
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 1

The captain spoke to the person in port and I was allowed to step in. The place looked like it did in the movies. Containers one on top of the other like a huge Jenga. Cranes and other machines were working like tongs moving the goods from the boats to the docks or vice versa. I asked where I can stay since I had no money. I was told that I could work here till inspection day. I had better hide since the military had a policy of taking the immigrants or people found lost at sea as part of their regiments. As luck would have it a member of the military was there. He called it in and I was taken to the where the detainees are kept. The zombies dug their way out and we were left to die as the military left. I opened the gates and got the detainees out as those things made their way into the compound. We got out only to have the military take.us with them. Their numbers were dwindling so they had no choice but to give us citizenship. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to get away and now I am a citizen.

We were taken to their strong hold. It was the prison where mom was killed. The floor was tiled but the rest looked it did when I stayed here. I looked out to see a bunch of guys carrying a few trunks pile high with anthracite. Coal in simple terms. It was dumped into a corner and it left to acquire more. People were seen with wheelbarrows taking as much they could to a building that was smoking nonstop. I sensed a generator inside.

We were escorted to the cell block B. We weren't given orange trainers. But they asked us what we good at. One of the detainees blurted that he is engineer so he was escorted to cell block A. He was given new clothes. The rest of us were told to get cleaned and meet them in the ground floor. We saw that the cells were empty but the corridor was lined with people. If anyone coughed the guards simply took the person to the med bay where they are forced to stay till their lungs clear. If they stay more than three weeks then the Colonel in charge of security would shoot them. This was done discreetly untill the doctors complained to his boss. He was warned not to do it again or he will kicked out of here. I realized that these people don't bother with faces so I quickly changed my before I showered. I changed into my newly provided clothes. I walked to the ground floor and sat on the sleeping bag they had provided. I was told not to leave the cell block or the guards will shoot me without hesitation.

I heard an excitement as the people from machine city was heard coming over in a weeks time. They were sure that I was here in this decrepit city. They were coming special sensors and other equipment that they were sure would help in my capture. I knew I had to find out what it was so I volunteered to help out. They gave me the job as an assistant in the warden's office. I swept the floor, brought coffees and made sure to keep an eye on the inventory of the items necessary for this facility to function.

The dreaded day arrived and the guy in the warden's office walked out feeling elated. His name is David but his title is The General. He is almost six feet tall, had a pot belly and was balding. He welcomed them warmly as they laid their equipments. I got to see motion sensors, thermal sensors and other types of spectrometers. One them can apparently detects if anyone runs at an inhuman speed. But this sensor won't activate if the person runs faster nine hundred kilometers per hour. I can do that easily. They explained that the reason they were late is because they had already placed electrified nets on the sea and the river so if I try to swim then they will catch me. I had to wait till the ship arrives. I found out from one of the guards that Europe considered Saber an enemy so no ship from Europe shows up here so anyone wants to go there must go to Canada. I knew that going there will be a challenge. But it was worth it.

The guards were going through shifts collecting both types of zombies. The first type is called Rage. These don't look like zombies at all. Like I have mentioned these guys have a pattern that resemble zombies but not quite there. Since they didn't eat people for the most part they were extremely violent. They can be killed by getting shot in the chest. The other type is called Munchers. These are like the zombies from the movies. They can only be killed with a massive trauma to the head or severing the spinal column. Both have brute strength and it takes eight or more men to subdue these guys. Both Saber and machine city examine these zombies in the hopes of curing these guys but unfortunately that wasn't going to happen.

One of the disgruntled workers got pissed for being paid less for overtime so he let them loose on the building. I took the time to collect what I needed and walked out. I wore a hoodie, a medical mask and glasses so no one would know it was me. As I walked out casually the people above me saw that both of types of zombies stepped aside to let me through. This made them realized that I was here. Since I was supposed to be the only one with that ability. One of the guards waited till I reached the door to jump off the balcony. They grabbed my bag. I knew if I wanted to be I had to let my bag go. So I let him have my bag and ran as fast as my legs would allow me. I had to made sure he didn't tag me in anyway. I searched myself head to toe then I remembered that they can spray some chemical to tag someone so I quickly changed my clothes.

I sensed the layout of the city. I heard what machine city said. They can't detect me but if something appears from one place to another they can calibrate the machine. They can detect the speed of which I travel. This meant that I would have to change my looks and walk human speed out here. I can't head towards the train station so I headed to the river. I sensed fishing nets so I can't swim. These people had me at a disadvantage. So I had no choice but to drink nightshade. It doesn't stun me anymore but it will take away my abilities. But on the plus side both types of zombies won't make room for me. They will close to me but they won't kill me. They will ignore me as they always have to do their business. I can move with the crowd and get to where ever I need to go. I just need to make my body temperature is the same as these creatures. So the trial begins.