
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
144 Chs

Chapter 22

The first request came an hour after the law was enforced. I was asked to attend a security meeting by the mayor. He sent his car to collect me. Aaron made it clear that I will only go in the official vehicle assigned to me by Abe. It was an armored vehicle resembling an SUV. Abe asked that I behave. I promised to do nothing that would give humans a bad impression of Nocturnals. He and the others grinned at me. Soren made a bet that I would behave like a child within an hour. Abe bet that I would show my immaturity when it is time to come home. I thanked them for their confidence and the Nocturnals in attendance laughed.

We drove for five minutes on the only lane that leads to Nocturna. The first right turn I saw a huge wall with six foot thick steel doors. There were men pointing flamethrowers at us. There was a singular column with a small window on the side of the wall. It was small enough for a single person to stand. Not sit but stand. The length of the column tells me a sniper could use his weapon easily. A soldier asked for identification and I opened the window to let them know that I am going to see the mayor on his invitation. The soldier gave me a once over then the mayor's assistant assured him that we have an invitation. He gave the man a stern look. The soldier stared at the thin pale man for a moment.

The man yelled something in gibberish and I heard metal groaning and protesting. With a startling clang both doors scraped, slide and retracted to the wall. We were told to go in quickly. As we drove the doors shut behind us. A hundred yards later a similar barricade was blocking the path. The mayor's car was kind enough to tell them that Sasha was going to see the mayor. They opened the door and we drove in. I noticed a barricade was placed every hundred yards. What normally takes a thirty minute drive around the city took three hours to reach the mayor's office. He asked me if I noticed the predicament the locals had to face everyday.

I mumbled that he needs to stop funding these scientists to find a way to reverse these menaces. Once changed there is no reverse. Make peace with it. Move all these beasties to one building and blow it up like they used to. That itself will have many improvement. No more newer more horrific version of the walking nightmare will be seen. Second stop spying on people. That would create peace and trust. After that I shut up as I saw Aaron and Oleg snickering.

The mayor asked if I could patrol a portion of the city. I said I am already protecting a sector of the city. He asked me what I can do to help the humans. I said that I will do what I did before the government broke the rules and join forces with the creators of the menace. I will extend my shield to the complete city. The rest is up to the humans. Oleg reminded me that I would sit in the wall and keep an eye out for survivors. If I see any I would bring them to the city in one piece. Igor said that is all I have done for humans. To which Oleg said I have gone on expedition with the army to repossess land for agriculture and domestic use. The military promised to behave themselves if I lend a hand. I consented as I gave Oleg a dirty look. He kept calm and reserved knowing I would be kicking his butt during fight practice.

I asked them a simple question. If I help them what do I get in exchange. The mayor promised that there will be no attempts making hybrids. He officially order the end of the zombie reversing department to shut down effective immediately. I asked again what do I get. So he asked me what I wanted. I said that I want my family unharmed. This moved Aaron. He said that it helps them not me. So I need to think of an answer. I said I will think about it.

The mayor showed me a high rise and said that one of the apartment is for me. I said that I can defend the city without moving here. If the discussion is over I would like to go back home. I asked the mayor to prove the science department is shut down. He opened the door to prove his point. I took a deep breath and extended my shield. The men and women in the wall exclaimed that an unknown force is convincing the zombies to move away from the city. I was told that the military wanted to leave immediately to which I answered that I can't go until Abe is informed of the latest development. If he is unaware of the current situation. It could create problems in the future.

I came back and gave them a full report of the current affairs. Both Soren and Abe were pleased. Even Abe said that I didn't get anything for me. I said that my family is the only that I have left. Everything else has been taken from me. The werewolves were touched by my sentiment. Abe sadly wished me luck as I walked out of the room. There was a armored vehicle waiting for me with the door open. I simply walked past it.

A man stuck his head out and ordered me to get inside. I turned around and walked back to the palace and closed the door. A laughing Oleg explained the rules to him. So he knocked on the door and apologized. I told him to drive and I will catch up to him. He said he is supposed to take me the main gate. I asked that he stand near his vehicle. He raised his hand and gave me the birdie. I said doing childish hand gestures will only delay the inevitable. He jumped back in fear. Igor laughed as the man walked downstairs. I opened the door and walked out. I took a deep breath and levitated. He didn't notice anything till his friend pointed it out. I said I am not entering his vehicle. He drive I follow. He didn't do anything so I roared like a lion. He immediately started the engine and drove off.

He took a wrong turn so I tapped on his window and asked him to turn around. He did as I asked and we exited the wall from the nocturnal sector. He had to drive around the wall. It took the man forty minutes but I say it was worth it. I wasn't alone. A few werewolves were close by. The elderly soldier was surprised by the entourage and asked them to leave. The men and women made it clear that they come with me or the army goes empty handed. I made it clear if this is an attempt to understand what I can do or to collect zombies to make a different version of the disaster. The deal is off. I am retracting the shield. I told him to state at the horizon. He saw that the zombies were running towards them.

This prompted the man to say that he is going to the nearest town. His intention is to see if the place could be turned into a farm so the city won't starve. I gave him a once over and listened to his heartbeat. It told me that he might be honest so I sent the hoard back to where they were. I did warn them that the shield is apart of me so where I go it goes. The city will be vulnerable. The man said that they will be back within a few hours. The city will be safe till then. I asked him where this town was. He pointed at the general direction. I used echolocation and found out that the place is actually a science facility that was supposed to be decommissioned. I turned around and ran back to Nocturna. I made sure I was slow enough for the werewolves follow me back home. They didn't need any explanation. Abe or Soren didn't need any sort of explantion either. The wolves explained to the people who were not far from the gate. My expression answered the question. The soldiers stood by the gate shouting to let me out. The mayor was informed of their treachery. So he told them to return to their stations. The men were disappointed but they obeyed.