
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 20

I went out for my morning jog and saw a few people were gathered. Oleg was curious but I told to mind his own business since it could be a trap. Igor and Roland used their enhanced senses to find out what was going on. They saw that it was a group meeting to initiate neighborhood watch on the nights that the werewolves aren't out patroling. I started my jog and saw that the construction workers were fixing the hole. I waved as I ran passed them. They waved back at me. I ran past a bagel shop, florist, an art gallery, a fresh food store and a shop that sells can goods.

I ran till I reached the city centre and sat on one of the benches. I watched people go about their usual routine. The bald Samoan man and the prankster sat on either side. Kiska growled at them. They raised their hands and got up. The prankster introduced herself as Carmen Cortez. The man introduced himself as Aputi. I was about to introduce myself but the others asked me to get and continue jogging. Aputi asked if I could come with him on a mission. I linked with Abe and asked if he has approved or not. He said that he is sending Derek to answer me. I was told to keep them busy so I did. Derek arrived in under a minute. He showed the holographic imaging of Abe and they spoke to him. Aputi said, "Since you are not here it doesn't count." Kiska arrived with Hyperion guards. They are the Abe's personal bodyguards. That makes it real so the two walked away.

They curtsied with a smile on their faces. They gave me a present and wished me happy birthday. I had forgotten about it. I haven't celebrated in years. A few hundreds to be precise. Abe invited me to celebrate it. He is inviting everyone. The nocturnals at least. I said that I will meet Abe's helix in twenty minutes. I ran back home and got cleaned up and dressed for the occasion.

We arrived in Central and Abe was waiting for me along with others. We used the elevators to reach the throne room. People were happily applauding. When I stood on the raised platform everyone sang happy birthday. I blushed and covered my face. When they were done I ate the cake and we all danced before Soren gave a speech.

"For a few hundred years we have been enemies but now we are one big family. This was done with Sasha's help. She has gone above and beyond. She protected us against the menace that humans had created and she has invented things that can help us survive. Her latest endeavor was to have a language to unite us. We started unfairly with one being superior while the other was inferior. But now we are moving towards equality. This is proof that progress marches on. Thank you Sasha for making this dream a reality. Happy birthday to you. Here's to many more birthdays with you." People applauded and some whistled. A few said that they are very happy that I am a part of their life. Another five hours of partying before Abe called it a day.

After the party I showed Abe what was going on behind his back. Three hybrids came in and tried to shoot everyone. But I managed to get the guns out of their hands. Abe gave the orders for everyone to remain where they are. Abe told them to stand down and they didn't. I asked permission to subdue them. Abe said that it is not necessary as he wants these kids to understand authority since their family clearly failed to do so. They lunged at Abe and he backed away. The kids struck and managed to harm him. The Hyperion guards charged at them. These kids were fast but they were overpowered in minutes. Their parents begged for their release. Their words fell on deaf ears. We showed them the attack. Abe wasn't very pleased with these young ones. He sent them to a prison in Pearl under the condition that they never leave it. If not they are more than happy to shove inside an iron maiden laced with nightshade where they will rot for the rest of their lives. One of them made the mistake of chucking a knife at Abe's wife. I pushed her away and ducked as the knife pierced the wall. Abe was frozen for a moment. In a blink of he turned werewolf and ripped the kids to pieces. The parents were weeping over the remains. Abe almost killed the parents too but Soren and I stopped him. He apologized for going overboard. The cleaning crew came with chemicals to dissolve the blood. The law dictates that we can't bleed hybrid. Enhancing days are over so they washed Abe's hands thoroughly before they cleaned everywhere else.

I arrived home a week later and the road was blocked. I heard what was going on so I made myself invisible. The ex-October guards came with dogs and I managed to convince it to say I wasn't inside. They got pissed as they closed the door. They made a plan to westwards but they needed the extra help. I was out of the question but that didn't stop then from trying. Soren gave them an earful before they were sent to their posts.

Abe had talked about expanding property for the residents both native and non-native residents. The cities and towns were overcrowding now. This is becoming an issue so he said go westwards and acquire land there. So these men and women were going home in a manner of speaking. They were hoping for re-enforcements and they got it in the form of humans and werewolves but they wanted this to be discreet so they requested me. They were told that they will take those that he has provided or stay here and let someone else handle it. They pretended to get along but this retaliation was not overlooked. They were given vacation time and were sent to their respective home.

Tyler and Moses was sent to acquire new lands and they came back with a few survivors. The new property had the original type of zombies. Blueish gray skin, a few missing teeth, wide eyed and moaning. This place will require some serious firepower. Abe sent me. It took me two minutes and they were all dead. The construction workers arrived with the Magna guards (the residents of Excalibur) Soren arrived with them so he said that I can go back home. I asked for permission and went back home.

I was upsidedown on a tree in the park when a gray haired man walked under the tree. He was shocked to see how I was dangling. He asked me to come and I said that I don't take orders from strangers. The man introduced himself as Major Andrew Sullivan. He was hoping that we could talk. I smiled, "I heard the conversation that you had with Abe. He has been betrayed enough to have trust issues. I am sorry but I am not helping unless he says so. I worked hard to earn his trust and I am not about break his trust." Abe walked to the tree and looked up smiling, "Hey kiddo wanna come down so we can go for a ride. I think we found The Citadel." I jumped down. Abe continued, "Soren and the council made it clear that The Citadel is off limits." I nod to agree, "That property was made by my father for personal safety so I am afraid that the building and the land around it is off limits."

I saw the drone footage. I confirmed it was my home so Abe had the footage deleted and people were ordered to go in a different direction. Abe asked if everyone should forget the place. I said that I will think about it. Soren smiled as he remembered what I did when first got there. I recalled days where I close my eyes pretending to sleep. Marcus would carry me inside and tuck me in bed before he takes his post.

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