
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 19

I went back rescue my friends. I filled the necessary stuff into the belongings of my friends and gave it to them. I told the kids to come with me before the army start killing them. I wasn't about let them have parents only to lose them again. The little ones ran with Sonja towards the bus. I was about to run when Alice's mom grabbed my arm and called out to Shaw's unit. She declared that she has me in her custody. She did this to make sure that the army did not kill her or Alice. I squeezed her hand hard and she let go in pain. I told the others to run towards the bus with their bags and they did. I grabbed my stuff and more in a flash. I met them outside as they raced to the bus. We hopped on to the bus and drove till we saw a rocket coming at us. We swerved and it missed us. So we ditched the bus and ran. I picked up my half of the supply and burned the bus. I saw a familiar building so I asked them to get in there. I quickly carried all the children inside. Sonja and others held the kids hands and followed where the kids were. We went downstairs and I directed everyone into the basement quietly and carefully not to leave tracks.

Soon I heard the drones flying in the direction of the bus so I quickly opened the secret room and asked them to get in. I closed the door and waited till they passed. I heard a grumbling sound and realized that the kids were hungry. I forgot to mention this. I packed each bag differently. Only two bags had clothes in them. Two bags had meds in them. The other bags had food in them. So I opened the bag and rummaged to see what was inside. I found spaghetti sauce, pasta, some cheese so I started to cook. When I was done I saw that the kids were using flashlights. I realized that I cooked the entire meal in the dark. I flipped the switch and everyone can see clearly the room was the safest place for them. They were huddling together till I turn the light on. I set the table and kids dove into the food. The others did the same.

I then turned on the TV screens to see what was going on. I searched the bags till I found the walkie talkie and kept turning the dial till I heard the military talking to each other. They were going to search the place building by building. Let them try because as far as I know this place is not on any city records. The walls are painted and re-enforced in such a way that no x-ray or scanner can detect what is inside.

They finally arrived at our building. They spend at least three hours here before they left for the next grid point. The entire time I watch them from the monitors. I was shaking with rage and pain. When they left I fell on my knee and I started to cry. Sonja hugged me. She tried to console me. But I just cried till I felt completely empty. The twins came running and hugged me. They explained that their mommy and daddy was murdered in front of them too. They were scared till they met me. Angus kissed my cheek and thanked me for saving them thrice. They both promised to save my life one day. Behind them the others opened the bags to see what I brought with me. They saw that I brought us enough food supply for least three months. We had a working toilet and other necessities was already there as well so no worries. They spread the sleeping bag and went to sleep. I climb the ceiling and dove into memories of my donor. I suppose this is my way sleeping now. I did make sure I didn't chase the white rabbit or I will fall into the rabbit hole. What I meant was I didn't immerse into the memory like it was my own or I might lose all sense of reality.

The next morning we all took a shower and sat for breakfast. We all tried to figure out how we are going to get out of this city. I became invisible to go and investigate the safest way out but they decided this was the answer. I closed the door and made sure that no one will find it and set a trap in case they ever returned. We left after we made sure nobody has to use the bathroom. We managed to get out of the city and reach the woods. We found the SUV that I had ditched because it ran out of gas. They were concerned till I said I will take care of it. So I changed my look and ran to a car dealership. I found a minivan so I drove it to the gas station. I filled 5 gallon bottles with gas. I rummaged the store for snacks, extra clothes, water and other beverages. I made sure nobody followed me. I drove back to the others. We split the stuff into two. I went back one more time to the car dealership and found a family car. I drove it to the others and this time bringing more stuff I felt we would need. They filled the tank with gas and I brought extra in case we come to place where we might not find any. After we were certain we had everything we needed. We hopped in cars and we drove off.

Sonja's mom Karolina drove the SUV we got from Windsor. Some of the kids from the orphanage was in the backseat. Her Sister Victoria sat in front with the Chinese girl Mei Ling in her lap. In the driver seat of the Minivan sat Daisy's mom with her daughter on shotgun. The rest of the kids from the orphanage was sitting there. I drove the family car Sonja sat shotgun. Angela, Annie and Angus were happily sitting in the backseat. In all three cars were the stuff I hauled from all over the city that we could use. On the way I sensed that trouble was coming and I was right.

The girls that tried to rob us was waiting to ambush the next to drive by. I used the walkie talkies I got from the electronic store and gave the ladies a heads up. We drove past them without a care in the world. They stopped pretending that their car was broken and got in their car to chase us. I remembered stopping by the police station while I was picking up a few things. A few tasers, a couple of handcuffs, a shot gun and a few rounds, a gun that shoots bean bags and also a spike strip. Sonja figured out what I was thinking and asked that I don't do it. I told them if they catch us we are dead.

Karolina stepped on the gas pedal and drove as fast she could. The other car kept pursuing us. Finally they decided to shoot at us. Then Daisy said to do whatever I had in mind. I asked Angela to pull out the spike strip and decided otherwise. Sonja pulled out the shotgun and shot the electric pole. It fell down and started shooting electricity as though it was buying us some time. The girls turned the car around and they drove in the opposite direction. We thanked God and watched the scenery changed to from lush forest to dilapidated houses. We drove till we found a ghost town. There was a few people waiting at the train station. They heard that it transports people in exchange for meds or food. We had those in spades so we drove there. The train was arriving and the family waiting realized that they weren't alone. First they were jumpy thinking it was zombies but calmed down when they saw it was us.

The train arrived and the conductor called out to us silently to board the train. The tiny family was first to walk in. They gave him a few canned goods. They examined the stuff for the expiration date and allowed them to enter. We stepped forward and had to give him a week's worth of food and a first aid kit and a few packets of seeds as payment to board the train. He happily ushered us in. The kids got in first then us teenagers and finally the adults. We were escorted to our carriages as the train took off to take us away from this mayhem towards safety. We said bye bye to the life we will can no longer go back to.