
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 22

I wanted to stay with them for a few weeks but a few days later I was summoned to go to Iron city. I hugged everyone promising to come back when it is possible. Hopefully it won't be another few hundred years before I come back. Anya's actual niece Ilana wanted to come with me but Batou made it clear that since she isn't one of us she can't. She protested but in the end she decided she will stay here. The twins came with us though. All because Angus had sworn to protect me and so did Annie.

We arrived and was shocked to see that people were walking around with mechanical replacements. Some had a robot arm while others had robot legs. This reminded me of Molly. I actually used echolocation to find out if she was here. It turns out that her dad's research was discovered and people wanted to upgrade their bodies to be like her. At least there was no one that was interested in being hybrid here. I was escorted to my room that looked like it belongs to an eccentric inventor. My old security was back again. They worked with the others. They weren't happy that they missed out on being awesome. They met the twins and wanted to know more. The others got to know a little about my gifts. This didn't make them jealous since they knew that I would only use it to save people.

I saw that there was another city that was hovering above this one. I jumped out the window and flew up there to see what the place was all about. I saw that people were living like kings and queens here. The aristocrats were driving in floating cars. They wore hilarious outfits. Entry was possible using retinal scan only. They had high risers, mansions and all sorts of creature comforts. The elderly were looking to transfer their subconscious to other people or other machines so they can have a sense of immortality. But that was a bust. So they started to ask around for an alternative. They had grown up hearing about the existence of vampires and werewolves but the thing is they had never met one. Mostly because both creatures know what kind arrogant imbeciles these people are. They are sure that these people will no doubt enslave humanity and as a result people will try to hunt us like game the same as during in the Purge. They like the life of anonymity so they kept their life relatively quiet. The worst part is these are the guys who are funding the scientists to get us.

I flew back to Iron city away from my home. I wanted to explore the city when I sensed a drone followed me here. I was invisible but that doesn't mean that sensor won't detect me. I lead it on a merry chase before I destroyed it. The camera didn't catch a glimpse of me because I was hiding the entire time. I remembered to remain incognito as I broke it from behind.

I made back home to see that there were a few people that were there to see me. They wanted a few drops of my blood but I proved that I was poisonous so they let it go. I was told that this was a stopover. So I should get in the car and we should be on our way. The twins and Batou were chatting about the day they first met me. Batou happily recalled the day I came to the police precinct walking on crutches. I sat on my mother's desk swinging my legs looking around nervously. The other security who were in the limo was shocked that I was once sick. Batou happily said that mom was proud of me. She used to call me her apex predator. I blurted that I am now an apex predator but I rather have her than be this. He understood and he shook his head, "Your brother murdered your mother. You couldn't have known that." I shook my head, "You are wrong. I always said that Shaw would be the death of mom. I was frozen in shock to do anything. I had all this prowess but I couldn't save her life. I have saved countless people but not the one that mattered to me."

The twins hugged me as my eyes welled with tears. They remembered that moment as well. They reminded me that I saved them from being killed. I was shielding them against those creeps when my mom was killed. Those psychopaths butchered and killed people like it was nothing more than a video game. The entire time I did my best to protect them from harm. I nod my head to see that I managed to save someone else's life even if I failed to save mom. Kenneth asked if I had saved them once and they said that I had saved their life more than fifty times.

Cable and Cole scoffed and Angus explained how I had lifted a school bus full of orphan kids to safety. Then when the military decided to shoot everyone to get me I shielded them against the soldiers. I made it look like I had ditched them but I came back. Alice's mom was the one who alerted to the killers that I was back. I kicked her ass apparently and rescued them. I got them past zombies and raiders to keep them safe. It reached the point that the only way to be safe was to board a train that got us out of the danger zone. I got a roof over their heads then I spent the next fifty years watching over them making sure that they were not raped or killed. I would spend my days in the farm and my nights patrolling the house to make sure that none of them were hurt.

The security were in awe. I looked the other way. They asked me if I had really drank poison to make sure nobody can be like me. I absentmindedly nod my head as I wiped away the tears. I had seen first hand from Cain's memories of how the war almost wiped out humanity. I simply keep the balance by taking out the bad guy then I live peacefully. This prompted them to want to know exactly how bad things got. I showed them the hunters that sprung because of the war that spilled into their homes. While vampires only turn those who were wronged by those they can't fight so that they can exact revenge and have a family at the same time. These people have the free will to chose if they want revenge. Or if they want the vampires themselves can help them exact revenge in exchange for their silence. The werewolves on the other hand turned anyone they come across by force to ensure strength in numbers. They would occasionally attack human dwellings for entertainment. One incident that Cain's memory showed me involved a drifter werewolf that broke into a house and force the owner to decide in which order and how his family should die. He watched as the monster ripped his family to pieces. Their screams was enough to stop the others to inquire further. Cain heard the screams and arrived at the last moment and killed the rogue one but not before the innocent man swore to wipe out all werewolves. When I was done showing them the memory I looked around to see that everyone looked like they wanted to cry. It was a quiet ride till we reached Honeydew Valley.