
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 23

I was getting ready to go party at an underground club when I was invited to a military camp on the outskirts of the city. I met a woman who was injected with goodness knows what. She is supposed to be enhanced and she apparently is the best zombie fighter there is. I asked if I am here to waste my time. If this is a "my horse is better than your horse" nonsense. Abe was laughing at my remarks. The woman was tall, lean built. I can tell she has seen many fights. She looks like she had good reflexes. She had a camouflage t-shirt and leggings on. Her hair was cut to shoulder length. Abe remarked, "Make no mistake Sasha. They want to inflate their egos. This is why they summoned us."

The general gave Abe a dirty look till he was told that he is the current leader of the nocturnals and he is entitled to his opinion. The woman introduced herself as Betty. I shook hands with her and introduced myself as Sasha. She was surprised to see a kid to which Abe said that I may have the body of a fifteen year old but I am over five hundred years old. So actually Betty and all the humans are children. This came as a shock to the soldiers. They didn't know that Nocturnals were that old. Abe said that he is eight hundred years old while Soren is one thousand and two hundred years old. To the naked eye Abe resembles a man in his early forties with speckles of gray hair here and there on his head and beard. Meanwhile Soren resembles a young man in his early twenties.

The zombies were summoned by using blood bags. There were at least fifteen of them. Betty dutifully took them down in twenty minutes. She stepped aside to which Soren said, "My horse is bigger than your horse. Definitely. Sasha no screaming. Take this Machete and show them how good you are." New zombies arrived and I took them down in the blink of an eye. All anyone saw was me picking up the machete and taking a fighting pose. Then what they saw was me turning around and taking three steps towards Soren as the zombies fell in pieces. Abe was laughing the entire time and so was Soren. The humans stared at me with awe and fear. Betty didn't know what to say. That was when the intelligent ones showed up. I took a deep breath and screamed. The zombies fell to the ground and began to spasm. I kept going till I was certain they were dead. Oleg laughed as I looked up into the sky and asked, "Hey mom. Do you think that I should call myself the Apex Predator." As always the Nocturnals answered in unison. "Yes you are" The soldiers were speechless.

The radio crackled and we all heard people screaming for help so I didn't bother waiting for permission. I bolted to the rescue. I left a storm of dust in my wake. I found a family trying to ward off zombies. They were trapped inside a Volkswagen Beatle. I carried the car back to the military camp. I remembered that I am heading towards the red zone so I kept sensing for any sort of danger. Abe or Soren would have told me to relax but I was glad that I was on alert since one soldier took his sniper rifle and tried to shoot me. Because I was on alert. I backed away and yanked the car with me. I guess it wasn't his best aim as he missed me by five feet. Before he managed to reload I landed the car safely on the ground and made myself invisible. The soldier tried to use infrared but it didn't tell him where I was. He tried to use radar. It didn't help him either. I learned to make myself invisible to such devices. I made sure technology was useless when it came to me. He let out his frustration.

Abe was laughing as the soldier ran out of rounds. He tried to get more but the others stopped him. This meeting was not to start a war. This was supposed to be some sort of peace offering. The soldiers stepped back to let the werewolves claim him. The general said that he is no longer a member of the army. Abe asked me to show myself. I appeared and Abe said I should let it rip so I screamed like I was insane. He pulled out his knife and ripped himself to pieces. When he dropped dead my scream ceased. The audience was scared but not the nocturnals. They were used to my howling.

Abe wished them a wonderful day and we went back to the city. The vampires got in the car and werewolves turned into werewolves. Abe ran in the front and with other werewolves flanking him. The vampires were behind them. I flew above them extending my shield as zombies walked to eat us. They made a path so that we can pass. I extended the range when we were inside the zombie hoard.

We reached the gate and Arthur and Andy opened the gates to let us pass. Meanwhile the soldiers quickly hopped in their vehicles and drove home. They had to take the long route. But eventually they made it home. When they did they mentioned what happened to the others. They were warned not to try anything since I was what they called fully weaponized.

Abe asked me how I had managed to do that. I blurted that during the last days of the divided states of America I landed in Saber. Machine city had arrived to assist in capturing me. I had to find ways to avoid detection. So I had to improvise. I was on my own because I didn't want to jeopardize my friends. People were getting suspicious. I didn't want to cause trouble so I left to find a way to Europe where I was told that Nocturnals can be free. I was told by Abe the Europe thing was a trap. So landing in Saber was a good idea. I begged to differ. I did think of going to the Citadel. Abe had heard of the place. Soren had been there. The others had never heard of it.

The military arrived to ask if I could join them on an expedition. Abe refused saying that he wants proof that this isn't some shenanigan. When Abe was satisfied he turned to face the nocturnals. He called out for volunteers who ensure that I come home safe and sound. The soldier assured him that there is no foul play. Abe ignored him on principle as nine werewolves stepped forward. Oleg, Igor, Katya, Myrna, Vincent, Aaron, Bryce, Dallas and Luthor promised to protect me as though I was part of their very existence.

The Colonel introduced us to the best of his team. Betty whom we have already met. She gave me a respectful nod. I raised my eyebrows at her. The one next to her was a Hispanic by the name of Isabella. She had a two pistols strapped to her side. A rifle on her back and a nine inch blade. The one next to her was a Chinese by the name Huyang. He had a slightly larger gun with what appears to be some serious firepower. The next one was a Caucasian name Ben. He had the standard issue weapon.

The Colonel asked us where our weapons were. Luthor said that I am enough of a weapon. Then he tried to turn when I said save it for when we need it. I pat him on the cheek and we sat in our vehicle. And the military's special forces sat in theirs. We drove east wards. The sun had just risen and the air smelt a little crispy. The military vehicle maybe in the front but I can see clearly that we had run into a zombie hoard. I extended my shield around my vehicle. The military one had to shoot it's way to move forward. When the path was cleared they lifted the top of the vehicle and looked in our direction since they heard no gunfire. They had assumed that we were overrun with these menaces. They saw that the zombies kept a healthy eight foot distance. Oleg bit his lips to stop himself from laughing. The others didn't hold back though. Myrna tapped her watch to remind the soldier that we were on a schedule.