
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 21

When it was time to leave I asked if we go to Nomad's watch or Nobs. But the orders were simple. Come straight home. I gave the convoy the shortest route home. We reached home in five days. The gate opened the moment we came within their line of sight. When our vehicles came in the doors shut immediately. We were shown which path to take. I extended my senses to find no trouble awaiting so I leaned back to relax. My behavior did not go unnoticed. The others relaxed too.

When the door opened there were cheers. I walked out and Abe gave me a hug. Soren and his wife were next to hug me. Ute and Gunther came to hug me as well the other council members. We walked indoors and the celebration began. I was greeted by men and women of nocturna. They were all happy to have me back. There was an entourage waiting by the main hall. The door opened with a flair and the room became quiet. Abe walked in first. Then I followed him in. Then came Soren and his wife.

When the party was over I walked back to my room to be away from everyone. I just lay down on bed and closed my eyes. I pretended that Jasper was next to me. He was amused to see me. He tucked both of his hands under his head and stared at me with such intensity that I felt my cheeks became warm. He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ears and smiled warmly. There was a hint of insanity in his stare. Like he wants to be sure that I was really here. He looked like he was hallucinating. I pressed my palm on his chest. He picked up my hand and inhaled deeply before he closed his fist around my arm. He looked like was hiding his most prized treasure. I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them to see that he was gone. I cried till my maid Brigette came to tell me that Abe wanted to see me.

I came out to see my security were waiting for an explanation. They saw me and realized that I was missing Jasper. They sadly nod their heads as I walked past them. I wiped my face with my sleeve as I walked towards the throne room. Abe saw me and asked me to go and get myself cleaned up. He needs my help so I dragged my legs up the stairs and down the corridor till I got to my room. The tub was filled with milk and rose petals. I soaked in the concoction for an hour and came downstairs.

A soldier was waiting outside the door. He was told that he is not allowed inside. When Aaron saw me he pushed the soldier aside before he opened the door. Soren happily greeted me and he said that the humans want to create an alliance. They want to bridge the gap between nocturnals and humans. One of the humans have proposed that I marry a human. To which Abe snarled a no. I agreed with Abe. I still ache for Jasper. I think that there is something suspicious about this idea. The werewolves were roaring their disapproval loudly. Soren apologized and he said that he will tell the human to forget about it.

I walked out to my cottage and saw a human staring at it. I walked in and locked the door. He knocked on it and Oleg dragged him away. The man said that soon Oleg will have to bow to him calling him master. I recalled Enrique saying that and I burst out laughing. Igor snarled that he is going this idiot to the nearest mental hospital. The doctor needs to administer a seven day course of shock therapy and then he will understand that he is not a master but a fool. The other werewolves started to laugh as he whimpered.

I came out to see a group of new werewolves were gathered outside. I politely waved, "My lords and ladies. I am pleased to meet all of you" they bowed to show their respects. I sensed kindness from them. I blushed as I watered my garden and sat on the swing. I watched as the birds flew back and forth in the air. A new garage opened a few doors away. I stopped by the butcher's shop to get some meat. I offered it to the mechanic as a peace offering. He asked me if there was a particular car that I liked. I said that I missed my mother's thunderbird. He asked me to describe it and I did. He smiled as I explained how I felt those days. I realized that I was stopping him from work so I wished him well and walked back to my cottage.

It was my turn to stand guard and a group of werewolves came to protect me. I extended my senses and told them that the wall on the east end is a little weak. A few swipes with a sledgehammer should knock it out. One of the werewolves was a construction worker so he said that he have his crew re-enforce it first thing in the morning. They said they will get to work after they are done fixing the clinic. Humans tried to sneak in through the sewers. One person tried to mail himself in. The most hilarious was the one who snuck inside Zack's car (Zack is a vampire and his wife hasn't decided what she wants to be). I sensed it as he closed the trunk. I waited to see if he noticed or not. I called him as he was approaching the gate and he was surprised that I knew his number. When the shock wore off he turned the car around. He stormed out of his car and opened the trunk

He stopped exactly where the guy had hopped in. He refused to come out even after it was proven that he had snuck in. Aaron dove inside and fearlessly threw him out of the car. The guy was screaming that he wanted to see. Zack called to thank me. He said the first thing he is going to do when he comes inside was to fix the all the locks.

When day break arrived I found out why the humans were interested in marrying me. They were told that I only protect my family. I only help the humans when I am commanded to do so. They even mentioned that someone had said that I should stick to my own species. This was a direct violation of the accords between humans and nocturnals. So now they are trying to amend the rules to allow me to help them. I said I will do so that if I am not being harassed by scientists and soldiers to make replicas of me. That was the amendment added to the treaty. A law was passed saying that any experiments on non-humans are henceforth banned. A nocturnal or zombie willingly or unwillingly can't be a test subject. Their biological samples can't be taken either while they are alive or off their corpse. People can't give their test subjects weird scientific nicknames or some crazy sub categories to make it legitimate to experiment on them either. The list goes on infinitely. There were a few intellectuals who were very upset with this new law. They protested their opinion and they were told to accept life as it is. Abe accepted the law under one condition. The military can't walk in and order people around like it was their god given right. The government agreed and the military waved the white flag. So I agreed to help as long as I didn't get the feeling this situation is a trap. People better stop dictating my life. Abe and Soren are allowed to tell me things because they are the leaders. But humans in general better understand that controlling me won't make their lives better. Abe understood this was because of the marriage thing.