
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 19

I was enjoying a bowl of Ramen when I heard a commotion in the foyer. I asked Chelsea what was going on. She didn't answer soi used xray vision to find out who it was. It was the bald one. I said nothing as Kiska walked to the door to tell him that this ain't his grandma's house. The man tried to break down the door but he didn't know that the door painted to look like wood but it is re-enforced steel. He broke his arm and was sent to the hospital. The werewolves were pissed that people can walk in like they own the place they called building security and they fixed the elevator so you need a special keycard ot fob to get to my floor.

We were getting bored so I proposed that we acquire land to cultivate as population grew. So Abe gave permission to turn the ghost town into a habitable zone. The fire to go there were drones to see if it was safe. Then went construction workers and they demolished the entire town. The rubble was moved. Then Abe ordered that I go there myself to ensure that the zombies won't eat anyone. My tent was pitched and everyone took their places around me. I extended my senses and the others went to work.

They started way from Excalibur and moved their way in. Work was done simultaneously. Some worked on the railroad. Others worked on the foundation of the buildings. It took twenty construction companies working in three shifts all day and night to finish building the city under a year. Abe came to inspect the place and the brooding man asked if I can get a job. The answer was a simple no. I warned him that Abe has a temper so don't push his luck. An hour of yelling later the man went back to his position. I on the other hand asked Abe if I can a place of my own. I wanted my little cottage back. He grinned as he showed me why that request is denied. He pointed at woman that smelled like chemicals. I am guessing she is scientist. Abe smiled, "Spot on dear little one." The new town was named Robin's nest. They had to build a trench to keep zombies and other monstrosities away. By monstrosities I mean the Indian menace and his followers.

Charlie came as I walked towards my bullet train. It arrived at torpedo speed. The pranksters and others watched from a distance as it took me back home. The werewolves greeted me with a smile. I bowed and greeted them respectfully. We were talking when the helix landed. The city security arrived along with Derek. He said that he got a transmission from the direction of Terrance Ranch.

I asked if I could go but the answer was simple I can only go if I take someone with me. So I volunteered Jaxx, Martinez, Ortiz and Foreman. Abe approved and we walked out of the throne room. I hopped on my bullet train and the others in their respective trains. We reached the outskirts of Robin's nest and I changed my looks so nobody would recognize me. Jaxx was grinning the entire time. We managed to walk a few miles and I sensed a trap. It was thin wires attached to grenades.

We walked around it and found ourselves in front of a wasteland. This place resembled a junkyard. We walked carefully and managed to get out alive. I told them not to hot wire any vehicle since I can sense these cars are rigged to explode when the engine starts. So we kept walking. After five hour trekking we reached a forest where humans cover them self with Zombie gut and wears a mask to dupe them. They didn't like that we were here. They said that they like this way of life since they more free. I reached out to sense where the message came from. It sounded like a robot talking. The voice as not human or nocturnal. This infuriated me as I knew this while thing was a trap. We were about to leave when we saw a family driving away from the zombies. There were many others that followed short after. Some of them were trying to get safety while the other were trying to get them so they can rip them apart or use them for experimentation.

I used a tire iron to stop the bad guys. The vehicle leapt into the air and fell upside down. The people got out and started to shoot everywhere. The zombies got bored of the escapees and turned to face the October guards. The men and women were firing round after round as we walked past unnoticed. When we reached the Shotokan. It is a narrow bridge that goes over a steep cliff. We walked single file and made it to other side.

We walked till we saw a series of shipping containers stacked on top of each other. They were empty. We walked till we found a vehicle that was not rigged. We drove till we reached the sea. I used echolocation and found out that these goonies (Zombie makers) have made a working laboratory under the sea. This was where the Indian menace was working from. We took a boat and got destination. We dove into the cool waters swam till we reached the Lab. It looked like a bunch of Igloos connected by large pipes. We opened the top hatch and snuck in. We closed the door and kept turning what looked like steering wheel using by pirates. Once the door was locked we pushed a button that drain the water. When the water receded we were able to open the door.

I used my sense of smell to identify where we were supposed to go. Jaxx poked his head out a door whispered, "Look. Look.This is where the zombies are being made. These documents prove it. These documents look even more fishy. It looks to me like they are trying to make clones. He has been trying to get you. I guess is his way immortality." I told him to keep walking till we find the weapons room. We are gonna blow this place to bits. Soon we found people kept in sedative state. They were laying on bed with tube sticking everywhere. I sensed around to find a submarine that could transport us out of here. I extended my other senses to find the weapons room. It was on the opposite side of the hallway. I snuck in and snatched a few bombs and guns.

We looked to find a way to wake them up. We checked the entire med bay and found the serum. We used it on them and they came with us willingly. The scientists were busy making new nonsensical serum for the menace. The Indian menace was asleep. We told them why were here and they thanked us for waking them. We found a dozen dead bodies. We also found survivors strapped to beds. We released them and walked away to blow up this place. Some even helped us lay explosive devices all over. We hopped into the submarine and we got away. The submerged Lab blew up with a bang. We had to stuff our fingers in our ears to muffle it. We surfaced near the beach and ran towards the cars we saw. The tests subjects directed us to Terrance Ranch.

The place was said to be a lush field with a cowboy style living. This place was charred, dismal and dead. Burnt skeletons were strewn all over. Some skeletons belonged to the elderly while others were children. I fell to my knees and cry. The nearest person soothed me before they ran to find the underground bunker. Several families came running towards the survivors. We waited ti the reunion was over and introduced ourselves. The survivors explained that I set them free. The families were pleased to hear that. I showed them a holographic image of Tsar. We explained everything and they said yes. It seems that these wanted a place to settle down. They asked if there any red skins there. I clarified that they are native Americans. This is their land that we are using. We don't drive people out of their homes to make room for others. We live as a community. The people said that they prefer to remain here.

I showed them a picture of a girl and they froze stiff. I let them know that she is looking for her family. I am here to take there. An elderly man and woman walked forward. I think it was the guy in charge came forward. He said that if they leave they can't come back. The elderly couple took their belongings and with us. We walked towards the car the man said we are to leave the cars and walk. Jazz and the others pointed their guns at him. The moron took a step forward and Foreman fired a round. The bullet grazed his ear and everyone stepped back. We got in the car and drove them back to Excalibur. When the girl found out her family were here she came delightfully. She stood by quarantine zone till they were allowed to move in with her. Ortiz and Martinez gave each other high-fives.

Please tell me what you think I love to hear from your opinion. Much love peace

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts