. We were introduced to the mole people. They live in the sewers and storm drains. Their leader was called the merchant of death. He was bald, short, fat and slightly crazy. He came out to collect the food that these guys brought for them. They were people that fled when Washington state was placed under marshal law. This was when Saber was formed. They were not interested in being part of any governing system. So they relied completely on Salt flats to help them with food. In exchange for food and their silence they promise to provide a hiding place in case the zombies attack them. Men, women and children ran out to collect whatever provisions that the guys on the train provided them. They thanked them and ran back to the safety of the tunnels.

I watched as the air became briny. The sound of waves crashing was heard loud and clear. I heard someone beating a bell to announce our arrival. I knew it was time to step out to the open sea. Fred got me a collar and a leash. He was happy to have a companion. I happily wagged my tail. We walked to a lighthouse. He opened the door to let me in. I saw that the place was clean. I found myself in where this building keeps it stores. It was on the ground floor. The steps were a little slippery but manageable. I walked up the spiral stairs to the place where the maintenance of this light house used to be. It was turned into a laundry room and a bathroom.

We took another flight of stairs and found ourselves in the room with a breathtaking three sixty view. The sun was setting with the horizon decorated with pastel colors. The trees sway lazily with the wind. This place used to shine light to those in sea warning them of the dangerous rocks that could tear the ship apart. Now the place was turned into a bedroom. The bed was a futon mattress in the middle. Near the window was a small cupboards with a cushions on top. So he can enjoy the view whenever he bored. I pressed my paw against the pane and wagged my tail as I saw the sunset. The sky turned into varying shades of orange and purple before it became dark blue and then black. The moon appeared and I howled as loud as I could. Fred happily laughed. He scratched me behind my ear and it felt amazing. I licked his finger and walked towards the futon. I decided that I won't lie to him. I changed back to myself. He jumped back and I placed my hands on my knee. He froze and then he asked me why I chose to change. I told him that I wanted him to trust me. I can't do that if I lied.

He asked me what was going on. I told him honestly and he believed me. He knew that Saber was bad. He was upset that they had killed my mom. I told him where she was killed. It is on the outskirts of Saber territory. He promised not to tell anyone about me. He asked me to change back to a dog so I did. He happily scratched my ear and we left to have dinner.

It was near a bonfire people had arranged a long table in rows of thirty. The food they served was simple. Grilled seafood, bread, salad and fruits. Beverage was desalinated water and fruit juice. I sat down to have someone feed me sausages and oysters. I happily ate it. Fred watched me the entire time. He saw that I was harmless. After dinner I saw a kid in the sea and he drowning so I ran to get him. He held on to me as I brought him back to shore. Everyone was happy see the kid was safe. Fred smiled proudly as he introduced me as Winter. I got a round of applause. After everyone had cleared the plates we walked back home. Fred asked me to change back. I told him to please keep this a secret. He said he told everyone that I am Sasha. I screamed in fear and he chuckled. He said he was kidding. He only introduced me as Winter. He had seen me save those people in Sin city so he knows that I am a good guy. He has heard that vampire and werewolves sustains the mentality and maturity of the time they changed. So if they were immature when they changed then they would be immature. If they were good then they would be good. I told him that I had no intention to get him in trouble since Saber will show up looking for me. I am going to leave as soon as I can to Sin city. I didn't trust him enough to tell him that I am going to Europe. He stared for a moment and he said that I should get some sleep.

I pretended to sleep and he called Saber to let them know that he has me. He said he will explain everything when they arrive to apprehend me. I pretended to wake and asked to use the bathroom. He gave me permission to do so. I didn't lock the door. I felt my surroundings knowing that he was outside. I made myself invisible and opened the window. I made him think that I had jumped out of it. He swore like a sailor and ran to find me. I casually walked out of his house and he just ran like a fool. I set his house on fire to make sure that he won't get my scent to track me. I jumped up into the air and flew till a gust of wind hit me. I decided to play glider and followed the wind. It took me to the harbor where a cargo ship was taking its goods to Europe. Saber surrounded every ship on the dock. They searched it one by one. I casually watched from high in the sky as they tried to find me. When they were done. The crew were told that all is clear. The ship took off to international waters. When it crossed the one mile marker I will get on board. I have to find a way to get on board and tried to get my sea legs.