
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 18

I arrived at the school the nest day to hear that a student was kidnapped. It was a girl called Ember. She is a senior. I shook my head as I tried to process how I am going to find her. It felt like a century went by before the bell rang. I quickly made my way out to see one of my guards waiting for someone outside on a bike. I asked him to take me the public library where I can focus. He was here to flirt with one of the teachers but he ditched her when he realized that I wanted to find a missing girl.

He drove me there and called it in. I sat by the window and was about to echolocation when Kenneth asked me why I wanted to come here of all places. I simply said that I want a quiet place to extend my senses. I made it clear to them that they be quiet. I took a deep breath and send out a signal. I found her in a minutes and half. Reaching her location will be a challenge. She was locked up in a place that was close to a facility owned by machine city imbeciles. I took a deep breath and asked for the keys. They made it clear that they will drive me wherever it is I needed to go.

When we got there I made it clear that we need to be careful otherwise we will be huge trouble. They promised to be as careful as possible since they understood that a child's life was at stake. A few of them were ex-military so they managed to get in and get her out. It turns out they had worked Ember's older brother. One of them called it in and the rest was snowballed. Police arrived and so did the media. I asked the guys to get me out of here since I don't want anyone to see me here. They obliged my request and I was back in the estate. Ember's brother Kyle decided that she should come with me.

I came downstairs and was questioned by a few curious police officers about how I managed to find her when others didn't. I made a few stuff up and the rest story was completed by the security. The council politely asked me to not meddle with human affairs unless it involves a rogue werewolf or vampire. I had to give them my word that I will not be involved in anymore missing persons cases. The council was curious how I had managed to find her. I said it was instincts. They took my word for it and left. The others were more inquisitive. They wanted to know what else I could do. Apparently this new generations of vampires can't see anything when they drink blood. They don't have the ability to climb walls or anything. They were just plain old story book style vampires. They are immune to sunlight so that was the only advantage they had. They had an antidote that they used to negate the effects of nightshade. The antidote only works if it is injected in the first thirty seconds. I was informed that it is far more deadly to them than it was for the previous type of vampires.

My kind of vampires exist and they are the high ranking ones while these guys are low rank. They were curious so I asked them to get rid of the human so I can get some work done. I had five homework assignments to finish. They promised to continue this later. I promised that it won't happen unless I have the approval of the others. I don't want to create trouble. I strolled around the garden for a minute and then I went to take a shower.

I finished my homework and walked out for fresh air. Ember and Kyle were still here. They felt that it was the only safe place till he found somewhere else to live. I reminded them this place is not for humans. There are those who can't control their thirst. If one of them happens to be here when that happens it would be mean sever punishment for all of us. Because we exposed ourselves to humans. With that they were moved to the guesthouse where they remained for a week.

They wanted to know what I can do. I requested that they give it a rest. They were persistent. I wanted to say that when I drink blood I can see their entire life and have learned to do a lot of things. Before I could say anything I heard a noise so I casually walked up the wall till I reached the ceiling. I took a good look around and came back down to tell them we have an intruder. They had better take care of it. They remained perfectly still for a few minutes so I clapped my hand loudly to get them back to reality. They quickly ran to arrest the intruder and found out the person is a cop. He had snuck in out of curiosity. He didn't like the answer I had given so he snuck in wanting answers about how I actually managed to find Ember. This pissed me off in so many ways. I filed a complaint and was promised that this won't happen again. The security team wanted to know what else I can do. I just walked back to my room and locked the door.

The next day I was met with a lot of curious people that wanted to know why they can't do it. The only explanation that I had was that in order to be able to with stand sunlight they had to sacrifice something other trait in them. They asked me what else was the secret. I asked if the werewolves had managed to get immunity from silver. The answer was yes so that explained a lot actually. They realized that they maybe have none of the weaknesses of their predecessor but they lost out on gifts that made them special.

They wanted to know more but like I said I kept my mouth shut. They didn't know I can become invisible. I had made the people I had rescued from the blockade forget what I had done. The only thing they knew was that I can climb walls. So they started reading comic books and folklore to ask me pointed questions. I played deaf since it would only hurt their feelings that they are unable to do them. They promised not to hold it against me if I come clean. I have seen how Molly behaved when she realized that she wasn't that awesome. I had a feeling that one of these guys will turn out like her. I just hope that I don't expose us to humans.

A week later we took a school field trip where we hopped on a bus that was going to Lush views. I saw the constellations in the sky and realized that I was going to Green dale. I waited till we reached there to see my old house. It was still one of the places that had huge property. The other places had sold out a piece of their land. The place started to look like a town. The property is called Valentina after Irene's grandma. The main house looked amazing as before. It was as though I had never left. I had only turned a corner and returned home. There were a few people there wanting to buy land from there but the owners made it clear that it is not for sale. This house belongs Bilyk women. The custodian was a woman in her forties. We were escorted to a motel but the rooms were overbooked so I said that I will stay with a friend. I promised to be here in the morning. I waited till my classmates had left before I walked off to Valentina. I saw the property with joy. As I approached the place I saw the old woman by the window so I changed my looks to resemble me again. The woman saw me from where she was and ushered me to get inside before I get myself in danger. A man in a butler uniform let me in. I was taken to the study where she was waiting for me. I hugged her and saw that her features matched that of Sonja.

I asked her how she knew me since they burned my pictures. She smiled, "We burned copies of your pictures. We kept them in case you show up. And you do out of concern. I was wondering when you will show up. I need an extra pair of hands." I asked her how she is going to introduce me. She smiled, "I can introduce you as my niece. Just let me know when it is possible for you to stay with me." I told her that I have another three months before I can be free to do anything. She smiled, "Perfect timing. I will have the papers ready. Now how did you get here?" I explained why I was here and she happily pointed the place out that I will be going before she stuffed her fingers in her ears. I looked at where she was pointing at and I swore like a sailor. It was the cornfields. Dear God protect us. Girls frequently go missing in there. Their dead body is found a few days after. This place was the reason I built the periscope, a telescope and had guard dogs all over the place. Not to mention I would patrol the entire place when the sunsets. She saw my face and retorted that the place has improved since this place became a town. I asked her if she sold any of the property. She swore by God most graceful that she didn't sell an inch. There are those who want to buy but since this is a land owned by multiple people it is impossible to get their hands on it.