
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 23

I knew that those people will not stop till they have me. So I decided that the safest thing for me is to use a nightshade. I found one on the outskirts of our town. I brought it home and ate half a plant. My mouth felt numb and I chocked as I fell to the ground. I felt my body becoming as limp as a boned fish. In a few minutes I was paralyzed completely. I could see and hear everything but I couldn't do anything. It was like that for at least a few hours. Very slowly I started to get my fingers to move then my hands and feet. Then face felt less stiff. An hour later I was able to move again. I was sluggish but still I could move.

Sonia came to tell me that it was time for me to feed. She thought I might have missed a meal so she sat me down with a glass of blood. I drank it as fast as I could and felt my body rejuvenate from the ordeal. It was as though it didn't happen. I didn't tell Sonja what I had done. I just told her that I might have to leave the states and go elsewhere if things ugly. I didn't want her in anymore danger. I was concerned that the people from Saber will kill without hesitation. She was scared too. She promised to help me reach the salt flats. Then I could catch a boat and travel to Europe.

The kids had heard what had happened in Native lands and they had lost all desire to travel. I told them if things get worse I will travel to Europe. There are ships that transport goods there. I could sneak in and stay there till I reach a safe port. The others agreed that it would be better if nobody knew what had happened. Sonja discovered when the people from the salt flats would arrive. It took me a few months but finally I did it. After months of consuming nightshade, I was finally immune to the stuff. It had no longer had an effect on me.

A few months after that Saber decided to up the game and send people saying that I was a fugitive that they were looking for. They were going from town to town banging on doors. I knew that I had to leave. Irene helped me fake my death so no one will get suspicious. In Green dale dead bodies are burned and their ashes are scattered so there will be space for cultivation only. The others sterilized the house so the dogs won't be able to tell that I live there. They destroyed the cup that I drink blood with as well.

I grabbed what I thought I would need and they gave me blood bag for the last time. We waited till nightfall and they wished me well as I left. I became invisible and flew into the air. I was joined by a bunch of bats. I flew till I reached the train station. I sat on top of the train that will take me to the salt flats. It will first go through Sin city and then Machine City before it goes to the beaches. The only thing I had to do was sit quietly. I hope that my invisibility works in such a way that the scanners won't be able to detect me.

When the train reached Sin city. I realized why the other nations named them so. This place has no gamblers or prostitutes like Las Vegas. The leaders have declared that people have the right to commit murder, rob or whatever unlawful act for only one night a year and the law forbid officers from arrest anyone for anything that happens that night. They people are free to do whatever they want. This law had two no no's. The first was they can't attack anyone from another nation until they get citizenship. The second is that no one should assault the police station. The police station is the only place forbidden for the citizens to barge into. If they do then they will get the death penalty. If they wish to kill an officer he better not be working on that night. I walked around invisible trying to get a sense of the place. I saw a place that was unlike any I have ever seen. The place is like a fortress heavily guarded. It is seriously re-enforced with the strongest walls. windows and doors I have ever seen. I think this how the presidential bunker looks like according to conspiracy theorists. It turned out to be the police station.

I had heard that the rich and the famous had made bunkers so that they will not be affected by the zombies. I wonder where it was. I decided I will stick around here for a while since the engine broke and train can only be fixed after the night of insanity ends. I saw people finishing their shopping and whatever else they had to do. They ran to get home. I found out it was tonight. I heard a siren and I knew that I should go and find a shelter before things got out of hand.

I changed my mind and decided that I will be invisible. I watched as people killed each other for no reason other than the fact that they were enjoying it. Then I saw someone from the train getting harassed by these hooligans. I happily pushed them away and watched as the guy walked away looking left and right trying to figure out who helped him.

I walked around invisible seeing people chasing people with machetes, guns and knives. I didn't see cars on fire but I did see a pit that was on fire. I saw the same man being harassed by a man with a knife. I simply became visible and drank him dry and toss the guy into the fire pit. I looked to see that the man I rescued was holding something that could hurt me so I ran as fast my legs would take me. I went back to the train and became invisible to watch the creep's memory.

When I was done. I heard the siren go off again. I knew the hunt for me has begun. I should have let that guy die. I sat down thinking about what I had done when I heard someone from machine city say that according to their spectrometer there is person in the luggage car. I ran and instinctively turned into a dog. I didn't even I could do that. I sat down and watched security check the car back to front. They chuckled when they saw that the only thing with a heartbeat was a dog. They happily declared it as they closed the door. The guy poked his head and saw me. His face fell and he walked out. The train door slammed shut with a click. The train stayed for another day before it took off.

When we reached Machine City. We had to stay there for at least three days as they did an intensive investigation to see if there was any vampires on board. They swabbed everyone's mouth. They drew blood. They went through every type scanner they had. The entire time I sat down in a kennel being treated with care. When it was time to go the citizens of the salt flats came to get me.

I walked by the guy from machine city that I had rescued. He stared at me trying to hypothesize whether I was a vampire or not. Since few vampires had my ability. They had no clue I could do this. I am starting to wonder what else I can do. The man introduced himself as Jim. He asked if he could keep the dog. But the union rep called Fred made it clear. It was in their car so there will be no exchange. Jim kept throwing stuff he thought they would need. So Fred placed me in the middle and asked me where I wanted go. I ran to Fred. He smiled and happily took me back to the train. Since my fur was snow white he named me Winter. I decided that I will stay with him till he dies.