
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 1

The vampire Miranda in the council asked me to extend my hand to show her. She wants to find out if what I felt for Jasper was genuine or not. I extended my hand and show her all the emotions I felt with Jasper. She chuckled, "You had a crush my dear. Love feels different. Think about it" I walked out like I had been slapped.

I sat in the train that took me to Umbrella fortress. Within seconds of my arrival I see Python (a vampire) was fighting Briggs (a human) about some nonsense again. The two of them are always fighting. If I separate these two they get anxious but when they are close by they fight. I walked in and dubbed them husband and wife. This ended the fight immediately. This had everyone else started laughing. I waited a moment before requesting everyone to get back to their stations.

The giants bats were harmless but the occasional mutt was twice the trouble as an intelligent one. So for the time being flying is only option. We were working on invisibility or stealth capability so we can remain hidden longer when engaging with the enemy. I had a feeling that once the zombies were killed it will once again human against nocturnals. I was promised that it will not happen.

I came home and was confronted by a crowd of people who claim equality. They said they should have the right to be nocturnals too. I said, "Troublemakers are not made nocturnals. We like the peace and quiet" One of the women said, "How come there is so few of your kind?" I smiled, "Genetics" I showed her a video on nocturnal transformation. "Only few people's bodies accept the change the rest dies because to them the venom is poison. So your 'one size fits all' policy belongs on clothes not every situation. Different people have different traits. They are good at some and bad at others. These five fingers are not the same size. Yet each has a function" The dark knights came and was pushing the humans aside when one of them asked, "Would happen if I consumed your blood" I frowned, "Hybrid blood is toxic to humans. Our blood works like acid. It will dissolve you. I have seen it with my own eyes." The woman took a step back.

One of the dark knight said, "Also you have been consuming nightshade so your blood is now poisonous to us nocturnals too" One of the others protested, "That's not fair" I asked, "Would you like someone to walk in and take something from you without your permission?" She said, "No" I said, "Similarly I don't want someone steal from me either. I have a right to defend myself so I did this." She said, "What about the rest of us" I took a deep breath, "I am sorry if you have been through pain. I am sorry for your loss. But being a nocturnal is not the answer to your problems. Get therapy. Find yourself and stop believing that the grass is greener on the other side. And start planting trees to make your side greener. Be grateful for what you have been given. Work hard. Have a nice day."

For some weird reason Oleg let me drive today. I came home to flowers decorating the foyer. Some sent me daisies. The letter asked if I hated roses. I retorted, "I hate poetry. I feel like the person is a lying" Oleg started to laughed. Ivar asked, "Because they talk about impossible things?" I gave him a nod as I walked away. Jasper was there for some reason. I asked if he was responsible for this. I took the envelope and started to sniff it. It had a faint scent of coffee, stale tobacco and like someone lit a diaper on fire. Jasper started laughing along with everyone else. I made a mental note to keep an eye out for him. Sam promised to keep an eye out for this man. I realized that I was talking to a new vampire. We shook hands and talked about a few things.

I arrived at charity event and saw some of the equal rights protestors were there. They were glaring at me as I walked by. The host gave me a hug and then escorted me inside. We eat and drink and danced. My plus one for the was Johnathan. He is a werewolf. We talked and he kindly escorted me to my car and he hopped on his and drove away. I saw the protestors and asked Ivar to hide the antigens or it is possible that these people will try and humanize the rest of us. Derek assured me that only nocturnals have access to it so rest assured.

The protestor were allowed to run things in a desolate district for a month to show their stupidity. Most of them came to their senses in the ensuing chaos and left the movement. Some came up with wild theories about why they failed till reality were exposed and they had to apologize. The equal rights protestors dwindled till it was just two people. Sarah and Andy.

These two women were adamant that things will be better if certain things happened their way. They came wanting to be nocturnals. We did a genetic test. This proved that they will die if they get bitten. What irated them more was when they saw a twenty year old man named Ford being declared genetically compatible for transformation. He was asked to chose a side. He chose vampires. They gave him a schedule and he promised to set his affairs and join them in an hour.

In the end they were forcibly removed from the building. They were warned that if they create too much problems they will be evicted from Tsar. This shut them up as they were release. They started harassing the others so finally people had enough and they were evicted. They had their memory wiped and sent to the ghost town.

The nocturnals gathered to celebrate Link's birthday and I was invited to come. I just chose not to go. I sent him a present. It was a wind up ballerina music box. When they asked if was coming I said that wish to stay here in Luna. The antique dealer didn't question me and neither did the council. Link called me wanting an explanation. I said that I am needed here. Apparently Soren did the same. He stayed in Excalibur. The others celebrated Link's birthday.

A teenager came to see me at the park. He asked me if I liked the roses or daisies that he had sent. I said, "I like roses. I like them vibrant red but I hate poetry. I think it's a load of baloney." Oleg pressed his lips to stop laughing. He promised to remember that. He asked if I could be his plus one to a family dinner. I said that I am not interested in going out these days. I prefer solitude right now. He didn't push it. He smiled and walked away. I turned to the sky and close my eyes to feel the warm of the sun. I felt the subtle change in the weather so I pulled out an umbrella at the opportune time. The rain drops fell on a my open parasol.

Igor laughed, "That was funny. I think poetry is a load of baloney." Roland walked in and asked what was going on. He was informed that poetry guy arrived to talk and was told that it is baloney. He looked like he was slapped. He fumed, "I missed that. Seriously. What the heck? All this time I was hoping to see Sasha smack some sense into him and he shows up while I was away. This is nuts" he kicked the dirt out of his way and plopped next to me fuming.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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